Handedness in Germanische Heilkunde
The Clap Test
An essential criterion in Germanische Heilkunde® is the handedness of the patient. Because without the determination of the left- or right-handedness, one cannot work in the Germanische Heilkunde® at all. Just as it is necessary to know the age of the patient, the sex, and whether there are any hormonal peculiarities or interventions to be considered (birth control pills, ovariectomy/radiation, chemo, hormone intake, menopause, etc.), it is also necessary to know whether the patient is right-handed or left-handed.
Everyone can determine this for themselves:

If you applaud as in the theater, then the hand on top is the leading one, i.e., it determines the handedness. If the right hand is on top, then you are right-handed. Conversely, if the left hand is on top, then one is left-handed from the brain.
This test is essential to determine which brain hemisphere a person works because many retrained left-handed people consider themselves right-handed. However, they usually remember that they can do with their left certain things that right-handed people can only do with their right hand. For example, many have been trained to write with the right hand and therefore think they are right-handed.
Left- and right-handedness begins in the brain, more specifically, from the cerebellar mesoderm onwards.

From the cerebellum mesoderm onwards, right-handedness and left-handedness become essential. In contrast, they have practically not played any role in the brainstem yet.
That means: With the beginning of the very first cell division, the development of the computer part “cerebellum” already begins, and with it, the differentiation into right-handedness and left-handedness. Because we see the “laterality” only in the organs controlled by the cerebellum. It is partly belonging to the cerebellum bridge angle, the connection of the brainstem and cerebellum. Therefore, the correlation is crossed from the brain to the organ for all cerebellum relays and the entire cerebrum. Nevertheless, cerebellum and cerebrum relays differ from each other, although handedness applies to both in the same way.

In the cerebellum, the conflicts strike strictly according to the affiliation of the conflict content in relation to the organ, i.e., the cerebellar sides are each conflict-thematically bound.
A mother/child care conflict always hits the right lateral cerebellum in a right-handed woman concerning the left breast’s mammary glands. Even if there is another conflict because of another child or, e.g., an additional daughter/mother care conflict for their own mother.
However, we have to differentiate here right away; but only for the case when the mother or father may no longer or only partially feel their adult child as “child,” e.g., when “their child” is distinctly hostile towards them.

Conflict content and organ reference are also conflict-thematically bound in the cerebral medulla of the cerebrum. With all motor paralyzes, just as with the bone skeleton or with the sensory paralyzes, it also depends on the left- or right-handedness of the affected person: In the right-handed person, for example, all the muscles on the right side of the body have to do with partners, and all the muscles on the left side have to do with children or one’s mother. In the left-handed person, all muscles of the body’s left side have to do with partners. And those on the right side have to do with children or their own mother. In the case of bilateral paralysis, both groups have always been involved. In the DHS as well, at least in thought.
The only exception is when a particular muscle happens to be affected locally. For example, because someone’s foot gets caught in the car seatbelt, causing him to hit his head hard. But the normal striated muscles of our skeleton and our skin’s regular sensory system are unambiguously assigned to the mother or child and, on the other hand, to the partners.
In cortical cerebrum-controlled conflicts, the brain’s relation to the organ is no longer evident as in the cerebellum. The only exception here is the ductal mammary duct ulcer Ca, which is tightly coupled to the cerebellar relay for the mammary glands in laterality and handedness. However, since the organs here are only partially arranged in pairs, the left- and right-handedness and the instantaneous conflict situation decide which relay in the brain can now become the HH and which organ is then affected.
From organ to the brain or from the brain to organ, the correlation is always evident. Only with the correlation between psyche and brain or brain and psyche, the left- and right-handedness is essential because it also decides about the conflict/brain pathway. Thus, also, about which “diseases” the patients can suffer from which conflict.
It also decides, for example, in which conflict we must expect depression, e.g., in the left-handed woman in the sexual (female) conflict. In contrast, in the right-handed woman, only shortly before or after menopause, i.e., in the so-called “hormonal stalemate.” In the case of a very soft right-handed man, when he can just suffer a territorial conflict, thus also in the “hormonal stalemate.” And in the case of the left-handed man, when he no longer reacts masculine, he is already feminine, thus in a quasi-female-sexual conflict and a hormonal stalemate.
