GHK Lexicon

Please note that these definitions are not complete and are short and concise.

This lexicon is meant to help you remember things and make studying easier.

For complete definitions, please check the GHK Academy website.

Attack Conflict – This can be experienced through an attack by a person or by an animal or through a hit or blow against the body or against the head. A medical procedures such as surgery, vaccinations, etc., can also be felt as an “attack”. Verbal attacks, hearing offensive words, being criticised in a hostile manner, discrimination, defamation, or an insult could be experienced as an attack.


Absence – We always have an absence in a crisis for each SBS of the red group. “Absence” means absent-thinking. When someone’s absent, if you address him, he doesn’t react. A neurodermatitis patient is absent during a crisis. A heart attack patient is absent during a crisis. Bronchitis is absent in a crisis, always because everything is the squamous epithelium. That concerns the entire red group, which is all squamous epithelium.

Biological Handedness – see Handedness

Brain Relay – Every organ and every tissue of the body is controlled by the brain, by its specific control relays in the brain. The germ layer predetermines the organ/brain relation.

Brainstem – control centre of the organs of the intestinal canal and its descendants are arranged in a ring-form order, starting on the right hemisphere with the brain relays of the mouth and pharynx, lung alveoli, oesophagus, stomach, liver parenchyma, pancreas gland, duodenum, small intestine, continuing counter-clockwise with the brain relays of the appendix, cecum, colon, rectum and bladder on the left side of the brainstem.

Cancer equivalent – Cell development that is not yet considered cancer by conventional

Ca-phaseConflict active phase.

Cerebellum (old brain) – next to the brainstem, controls the “skins” (corium skin, pleura, peritoneum, pericardium) that protect the body and the vital organs, as well as the breast glands.

Cerebrum (new brain) – see Neocortex

Cerebral Cortex – is divided into a pre-motor sensory cortex (frontal: thyroid ducts, pharyngeal ducts, a motor cortex (striated muscles; laryngeal muscles, bronchial muscles), a sensory cortex (skin, larynx, bronchi), a post-sensory cortex (periosteum, coronary arteries, coronary veins, cervix, rectum surface mucosa, stomach (small curvature), bile ducts, gallbladder, pancreatic ducts, renal pelvis, ureters, bladder and urethra), a visual cortex (retina, vitreous body).

Cerebral Medulla – brain relays of the skull, arms, shoulders, vertebrae (spine), pelvis, hip, knees, and feet are orderly arranged from head to toe.

Clapping Test – This test is used to find the handedness of a person. Clapping the hands like applauding in the theatre. The hand that is on top is the leading hand and tells whether a person is right-handed or left-handed.

Conflict Content – The meaning defined by the conflict. A conflict is personal and individual and
has a specific content defined in the second of the DHS. The conflict content arises through
involuntary thought assignment and mainly bypasses the filter of the mind. At the moment of the
DHS the conflict content has been defined seconds before the person starts to think, any thought
process occurs afterwards.

Connective Tissue – see mesoderm (new) – This tissue joins other tissues together and is mainly made up of elastic fibres. It provides structural support, and aids in tissue repair by forming fibrous scar tissue during Pcl-B phase. (Striated muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments)

Conflict Relapse – A interrupts and prolongs a healing process both on the correlating organ and in the corresponding brain relay which leads to a chronic condition.

Conflictolysis (CL) – conflict resolution

Cortical Territorial Conflict –

DHSDirk Hamer Syndrome (named after Dr. Hamer’s son). A very severe, highly acute-dramatic, and isolative conflict-experience shock, simultaneously on the three levels: Psyche, Brain, Organ.

Ectoderm – This germ layer consist of squamous epithelium corresponds to separation and
territory conflicts. The SBS is controlled by the cerebral cortex. The related organ has cell loss (ulceration) in order to facilitate a conflict resolution and during the healing phase, the tissue loss is restored with the help of bacteria. (see red group)

Embryonic Germ (Germination) Layers – 3 embryonic germ layers are the inner endoderm, an outer ectoderm, and a mesoderm forming in between. Each germ layer affects: – a specific part of the brain, – a specific type of conflict, – a specific location in the brain, – a very specific histology, – specific germ layer related microbes

Endoderm – It is the oldest germ layer. Organs deriving from the endoderm (glandular tissue) – lungs, the organs of the alimentary canal, the uterus and prostate – correlate to the oldest biological conflicts related to breathing (death-fright conflict), food (morsel conflicts), and reproduction (procreation conflict). The SBS are controlled from the brainstem. (see yellow group)

Epilepctic/Epileptoid Phase (Epi-crisis) – This phase begins at the height of the healing phase and takes place simultaneously on all three levels. The entire organism is pulled out of the vagotonic state and the individual moves into a conflict-active state of stress. The reactivation of the conflict generates restlessness, nausea, elevated blood pressure, a raised pulse, cold sweats, and the shivers. The biological purpose of the sympathicotonic surge is to expel the edema that developed both on the organ and in the correlating brain relay. The expelling of the brain edema is necessary as it relieves the brain pressure. The Epi-Crisis is followed by a urinary phase, in which the body eliminates all the excess fluid.

