Breast Cancer is the most common Cancer in Women; the woman localizes her attachment to the child and her partner very primarily in her breast in terms of sensation.
For this reason, breast disease is also the most common disease in women.

According to Germanische Heilkunde, we distinguish two types of breast cancer in the breast:
1. the so-called mammary gland cancer, medically also called adenoid mammary carcinoma, is palpable as a solid compact lump and
2. The milk ducts’ cancer, medically also called intraductal carcinoma, in which nothing can be felt in the conflict-active phase. At most, the patient feels a slight pulling sensation in the affected area of the breast.
Also, of course, there are still normal skin carcinomas on the breast’s outer skin, which exist in the same way on the rest of the body.
Basically, for mammary gland carcinoma, the conflicts are always a dispute or a care conflict. For ductal milk duct carcinoma, always a separation conflict.
Now we know that there are right- and left-handers.
Everyone can see this for themselves: Applaud once, like in the theater. The hand on top is the leading one, i.e., it determines the handedness. If the right hand is on top, you are right-handed, and vice versa. If the left hand is on top, you are left-handed from the brain. This test is essential to determine which brain hemisphere a person works in because many retrained left-handers consider themselves right-handed.
To put it simply, the right cerebellum and cerebrum are mainly responsible for the left side of the body and vice versa – the left cerebellum and cerebrum for the right side of the body.
In the case of the right-handed woman, we can say in abbreviated form:
The left breast is for the woman’s child and mother and nest. The right breast is for the partner(s), including all other people except small children or people and animals perceived as children.
If a right-handed woman has mammary gland cancer in her left breast, she either has a conflict of concern for her child, her mother, or her nest.
On the other hand, if it is a milk duct carcinoma, then the woman has a separation conflict from her child, her mother, or her nest.
With the left-handed woman, it’s the other way around:
The right breast is for the child, the woman’s mother, and the nest, and the left breast is for the partner or partners.
If she has mammary ductal carcinoma of the right breast, then that is a care conflict for her child, mother, or nest. If she has ductal milk duct carcinoma of the right breast, she has a separation conflict from the child, her mother, or her nest.
Just as the conflict contents are different for both varieties of breast cancer, of course, the relays, and the locations in our computer brain, are located in different parts of our brain.
The relays for mammary gland cancer are located in the lateral outer cerebellar area and belong to the middle germ layer.
The relays for ductal milk duct carcinoma are located in the sensory cortex center of the cerebral cortex and, as mentioned at the beginning, on the opposite side of the organ.
The mammary gland cancer belongs to the cancers that are controlled by the alto brain. Therefore, according to the ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer equivalents, it makes cell proliferation in the conflict-active phase.
In contrast, the milk duct’s ductal carcinoma is a carcinoma controlled by the cerebrum, which makes ulcers, i.e., tissue defects, in the conflict-active phase.
Then, in the healing phase, everything behaves the other way around:
The compact tumors grown in the conflict-active phase by cell proliferation are cauterized and degraded again by microbes. Suppose these are present, i.e., e.g., fungi or fungal bacteria, such as tuberculosis, while in the case of cerebrum-controlled tissue defects, reconstruction by cell proliferation takes place in the healing phase. For this purpose, only viruses (if they exist) are used as auxiliary microbes. This is nature’s surgery!
Conventional medicine was not aware of the correlations. It could not distinguish between conflict activity and the healing phase and simply described everything that caused cell proliferation or tissue changes as malignant. In contrast, ulcers, which cause cell reduction during the conflict-active phase, were described as benign.
Example: A mother’s infant fell out of her arm, hit her head on the floor, and was unconscious for a while. Being right-handed, the mother suffered a natural mother/child care conflict of the left breast with a DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome). From this DHS, adenoid mammary gland cancer grew in the mother’s left breast, i.e., mammary gland tissue increased.
This is by no means something senseless that the mother’s organism does due to this building of additional mammary gland tissue because the purpose is clearly to help the infant, who is experiencing a developmental disorder as a result of this accident, by giving him more breast milk. In this way, the mother’s organism tries to compensate for the damage caused.
Thus, the so-called mammary gland tumor grows as long as the conflict continues. In other words: milk reproduction continues. The conflict is resolved only when the infant is completely well again, i.e., the mammary gland growth stops.
The effect: the mother has much more milk on the supposedly sick side than before, and this, although she is in the sympathicotonia, i.e., in the conflict-active phase.
