Who was Ryke Geerd Hamer?
Dr. med. Mag. theol. Ryke Geerd Hamer is one of the real geniuses of our time. With his “laws of nature eavesdropped on by Mother Nature” – as he always used to say, he not only created a universally understandable system in medicine, but he also showed a way out of the so-called diseases of civilization, which increasingly plague mankind.
Dr. Hamer is the discoverer and founder of Germanische Heilkunde®
Dirk Hamer

Who was Dirk Hamer?
Dirk Hamer was sleeping in a boat when he was hit by a bullet from a wild running prince. After agonizing months, multiple operations, and amputation of a leg, Dirk died in his father’s arms.
Helmut Pilhar

Who was Helmut Pilhar?
He was born on 25.02.1965 in Grünbach am Schneeberg and died on August 31th, 2022 in Paraguay.
1985 Abitur at the HTL Wr. Neustadt (electrical engineering). 1993 A-levels at the HTL Wr. Neustadt (mechanical engineering, evening school).
Until 1995 he was a software technician (SPS). In 1990 he married his wife Erika, with whom he had four children. He had several grand-children.
He didn’t belong to any church, party, or club. And he had not chosen this medical dispute …
His objective was to make the Germanische Heilkunde a general education. Every mother needs to know how neurodermatitis works in her child.
Germanische Heilkunde belongs in biology classes and for future therapists at every university.
Therefore his motto: “Inform yourself as long as you are healthy!
Olivia Pilhar

Who is Olivia Pilhar?
In the fall of 1994, my wife went to work, and we moved with our 3 small children from my hometown and my parent’s home to the parents-in-law. For Olivia, her mother was gone from one day to the next, and the 5-year-old child refused to eat the grandmother’s meals, which she did not know. At the same time, she began to suffer from stomach pains. In May 1995, these pains were so bad that we drove with Olivia to the clinic. On 17.05.1995 – by chance, Dr. Hamers 60th birthday – Olivia was diagnosed with cancer, and an incredible story began!
Giovanna Conti

Who is Giovanna Conti?
Mrs. Giovanna Conti, an Italian musician, and Hamer discovered that famous composers apparently processed their conflicting experiences in their world-famous musical masterpieces. From a music-historical perspective, this discovery would be a world-class discovery if it were not classified as Germanische Heilkunde® and thus Hamer. But in this way, it is completely faded out in our “assisted thinking.” Well, who has the power …
A famous German music professor, who the Federal Republic of Germany had awarded many medals in the past, wanted to offer Ms. Conti a forum at the University of Tübingen, to present her brilliant discovery to the broad world of music. Poor music professor! He had imagined it to be more comfortable…
Johann Holledauer

Who is Johann Holledauer?
Born in 1971 in Austria, I participated 1997 in Vienna my first seminar on Germanische Heilkunde by Helmut Pilhar. Since that time, this study has accompanied me and has become an integral part of my daily life.
In October 2020, I was commissioned by Helmut Pilhar to completely translate the homepage, which is firmly established in the German language, and all existing seminar tutorials from the original German into English. Since then, this task has become a matter of honor for me and a vocation.
As the sole person responsible for the English language, after the complete translation of all existing seminar tutorials, I will continue to personally maintain and manage the homepage, the social media, and the online study groups.