Liver Carcinoma – Diagnostic Chart
Starvation conflict, also, e.g., due to colon cancer
Oh, God! I’m starving! What am I going to live on?
Hamer Focus:
In the brainstem (pons), laterally on the right side
active phase:
- Cauliflower-like growing adeno-Ca of secretory grade or predominantly spherical growing adeno-Ca of absorptive grade.
- Typically round, so-called solitary round foci appear dark on CT.
- The healing phase can be accomplished in two ways: Encapsulation (non-biological!) – for the lost liver parenchyma, the liver can grow new tissue.
- Tuberculous-caseating, necrotizing, degradation (biological cure) by liver TBC.
Biological Sense:
Active phase
Predominantly absorptive type to better absorb food, but possibly secretory portions to better digest food with increased bile excretion.