Thereby we see that the changes, which we call diseases, were precisely the opposite of diseases: an essential process in the interaction of nature, e.g., between mother and child and mother and partner.
Another woman had a conflict with her husband and developed breast gland cancer before the first three months of pregnancy, flaring up conflictively after the pregnancy. She still had milk on her right partner’s breast for a long time when the milk on her left breast had dried up. The breast cancer then flared up at the end of the breastfeeding period. It disappeared due to tuberculosis, with the usual night sweats. However, this process can but does not have to, be accompanied by pain. The so-called cerebellar pain, which we also find in the rest of the human dermis, is especially strong, for example, in shingles. Women then speak of intense, knife-like pain at the nodule’s site, the so-called scarring pain.
In the breast’s computer tomogram, we can see a cavern at the end in the former place of the mammary gland node. This is, for example, the biological course, which is still the rule among primitive peoples.
In the case of women in so-called civilized countries, these processes usually occur outside the breastfeeding period. So if a woman in civilization gets a mother/child care conflict while she is not breastfeeding anymore, such a breast gland tumor grows and imitates the purpose of giving more milk to the infant, which is present as a child, mostly not as an infant anymore. This has led our modern physicians to regard this tumor as something completely senseless, sick, and degeneration of nature because they have lost the understanding of the original purpose.
However, even in a woman in our civilization, these processes occur analogously, although the woman does not breastfeed. In the healing phase – if it comes to that – the tumor is cemented by tubercle mycosis bacteria (if such are present) and degraded again. Pus may eventually make its way to the outside (open breast). If no tubercle bacilli are present, the lump constantly remains present, but of course, it no longer casts.
But then, how can you die of breast cancer in the first place, you may ask?
Suppose we disregard rare, very, very long courses of conflict, which can lead to death in rare cases. In that case, it must be said that the iatrogenic panic conflicts, i.e., those triggered by medical incompetence in the wake of a breast cancer diagnosis (cancer anxiety panic, death anxiety panic, self-esteem collapse, etc., which then trigger new cancer, in conventional medicine: “metastases”) – are unfortunately the rule today – and from which one can rapidly die. But all this has nothing to do with the actual disease.
In mammary gland cancer, we saw an increase in mammary gland tissue in the conflict-active phase. In the case of milk duct cancers, we see ulcers, i.e., cell reduction in the milk ducts’ lining.
Psychologically, there is always a separation conflict. Either mother/child or child/mother or from the partner. We have to imagine this process quite realistically, as if they were glued to each other with glue. A piece of the outermost skin tears out during the separation, as we usually see it on the remaining skin in the clinical picture of neurodermatitis.
These ulcers are one symptom. The other symptom is sensory paralysis of the milk ducts. When the sensory paralysis extends out to the breast’s outer skin, the patient has no sensation at all at the nipple. This process is rarely noticed, while in the case of the mammary glands’ carcinomas, depending on the size of the breast and the location of the affected area, the lump can be felt after only a few weeks.
An exception in milk duct cancer is the so-called cirrhotic node, which occurs when the conflict is virtually endless. It could also be called cicatricial shrinkage cancer. Such cirrhotic cancer can sometimes be seen in mammography as a compression. Typical is often also the small calcium spatters.
If the separation conflict is resolved, we now see a complication that was not biologically intended at all. In the healing phase, the infant would usually suck the milk. Although milk is not produced now, wound secretions are produced that often cannot drain off. Therefore, the breast becomes engorged, hot, and very red, and swells in a very short time. So, the breast only enlarges at the beginning of the healing phase, whereas it was the other way around with breast cancer.
The discharged breast is a good sign which means that secretion from the nipple empties outward or even drips off. i.e., the affected milk ducts are not completely swollen shut, but the secretion can empty outward. Unpleasantly, sensitivity now returns, usually even excessively, so that we speak of hypersensitivity (hyperesthesia). Sometimes the patient also notices an internal shrinking of the breast if the conflict has lasted for a long time.
Surgery should only be performed if it seems reasonable, if spontaneous healing would take too long or if secondary conflicts have occurred.
If, for example, the patient feels disfigured by the lump and due to a DHS, a melanoma has developed and/or, for some reason, the overlying squamous epithelium bursts. We have an open, buttery, fetite-smelling breast, which can cause inconvenience. The same happens when the breast has been opened by puncture or incision.
Copyright Dr. Hamer
Translated: John Holledauer