Existence Conflict – This is a fear for one’s life, the same as a fish out of water that is in danger of dying.

Exudation (Pcl-A phase) – The beginning of the healing phase, before the epileptoid crisis, with oozing and pussing.

Fear-Disgust Conflict – This is a fright along with disgust concerning a situation or a person. This could be distress involving faeces, urine, vomit, blood, or sexual abuse/violence.

Fear of Death Conflict – This can be any life-threatening situation. The most common death- fright conflict is through a diagnosis shock, especially a cancer diagnosis that hits a person like a death sentence.

Fifth Biological Law – Every so-called disease is part of a Significant Biological Special Program of Nature created to assist an organism (humans and animals alike) during unexpected distress.

First Biological Law – AKA the Iron Rule of Cancer or the 1st Biological Law of Nature describes the causes of those diseases that arise by themselves.

Flyer Constellation – If the left brain relay for the laryngeal mucosa and the right brain relay for the bronchial mucosa are occupied with an active Hamers’ focal point, then this is what we call a Flyer constellation. It is a question of territorial fear or scare-fright conflict. The super-sense (meaning behind) of this constellation is not to think about the current conflicts at all. Esotericists are flyers and simply hovers over and through life.

Fourth Biological Law – It shows that so-called “infectious diseases” occur exclusively in the second phase of a Biological Special Program, where the organism uses the microbes to optimise healing.

Germ Layers – see embryonic germ layers

Glandular Tissue – see endoderm
Glandular-Like Tissue – see mesoderm (old)

Hamer Focus – At the moment of the DHS, the conflict shock impacts in a specific, predetermined area in the brain.

Handedness – determines whether the conflict impacts on the right or left side of the brain and whether a symptom occurs on the right or left side of the body, taking into account the cross-over correlation from the brain to the organ. A right-handed person responds to a conflict with his/her mother or child with the left side of the body and to a conflict with a partner with the right side. A left-handed person responds to a conflict with his/her mother or child with the right side of the body and a conflict with a partner with the left side. This rule applies to all organs controlled from the cerebellum, cerebral medulla, and cerebral cortex (there are exceptions). Handedness is irrelevant for organs controlled from the brainstem.

Hanging Healing (conflict) – this refers to a situation where the healing phase cannot be completed because of recurrent conflict relapses.

Healing Phase – Pcl phase = post-conflictolysis

Hearing Conflict – This is experienced as “I don’t want to hear this!”,“I can’t believe what I just heard!”

HH – (Hamerscher Herd) see Hamer Focus.

Homosexuality – It always has to do with territorial conflicts. Someone who has lost his territory
is also no longer responsible for reproduction. He would rather no longer responsible at all.
In GHK we say he is “cerebrally- neutered.”

Hormone Status – This determines whether a conflict is experienced from either a male or female perspective. A change of the hormone status alters a person’s biological identity (to male or female) and thus changes the way in which conflicts are perceived. Conflicts cause changes in
the testosterone/estrogen levels, if the change is hormones is due to a conflict, this is known as
‘conflictual maleness/femaleness’. If the change in hormones is hormonal then it is ‘hormonal

Hormonal Stalemate – When the female and the male hormones balance each other in a patient,
but with a very slight predominance of the female or male component.

Identity Conflict – This is the inability to establish one’s position or place (“territory”), literally or figuratively, it is often a not knowing what choice to make, not knowing where to go.

IRC – The Iron Rule of Cancer or the 1st Biological Law of Nature describes the causes of those diseases that arise by themselves.

KCT – see Kidney Collecting Tubules Syndrome

Kidney Collecting Tubules Syndrome – It involves both water retention because of an active abandonment or existence conflict and a Biological Special Program in the healing phase.

Knight Hop – As in the chess move of the knight, describes when the handedness transfers the
conflict (HH) to the opposite side of the brain.

