Scientific diagnosis chart of Germanische Heilkunde
Inner Germ Layer – Endoderm – Brainstem
Histological formation:
Not crossing from the brainstem to the organ.
- Cauliflower-like adeno-ca of the secretory type.
- Areal growing adeno-ca of the resorptive type.
Fungi and mycobacteria (e.g., TBC) proliferate, beginning with the DHS, germ layer-like, in the conflict-active phase (ca-phase). The compact tumors of the inner germ layer (endoderm) can be degraded by the fungi and fungal bacteria (mycobacteria, e.g., TBC) only during the vagotonic healing phase (pcl-phase) by caseating necrotization. What has not been cleared by the end of the healing phase remains.
Note by GHK Academy
The brainstem controls the organs of the ENDODERM (yellow group, glandular tissue). The conflict content is the MORSEL and on the right in and on the left out (see embryonic graphic development). In the active phase, cell multiplication and a function enhancement are present, which is also the biological sense. In the healing phase, the now no longer needed cell+ is decomposed tuberculously, provided that the associated microbes – fungi and fungal bacteria – are present. The handedness has no meaning. The left brainstem controls the left organ side. The right brainstem controls the right organ side (no crossing over from brain to organ, see embryonic graphic development).
Inner Germ Layer – Endoderm – Midbrain
On the one hand, the relays of the organs listed below belong, strictly speaking, anatomically to the brainstem, but directly at the transition to the cerebral medulla, more precisely to the outermost cranial part of the brainstem, the so-called midbrain.
In this transition zone between the brainstem and cerebrum, between the old and new brain, there are many “exceptional organs,” partly unpaired (smooth muscle, uterine muscle, etc.). Partly paired organs, like renal parenchyma, do not cross between brain relay and organ. And, e.g., interstitial tissue already controlled by cerebrum in ovaries and testis, which cross between brain relay and organ. They all behave “mesodermally,” like the mesodermal organs, which have their relay in the cerebral medulla.
The paired brain relays of the germ cells, which we find in the caudal region of this transitional region of the cerebrum, occupy an exceptional position: On the one hand, the mode of germ cell proliferation is according to the endodermal pattern (cell proliferation in the active phase) both in the pathological case (teratoma) and in the biologically typical case (embryo); on the other hand, we see vagotonia throughout the pregnancy, at least since the 3rd month of the pregnancy, as we find it in the mesodermal healing phase. The teratoma was, therefore, correctly treated as an exception under Endoderm.
Note by GHK Academy
The midbrain controls the old smooth muscle. The conflict content is the MORSEL and on the right side in and on the left side out (see embryonic development). In the active phase, there is cell proliferation and functional enhancement, which is also the biological sense. In the healing phase, this cell multiplication remains or is not degraded by microbes. The handedness has no relevance. The left midbrain controls the left organ side and the right midbrain controls the right organ side (no crossing from the brain to organ, see graphic embryonic development).
Middle Germ Layer – Mesoderm – Old brain group – Cerebellum
Histologic Formation:
Cerebellum mesoderm: Crossed from the cerebellum to the organ.
Compact, adenoid cauliflower-like tumors of secretory type.
Areal growing tumors of the resorptive type.
Microbes:Fungi and mycobacteria (e.g., Tbc) proliferate according to the germ layer in the conflict-active phase (ca phase). The tumors of the cerebellar mesodermal organs are degraded by fungi and mycobacteria (e.g. Tbc) during the vagotonic healing phase (pcl-phase) in a caseating necrotizing way, also with the help of bacteria (adjuvant microbes). What has not been cleared by the end of the healing phase remains.
Note by GHK Academy
The cerebellum controls the MESODERM ALT (yellow/orange group, gland-like tissue). The conflict content is the VIOLATION OF INTEGRITY and WORRY/ARGUMENT. In the active phase, cell proliferation and functional enhancement are also in the biological sense. In the healing phase, the now no longer needed cell multiplication, tuberculous caseous is broken down, provided that the associated microbes – the fungal bacteria – are present. Handedness is crucial. The left cerebellum controls the right organ side and vice versa.
Middle Germ Layer – Mesoderm – Cerebral Group – Cerebral Medulla
Histological Formation:
Cerebrum mesoderm: Cerebral medullary.
Crossed from the cerebrum’s medulla to the organ.
The cerebrum-controlled mesodermal organs make necroses (osteolysis) in the active phase. In the healing phase: restoration of the necroses and induration.
Note by GHK Academy
The cerebral medulla controls the MESODERM NEW (orange group, connective tissue). Here it is about SELF-DEVALUATION. In the active phase, the tissue necrotizes. This conflict must be resolved. Otherwise, the connective tissue will dissolve. In the healing phase, the bacteria help to replenish these necroses under the swelling. At the end of the healing phase, the swelling declines, but the connective tissue remains stronger than before. The biological sense of these special programs is in this permanent functional enhancement. The left cerebral medulla controls the right organ side and vice versa (there are exceptions!)
Outer Germ Layer – Ectoderm – Cerebral Cortex
Histologic formation:
Cellular atrophy-SBS with squamous ulcers-Ca in ca-phase, in healing phase scarring-restitutive reconstruction of ulcers.
Note by GHK Academy
The cerebral cortex controls the EKTODERM (red group, squamous epithelium + functional failures). This is a matter of SEPARATION + TERRITORY. In the active phase, the squamous epithelium ulcerates. In the healing phase, the tissue is replenished without microbes (viruses do not exist) and swelling. At the end of the healing phase, the swelling recedes. These special programs’ biological sense is in the active phase by function enhancement (squamous epithelium) or by function loss (function loss makes neither cell proliferation nor cell loss). The left cerebral cortex controlled the right organ side and vice versa (simplified!).