The germ layers – how important they are
Embryologists generally divide embryonic development into the three so-called germ layers

The Endoderm, Mesoderm, Ectoderm, which are formed already at the beginning of the embryo’s development and from which all organs are derived. Each cell or each organ of the body can be assigned to one of these so-called Germ layers.
Nobody was interested in the so-called Germ Layer in conventional medicine. Nobody had realized how important they are. That is actually the reason why one had never been able to bring a system into the whole cancer development.
The 3rd Law of Germanische Heilkunde

“The ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer equivalents,” therefore, arranges all so-called diseases according to germ leaf affiliation. According to this developmental history, if we arrange all these different tumors, swellings, ulcers, or according to their criteria of the different so-called germ layers. Then we find that the diseases with the same germ layer affiliation (in the case of the middle germ layer still differentiated between the cerebellum-controlled and cerebrum-medulla-controlled mesoderm affiliation). Also, show other characteristics and peculiarities. Because each of these germ layers belongs, developmentally conditioned, a particular brain part, a certain kind of conflict content, a particular localization in the brain, quite certain histology, specific germ layer-related microbes, and beyond that also, every so-called illness, in reality. Sensible Biological Special Programs of Nature (SBS) have a developmentally understandable biological sense.
The inner germ layer (endoderm, glandular tissue)
The cells, or organs, which have developed from the inner germ layer, have relays, their place of control, from where they are directed, the brainstem, and the very oldest part of the brain. There again, we find an orderly localization because they start right dorsal with the diseases of the mouth, nasopharynx and then arrange themselves counterclockwise and according to the gastrointestinal tract and end with the sigmoid and bladder. Histologically, all carcinomas are adenocarcinomas and without exception. The organs of this germ layer make cell proliferation with compact tumors of adeno-cell type in cancer, e.g., the liver, intestine, and lungs (round foci).
The outer germ layer (ectoderm, squamous epithelium)
All cells or organs that have developed from the outer germ layer have their control relay in the cerebrum cortex, the youngest part of our brain. In cancer, they all make cell fusion in the form of ulcers, ulcers, or else a loss of function on an organic level, i.e., diabetes or paralysis.
The middle germ layer (mesoderm, gland-like tissue + connective tissue).
We distinguish an older and a younger group in the middle germ layer.
The cells or organs, which belong to the older group of the middle germ layer, have their relay in the cerebellum. I.e., they still belong to the alto-brain, and therefore in the case of cancer, they also make compact tumors in the conflict-active phase and namely of the adenoid cell type, e.g., breast, melanoma, mesothelioma = pericardium, pleura, the peritoneum.
The cells or organs, which belong to the younger group of the middle germ layer, have their place of control in the cerebrum’s cerebral medulla. In the case of cancer, in the conflict-active phase, they make necroses or tissue holes, i.e., cell fusion, here, e.g., the holes in the bone, spleen, kidney, or kidney ovary.
The 4th Law of Germanische Heilkunde®

“The ontogenetic-conditional system of the microbes” now assigns the microbes again to the three germ layers because each germ layer-related organ group also belongs to specific germ layer-related microbes. Because together with our organs’ programming in the different brain relays of our computer brain, our faithful special workers, the microbes, have also been programmed in at the same time. From this follows:
- That the oldest microbes, fungi, and fungal bacteria (mycobacteria) are responsible for the endoderm, conditionally still for the cerebellum-mesoderm, in any case only for the old-brain-controlled organs,
- The old microbes, namely the bacteria, are responsible for the mesoderm and all organs formed by it.
- Earlier, we thought that the viruses were responsible for the ectoderm, but these viruses have never been proven.
“Competent” in this sense means that each microbial group only ” processes” certain organ groups that have the same germ layer affiliation, i.e., originate from the same germ layer. The only exception is the “border area” of the mesodermal cerebellum-controlled organs. Which are “processed” both (predominantly) by the mycoses and mycobacteria and (less frequently) by the bacteria that are generally responsible for the organs of the middle germ layer (mesoderm). Which are controlled by the cerebral medulla of the cerebrum. From when on the microbes, the point in time allowed to “process” does not depend on external factors, as we all had wrongly assumed. But is rather determined exclusively by our computer brain, including conflict resolution.
The 2nd law

