Adenohypophysis-Ca right side
- Conflict of not being able to grab a morsel because it is out of reach because the individual is too small.
- Conflict of not being able to feed the child or the family.
Hamer Focus:
In the brainstem (pons), right dorsal (backward)
active phase:
- Hypophysis adenoma, compact cauliflower-like growing adeno-Ca of secretory quality with increased secretion of growth hormone. Consequence: real growth in children and adolescents, or acromegaly (increase in the size of the ends of individual limbs) in adults.
- Increased secretion of prolactin. Consequence: Increase in milk production.
- In the presence of fungi and fungal bacteria: tuberculous-caseous necrotizing degradation of the pituitary-oropharyngeal adenoma. Conflict becomes irrelevant because the individual is now big enough to get the morsel.
- Conflict becomes irrelevant because the child or family can now be adequately fed.
Biological Sense:
- Growth hormone to get the high hanging morsel.
- Prolactin-producing cells: to produce more prolactin to breastfeed a child or partner better.