Eustachii Carcinoma right – Diagnostic Chart
Conflict of not being able to grasp an (information) morsel
Hamer Focus:
In the brainstem (pons), right dorsal (backward)
active phase:
The so-called eustachian tube suffers an occlusion due to the compact, flat-growing adeno-Ca of the absorptive quality.
Consequence: retracted eardrum due to lack of ventilation, and poor hearing.
Fetid tuberculous caseation is draining into the mouth and into the middle ear and mimicking otitis media (middle ear infection) unless the middle ear mucosa is also affected.
Biological Sense:
Active Phase
To want to salivate an auditory (information) morsel to be able to absorb it more quickly. To be able to take in a morsel that one wants more quickly.