Pulmonary embolism – Diagnostic Chart
Coronary vein ulcers. Coronary veins are also pharyngeal arches descendants and are sensitively supplied by the cerebral cortex. Coronary vein, as well as cervical ulcers always occur together in women. In men, it affects the seminal vesicle….
- Male loss of territory,
- Female sexual frustration conflict
- handedness and hormonal status is decisive
For women:
- Right-handed
- Left-handed in schizophrenic constellation
For men:
- Left-handed with mania after the first conflict, without constellation. With constellation only when the right cerebral conflict is activated.
- Right-handed in the schizophrenic constellation.
- Right-handed, if old, feminine, or hormonally disturbed. Particular case: Hormonal stalemate, with emphasis on the left cerebral Hamer Focus.
- It breaks your heart,
- It makes your heart bleed,
- You broke my heart
Hamer Focus:
HH in tachycardic cardiac rhythm center left periinsular.
In addition, HH also left lateral in cerebellum if archaic nesting component present.
Active phase:
Coronary vein ulcers with mild angina pectoris
Swelling of the coronary vein intima-mucosa..
2 to 6 weeks later: epileptoid crisis! (so-called “pulmonary embolism.” Real “thrombus emboli” are found. However, these do not originate from any deep leg veins, as previously assumed, but from the coronary vein ulcers in the healing process. The coronary veins open into the right atrium of the heart. This is also where the “thrombi” torn off from the coronary vein ulcers as healing clot crusts. They clog individual pulmonary artery branches.
Symptoms: Epileptoid crisis (also female right myocardial infarction), more precisely: pulmonary embolic acute right myocardial infarction. It is always accompanied by tachycardia, tremor, feeling of annihilation, dyspnea, centralization, etc.
Therapy: High-dose cortisone after or already during the epileptoid crisis, which decides over life and death.
CAUTION, the cortisone injection lasts only a few hours. After that, the danger may be as great again, if no further injections follow, possibly. Switch to tablets.
- Psychic: a sense of annihilation and anxiety
- Cerebral: Absence, tachycardia and tachyarrhythmia, ventricular flutter
- Organic: pulmonary embolism due to tearing loose of healing crusts,
- centralization, shortness of breath, pain
Biological Sense:
Widening of the coronary veins
Coronary veins are also pharyngeal arches descendants and sensitively supplied by the cerebral cortex. Coronary veins and cervical ulcers always occur together in women. In males, there are naturally only coronary vein ulcers.
Note by GHK Academy
The diagnostic chart dated from 2006 when Dr. Hamer prescribed the drug cortisone for pulmonary embolism and myocardial infarction. The idea was to use the cortisone’s sympathicotonic effect to prevent the patient from going into vagotonia, thus intensifying the crisis and prolonging the healing phase. Then – according to the reasoning – the patient would more easily return to eutony after the crisis. A flat curve is easier to manage than a sharp one.
Dr. Hamer completely abandoned the use of cortisone for pulmonary embolism and myocardial infarction. He discovered that cortisone does not have a purely sympathicotonic effect, like coffee, for example. The cortisone acts as if a conflict relapse had happened.