Law of the 2 Phases – The law of 2 phases of all diseases states that (provided there is a resolution to the DHS) all microbes function without exception only during the healing phase. Myco-bacteria start multiplying at the moment of the DHS but start their work only when the conflict has been resolved. The body produces the exact amount of microbes necessary to break down tumours.

Left alone, existential fear Conflict – see refugee conflict

Mesoderm – It is divided into an older and younger group. Organs from the old mesoderm (glandular-like tissue) – corium skin beneath the epidermis, pleura, peritoneum, and pericardium – cover the vital organs and are primarily responsible for protection. The main conflict theme are “attack conflicts,” integrity and nest worry conflicts. The SBS are controlled from the cerebellum. (see orange/yellow group)
Organs from the new mesoderm (connective tissue) give stability to the body – striated muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments – and allows mobility. The lymphatic system and blood vessels (except the heart vessels) also originate from the new mesoderm. The main conflict theme are self-devaluation conflicts. The SBS are controlled from the cerebral medulla. After a DHS, during the ca-phase there is cell loss (necrosis). In the healing phase, the tissue loss is restored with the help of bacteria. (see orange/red group)

Microbes – Fungi and myco-bacteria (Tbc), the oldest microbes, function on brainstem-controlled endodermal organs. Myco-bacteria (Tbc) function on cerebellum-controlled mesodermal organs. Bacteria function on cerebral medulla-controlled mesodermal organs. Viruses (if they exist at all) are the youngest microbes function only on cerebral cortex-controlled ectodermal organs.

Morsel Conflicts – This conflicts are linked to the alimentary canal – not being able to catch/eliminate a morsel – mouth and pharynx, not being fast enough to catch/eliminate a morsel – thyroid gland, not being able to swallow a morsel – esophagus, not being able to absorb and digest a morsel – pancreas, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, colon. For humans a morsel conflict can also be figurative.

Motor Conflict – These conflicts are linked to the movement of the skeletal muscles – not being
able to move or feeling stuck. In the Ca-phase there is cell loss (necrosis) and in the Pcl-phase
there is cell proliferation.

Neocortex – Cerebral medulla and cerebral cortex – involve cell loss or just functional failure.

Nest-Worry Conflict – This is experienced as a distress regarding a woman’s home or workplace or worry/distress concerning the well-being of a loved one, including a pet and is connected to the female breast. The biological purpose is to have more milk for the being that is causing worry.

New Brain – see Neocortex

Normotonia (Eutonia) – indicates a balanced day-night-rhythm where sympathicotonia alternates with vagotonia.

New Mesoderm – Organs from the new mesoderm give stability to the body – striated muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, connective tissue – and allow mobility. The lymphatic system and blood vessels (except the heart vessels) also originate from the new mesoderm. The main conflict theme are self-devaluation conflicts. The SBS are controlled from the cerebral medulla. After a DHS, during the ca-phase there is cell loss (necrosis). In the healing phase, the tissue loss is restored with the help of bacteria. (see embryonic germ layers or mesoderm).

Old Brain – Brain stem + Cerebellum involve cell proliferation.

Old Mesoderm – Organs from the old mesoderm – corium skin beneath the epidermis, pleura, peritoneum, and pericardium – cover the vital organs and are primarily responsible for protection. The main conflict theme are “attack conflicts”. The SBS are controlled from the cerebellum. (see embryonic germ layers or mesoderm)

Ontogenetic System of Microbes – The Fourth Biological Law shows that so-called “infectious diseases” occur exclusively in the second phase of a Biological Special Program, where the organism uses the microbes to optimise healing. (Ontogeny – the origination and development of an organism usually from the time of fertilisation of the egg to adult.)

Orange/Red Group – corresponds to the new mesoderm and therefore the cerebral medulla.

Orange/Yellow Group – corresponds to the old mesoderm and therefore the cerebellum.

Pcl-phaseHealing phase.

Pcl-A – 1st part of the healing phase. Exudation phase (before the epileptoid crisis). At the organ level fluid is drawn to the area to protect it during this period. At the brain level water and serous fluid are drawn to the area, creating a brain edema to protect the brain tissue during that period.

Pcl-B – 2nd part of the healing phase. Scarification phase (after epileptoid crisis).

Principle of Laterality – see laterality

Psychoses: Dr. Hamer says the chapter Psychoses is the “Higher Mathematics” in Germanische Heilkunde®.
Germanische Heilkunde® explains how our body works and how we act, think, and feel! Psychoses in the Germanische Heilkunde® have nothing to do with conventional medicine’s previous psychology or psychiatry.