“The two-phase nature of all diseases when the conflict is resolved” also implies that all microbes – without exception – work exclusively in the 2nd phase. i.e., the healing phase (pcl-phase) begins with the resolution of the conflict and ends with the end of the pcl-phase. The healing phase is also very different in the three germ layers.
Namely, with the beginning of the pcl-phase, the old-brain controlled organs degrade their tumors again with the particular microbes’ help. In the pcl -phase, the holes and ulcers of the cerebrum-controlled organs are filled up again with the help of viruses? And bacteria with swelling. All microbes are more or less specialists not only in terms of the organs they work on but also in terms of the way they work.
The higher we have advanced in the phylogenetic evolution, the more highly developed and the more complicated our brain programs became. From the archaic oldest programs of our brain stem, over the already somewhat more complicated conflict contents of the cerebellum, over the already considerably more complicated ones of our cerebrum’s cerebral medulla, up to the cortical conflict contents, which are just controlled by our cerebral cortex.
The 1st Biological Law of Nature – The Iron Rule of Cancer
The DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome) includes not only the acute-dramatic conflict shock, which has caught us “on the wrong foot,” but in the same second, everything is programmed in. In the case of a DHS, in which a Hamer Focus (HH) develops, a so-called shooting target configuration in the brain, the organ areas corresponding to this HH react with corresponding germ layer reaction: Either with cell proliferation or cells meltdown, become holes or ulcers (tub-shaped ulcers in the skin or mucous membrane). Or with a functional disorder, in the case of the so-called cancer equivalents.
Everything that is not cancer is cancer equivalent, so similar to cancer, all so-called “diseases” in medicine are meant. In contrast, our previous word “disease” always represents only a conflict-active or a conflict-released phase. Also, from the HH localization, we can see very precisely what kind of biological conflict content it must be about here.
Biological handedness
From the cerebellum on, the right- and left-handedness is essential to determine which side of the patient’s brain works. Therefore, the correlation is crossed from the brain to the organ for old relays of the cerebellum and the entire cerebrum. In the brainstem, handedness plays practically no role.
The 5th Biological Law of Nature
However, each SBS also has a biological meaning that can be understood in terms of developmental history, dependent on the germ layer. This is tremendously important, if not one of the central pillars for understanding the entire Germanische Heilkunde®. For the kidney parenchyma (water or fluid conflict), the biological sense is, e.g., in the healing phase, in which the kidney cyst enlarges the kidney. After the completion of the cyst, i.e., solidification (within nine months) is much more functional than it was before. From then on, for example, the indurated renal cyst produces urine, and the indurated ovarian cyst produces estrogens.
But since nobody knew anything until now, the restitutions or the refilling of the necroses and ulcers in the pcl-phase were also called cancer or sarcoma. Because cell proliferation (mitoses) with large cells and large nuclei also takes place in the process – but for the purpose of healing.
We can also understand why we could never understand cancer development as long as we had not understood these connections and, above all, the developmental mechanism of our biological conflict programs.
The riddle’s solution is that we can now include in our considerations the germ layer affiliation and the localization of the brain relays specific for each organ. And lo and behold, now we find a wonderful order for all cancers and cancer equivalents – each of which was only one phase, and immediately find the symptoms and correlations of the complementary phase to it. The fascinating thing is that now for the first time, we learn to understand a process of diseases causally, we can understand it on all levels (psyche-brain-organ) at the same time, and in doing so, we have to realize with amazement that Mother Nature has developed a wonderful, breathtaking system, which kept each species for itself and the diversity of species next to each other and with each other – until the over-smart man came, who thought he was the crown of creation.
La medicina sagrada (as the Spaniards call Germanische Heilkunde®) has turned everything upside down. Nothing is right anymore except the facts. Therefore, in the future, one will have to pay very decisive attention to these two significant developmental “seams” between antiquity and the Middle Ages and the Middle Ages and modern times of our brain. It is ultimately the key to all understanding about the biological processes and laws of our organism, and the understanding of the biologically necessary connections between the human organism and the cosmos surrounding it.