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Organ Heart

Myocardial Organ Graphic
Myocardial Organ Graphic

The organ heart has the atria (smooth muscle) and the ventricles (striated muscle). The coronary vessels are lined internally with squamous epithelium. The pericardium lines the heart.

Chart Cerebral Cortex-Ectoderm

Cervix uteri and portio mucosa cancer

Cervix uteri and portio mucosa cancer Conflict: Female sexual frustration conflict right-handed woman’s first conflict left-handed woman with schizophrenic constellation second conflict handedness and hormonal

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Organ Brain

The organ brain is divided into the old brain and the new brain. The brainstem, midbrain, and cerebellum belong to the old brain. The cerebral

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Pleura organ graphic

Organ Inner Skins

The inner skins include the peritoneum, pericardium, pleura, and pleura of the lungs. All of them are controlled from the cerebellum. This always involves attack

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Pericardium Carcinoma left

Pericardium Carcinoma left Conflict: Conflict, attack against the heart Example: punch, knife stab. Also psychologically associable: “You have a heart condition!”, or the subjective sensation:

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Pericardium Carcinoma right

Pericardium Carcinoma right Conflict: Conflict, an attack against the heart Example: punch, knife stab. Also psychologically associable: “You have a heart condition!”, or the subjective

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Chart Cerebral Cortex-Ectoderm

Pulmonary embolism

Pulmonary embolism – Diagnostic Chart Coronary vein ulcers. Coronary veins are also pharyngeal arches descendants and are sensitively supplied by the cerebral cortex. Coronary vein,

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