Red Group – This corresponds to the Ectoderm which consists of squamous epithelium, and therefore the cerebral cortex (cerebrum). This group generates cell loss during the conflict-active phase (ca-phase). Necroses or ulcera are replenished with swelling and the formation of cysts during the healing phase.

Refugee, Left Alone, Existential Fear Conflict – Can be experienced as being ‘thrown into the desert’, uprooted or ‘in exile’, due to an unexpected transfer or move or being forced to flee from one’s home or homeland. This makes one feel completely left alone.

Resistance Conflict – This conflict involves a strong opposition against a person, a situation, an institution, any decisions made over one’s head, or being forced to do something against one’s will.

SBS – see Sensible Biological Special Program

Scare-Fright Conflict – This conflict is the female response to unforeseen danger and it can be triggered by any frightening experience.

Scarring/Scarification – This is the second half of the healing phase, Plc-B, after the epileptoid crisis. Collagen is produced by fibroblasts located in the connective tissue around the healing area.

Scent Conflict – This conflict concerns smelling trouble or a potential threat at work, at school, at home, or in a relationship.

SDC – see self devaluation conflict.

Second Biological Law – Every SBS-Sensible Biological Special Program runs in two phases provided there is a resolution of the conflict.

Seizure – It is the epi-crisis of a motor conflict.

Self Devaluation Conflict – These conflicts are the primary conflict theme associated with cerebral-medulla controlled organs from the new mesoderm. General self-devaluation conflicts concerns the spine. It is experienced through humiliation, feelings of shame, failure, a poor performance, or abuse, guilt. Local self-devaluation conflicts relate to a specific part of the body (arteries, bones, muscles, connective tissues, penis, fat tissues, heart valves, lymphatic system).

Sensible Biological Special Program – The significance of a meaningful biological program of Nature is to improve the function of the organ so that the individual is in a better position to manage and eventually resolve the conflict.

Separation Conflict – This conflict concerns a separation with a living being.

Sexual Conflict – For a female the sexual conflict is always related to the child/baby. The
ligaments and muscles which hold the uterus in place are connective tissue, and the DHS is an
SDC. The conflict content can only be a DHS in relation to a child. In the conflict-active phase, the connective tissue necrotizes. A man’s sexuality is always about his territory. In nature, sex is
never about sexual satisfaction or orgasm. Nature only gave us that so we engage in this act. If
we would not bring forth life (have children), the human species would die out.
Therefore, every sexual issue of a woman always references the child (etting pregnant, giving
birth, breastfeeding, raising a child, taking care of a child, and protecting the child).

6th Scale Rule of Constellations – For women, there are two possibilities of ‘becoming male’:
a) hormonal changes (menopause… ovarian necrosis due to loss conflict, contraceptives, through
poison ‘chemo’ etc): ‘hormonal maleness’.
b) conflict activity anywhere in the left territorial area e.g. sexual conflict: ‘conflictual maleness”
The 7th Scale rule then applies the same to males.

Squamous Epithelium – see ectoderm

Starvation Conflict -This conflict is experienced as distress of running out of resources to feed oneself and those one feels responsible for.

Stink Conflict – This conflict concerns an offending odour or unpleasant smell, or a smell associated with danger and is perceived as ‘this stinks!’.

Sympathicotonia – During the day, the organism is in a normal state of stress (“fight or take flight”). The sympathicotonic phase lasts roughly from 4 am in the morning to 8 pm at night.

(The) Syndrome – see Kidney Collecting Tubules Syndrome.

TBC – Mycobacterium tuberculosis

TB Bacteria – see TBC

Territory – The environment and places which one considers as his/her domain (work, home,
school, etc)

Territorial Anger Conflict – This conflict concerns someone standing/invading the territory causing anger in – literary or figuratively – bile ducts, gall bladder, pancreatic ducts, stomach.

Territorial Fear Conflict – This conflict concerns an imminent threat to the territory (the threat has not yet been carried out), causing fear concerning his/her safety as well as the safety of the ‘pack’ (family, friends, etc).

Therapy in Germanische Heilkunde always proceeds causally!

Tracks – These are warning systems that identify specific memorised circumstances (elements) that happened (or were experienced) during a previous DHS and will create a partial or total relapse of the DHS over and over again.

Vagotonia – A normal state of rest during sleep (“rest and digest”) and a recovery/healing phase.

Yellow Group – Corresponds to the Endoderm and therefore the brain stem (old brain). This group generates the formation of tumours during the ca-phase. Tumour are decomposed with the help of myco-bacteria (Tbc) during the healing phase.

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