In Germanische Heilkunde®, we understand a “hormonal stalemate” when the female and the male hormones balance each other in a patient, but with a very slight predominance of the female or male component.
Since the territorial areas have to do with territorial conflicts, male = directed outward, female = directed inward. They naturally also have something or very much to do with hormones.
Both the man and the woman produce male and female hormones. The pregnancy hormone (progesterone) is also considered more “male.” But suppose the hormones’ hormone levels in “summa-summarum” change. In that case, the biological identity can “tilt” or change, e.g., in the climacteric, with hormone intake, pregnancy, and lactation, also with indurating ovarian or testicular cysts, and of course with a biological conflict, which biologically quasi “closes” the affected side of the brain.
By change of the hormone situation also, the conflict feeling changes facultative always.
I.e., the same conflict event is processed entirely differently, and an entirely different cancer develops. This is also true when taking the birth control pill, which is only taken for pregnancy prevention, i.e., to switch off the ovaries’ estrogen production. From then on, all women taking the pill react in a masculine way.
Example: Normally, a right-handed woman, reacts cortically in a sexual conflict on the left side of the brain and gets her Hamer Focus there, in the so-called female territorial relay area. But suppose the same woman takes the pill, in case of conflict. In that case, she does not react at all with a sexual conflict “of not being mated,” but she reacts, if her partner runs away from her, with a (male) territorial conflict. This means that this woman can suffer a heart attack in the healing phase (epileptic crisis) after resolving the conflict or in the case of corresponding duration.
Another example: A right-handed female patient who is already beyond menopause can, for example, react to a mother/child nest worry conflict simultaneously as a mother with breast cancer on the left and simultaneously as a territorial boss, male, with territorial or territorial anxiety conflict. She then has breast, bronchial, or coronary ulcer cancer at the same time.
In conventional medicine, however, in such a case, the bronchial carcinoma, which is usually only discovered in the healing phase (through the atelectasis it makes), would then be regarded as a metastasis of the mammary gland cancer. Although it originates from an entirely different Germ Layer.
Or: A right-handed mother suffers a mother/child care conflict with mammary gland carcinoma of the left breast. Now she is “treated,” e.g., by conventional medicine with chemo and hormone blockers. From now on, she reacts in a masculine way. I.e., the conflict content shifts emotionally so that the patient either has a standstill of the breast cancer but develops a coronary ulcer cancer or a bronchial ulcer cancer instead. Or even both can remain active. From this, you can see how pointless it is to simply want to “treat away” a thing without having understood it to its extent.
Therefore, the so-called Consecutio of the conflicts, i.e., the order of occurrence of the conflicts, requires the utmost attention because only with knowledge of the handedness or current hormonal situation can we correctly classify the order localization of the Hamer Focus in the brain and the organ.
With left-handers, everything is apparently even more complicated.
The left-handedness transfers the conflict to the opposite side of the brain (knight hop) compared to the usual right-handedness. From then on, however, everything proceeds precisely as the reverse conflict would proceed in a right-handed person, i.e., left-handed people are, as it were, only “polarized” differently from the psyche to the brain.
Here are some examples for a better understanding:
The left-handed young woman suffers a bronchial Ca in fear of fright conflict. The right-handed young woman suffers a laryngeal Ca in fear of fright conflict.
The left-handed young man gets a laryngeal Ca in a territorial anxiety conflict. The right-handed young man gets a bronchial Ca in a territorial anxiety conflict.
Left-handed men usually cannot suffer a heart attack of the left heart from a territorial conflict. Still, a right heart infarction with pulmonary embolism in the pcl-phase, except when they are old and already react femininely, i.e., they cannot suffer a territorial conflict at all anymore, but just a “quasi-female-sexual conflict.”
Left-handed women usually cannot suffer cervical cancer from a sexual conflict, but only from a territorial conflict (after menopause). But once, a sexual conflict has “hit” the right periinsular area in a left-handed woman. This woman can suffer a heart attack of the left heart if the conflict lasts long enough.
A right-handed man will get a bile duct ulcer or gastric ulcer Ca, and the left-handed man, in the same conflict event, a rectum Ca.
A right-handed woman suffers from a rectum-ca in case of an identity conflict. On the other hand, the left-handed woman suffers from a stomach- or bile duct-ulcus-ca in case of the same conflict. If she then suffers another identity conflict in a new matter, she can no longer react cortically to the right cerebral hemisphere (because the brain side is blocked). Still, she then suffers this second conflict on the left brain side. On the organic level, rectum ulcers become hemorrhoids if the ulcers are located near the anus in the healing phase. However, as long as both conflicts (right- and left-cortical) are active, the patient is in a so-called schizophrenic constellation, more precisely, in an aggressive-biomanic constellation. The so-called aggressive-biomaniacal constellation is the reaction of a human being (also animal) who has been driven into a corner or into a hopeless situation, which is also somewhat accurately described by the term “sudden violent temper.”
Also, left-handed men, who suffer two territorial anger conflicts in an aggressive-biomaniacal constellation, behave in this constellation like “walking explosive devices,” which can explode at any time. By the way, only left-handed people can suffer the same conflict 2x in a row. If the affected person can solve both conflicts one day, they are released from the spell-like in a fairy tale, and are entirely “normal” again. The side effect of the schizophrenic constellation is that hardly any conflict load accumulates. However, suppose only one of the two conflicts can be resolved. In that case, the other remains solo-active, i.e., the clock is running.
The left-handedness also shows us in a distinctive way that biological conflicts have nothing to do primarily with Freud and conventional psychology but are biologically determined. The fact that a left-handed young woman suffers the organic symptoms of a male territorial conflict (angina pectoris) from a sexual conflict and thereby suffers depression in the psychological area would make no sense at all “purely psychologically.” The left-handed woman never loses her ovarian function during a sexual conflict, i.e., she still ovulates and has her menstrual bleeding. In contrast, a right-handed woman then no longer ovulates.
The left-handedness is by no means a silly gimmick of nature. It is usually regarded today because it is equal to a functional elimination of the hormones concerning the conflicts. It is also interesting that with identical twins, one is always left-handed and the other right-handed.
Just as every human being must be right-handed or left-handed, every animal must also be right-pawed or left-pawed. Some dogs give the left paw, or cats catch the mouse with the right paw. Also, every plant must be right-leaved or left-leaved. Every unicellular organism must be right- or left-leaved. At a cell division of the unicellular organism, always one individual is right-determined, the other left-determined.
Beyond that, however, there is also the left-footedness or right-earness, right-eyedness or left-eyedness. Since humans, animals, and plants, as a basis, have the division of the 1st cell has the cerebellum function or a corresponding cell cross-linking with cerebellum function. Like humans and animals, every plant must also have mesothelioma-like or corium-like adenoid cylinder epithelium. This is also the first irrefutable proof that the embryo’s ontogenesis is a recapitulation of developmental phylogenesis.
In the old conventional medicine, there were the so-called “differential diagnostics.”
I.e., from the different symptoms, laboratory, and X-ray findings. One tried to determine the type of the so-called “disease.” Although nothing was known about the origin of the suspected “disease.” It was believed that it had been symptomatically limited or determined by “differential diagnostics.”
This is entirely different in Germanische Heilkunde®. Of course, the old differential diagnosis still exists to be able to classify facts, even symptomatic facts, “into the right drawer,” because several Sensible Biological Special Programs (SBS) can be present at the same time, perhaps even shifted in phase. But the actual SBSs are already determined more or less from the beginning on all three levels.
This is because we work here with only five biological laws of nature and not, as the old conventional medicine, with 5000 unproven and unprovable hypotheses. And to these five biological laws of nature also belongs the knowledge and the ability to deal with the rules of the Consecutio of the conflicts.
Not to have asked a patient about his right- or left-handedness is considered a gross mistake in Germanische Heilkunde®. It is of utmost importance for the assignment of the conflicts to the Hamer Focus and the cancerous tumor or necrosis of the organ.
Copyright Dr. Hamer
Translated: John Holledauer