Lung Cancer is not equal to Lung Cancer
The 3rd Law of Germanische Heilkunde®, the ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer equivalents, orders all so-called diseases according to germ layer affiliation:
The inner, middle and outer germ layer are already formed at the beginning of the embryo’s development. Each cell or each organ of the body can assign not only to one of these so-called germ layers but also to each of these germ layers that also belong to development-historically conditioned, certain brain parts also histological formations. Furthermore, cerebrum-controlled organs and old-brain-controlled organs behave inversely proportional to cell multiplication and cell fusion during the conflict-active and conflict-resolved phases.
The cells or organs that develop from the inner germ layer have their relays in the brainstem and make cell proliferation with compact tumors of the adeno cell type in cancer.
The cells or organs that have developed from the outer germ layer undergo cell fusion in the form of ulcer or ulcers in the case of cancer, or a loss of function at the organic level, e.g., diabetes or paralysis.
With the middle germ layer, we distinguish an older and a younger group:
The cells or organs belonging to the middle germ layer’s older group have their relay in the cerebellum. i.e., they still belong to the old brain, and therefore, in the case of cancer, they also make compact tumors in the conflict-active phase, namely of the adenoid cell type.
The cells or organs belonging to the middle germ layer’s younger group have their control place in the medullary canal of the cerebrum and make necroses or tissue holes or cell fusion in the conflict-active phase in case of cancer.
From this, it can be seen that cancer is not a nonsensical event of randomly wildly growing cells, but a very well understandable and already predictable process, which adheres quite precisely to ontogenetic conditions.

Intrabronchial squamous cell carcinoma, also known as bronchial carcinoma for short, belongs to the outer germ layer and is controlled by the cerebrum.
According to this, bronchial carcinoma is an ulcer process, i.e., no tumor but an ulcer forms in the bronchial mucosa during the conflict-active phase.
During the healing phase, the bronchus is displaced by swelling of the mucous membrane. This results in atelectasis, i.e., a usually only temporary reduction in ventilation, which causes a severe cough. In the vast majority of cases, the tragedy is that bronchial carcinoma is first discovered in this phase. Suppose these patients would find their way to Germanische Heilkunde® already before a negative diagnosis and prognosis by conventional medicine. In that case, 95% of these patients, who are already in the healing phase, could survive.
In smaller masses of conflict, we have bronchitis in the healing phase, when the mucosal swelling is located more in the bronchial branch. If the swelling of the mucous membrane is more in the pulmonary alveoli, it is called pneumonia.
From the cerebellum on, the right and left-handedness also get essential to determine which side of the patient’s brain works. Therefore, the correlation is crossed from the brain to the organ for all cerebellum relays and the entire cerebrum. Nevertheless, the cerebellum and the cerebrum differ from each other, whereby the cerebellar sides are always conflict-thematically bound.
The conflict is always a territorial fear conflict. The conflict can be of two types: motor and sensory. We call the sensory territorial fear, which shows pneumonia in the healing phase, the lysis. We call asthma the motor biological conflict of the bronchial musculature if it is a schizophrenic constellation. Of these, again, there are two varieties. But we will not go into that in detail here.
Territorial fear, however, can only be suffered by men or masculine, post-menopausal women. On the other hand, bronchial cancer can also occur in left-handed young women, in the case of a scare-fright conflict – together with depression. Exceptions are also schizophrenic constellations and hormonal changes (e.g., birth control pill).
According to the 4th Law of Germanische Heilkunde®, the ontogenetic-conditional system of microbes, the old-brain-controlled organs degrade their tumors with the help of particular microbes. While also in the healing phase, the holes and ulcers of the cerebrum-controlled organs are filled up again with the help of viruses (if they exist) and bacteria under the swelling.
Alveolar adeno-Ca, also called lung cancer, belongs to the inner germ layer, is directed by the brainstem, and always has as conflict the fear of death. So, it grows in the conflict-active phase and is degraded in the healing phase by the mycobacteria, the tuberculosis bacteria, if any are present, is cauterized and coughed up, and caverns are left behind, which have a much better breathing capacity of the lung than the lung had before with these compact round heart cancers.
So far, we have understood the microbes only in such a way as if they would cause the so-called infectious diseases. This view seemed to be evident because we also found always exactly these microbes with the so-called infectious diseases. Only, this was not true. Because a conflict-active phase always preceded these alleged infectious diseases. And only with the conflict solution (thus in the healing phase) can these microbes become active. And they are directed and activated by our brain. And they help us in the sense that they clear the consequences of superfluous cancer, i.e., the tumor, which is no longer needed after fulfilling its task, or in which the bacteria and viruses (if they exist) help to rebuild the holes, necroses, tissue destruction of the cerebrum. Thus, they are our faithful helpers, our guest workers. The immune system’s idea as the army fighting against the evil microbes was wrong.
However, these round foci remain if the tubercle mycobacteria are missing in this healing phase. Many patients have a smaller or larger pulmonary nodule as a residual condition, which expresses the fear of death, e.g., for an injured family member (also an animal). Such solitary round foci are often discovered by chance after years during a routine examination. But the patients are not sick at all. They only lacked tuberculosis in the healing phase. Otherwise, they would have a cavern, and nobody would speak of a tumor. Thus, more and more pulmonary nodules were subsequently diagnosed as lung cancer, previously diagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis only in the healing phase. As a result, tuberculosis decreased, and lung cancer increased. Strange that no one has noticed this yet.
Today, when a patient is diagnosed with cancer by so-called conventional medicine, most patients experience this as a devastating shock, which can immediately trigger further panic conflicts and thus new cancers, which are then regarded by conventional medicine as so-called metastases. However, what the physicians had considered as metastases were new cancers, starting from new conflict shocks, i.e., from iatrogenic, i.e., medically triggered diagnosis and prognosis shocks. The fairy tale of metastases was a fairy tale of all unproven and unprovable hypotheses. No researcher has ever been able to find a cancer cell in a so-called cancer patient’s arterial blood. Because they would have to be found there if they swam to the periphery, i.e., the body’s outer areas, also, that the cancer cells on their way, on their never observed way through the blood, would have even changed, and, e.g., an intestinal cancer cell, which has made a cauliflower-like compact tumor in the intestine, would have suddenly migrated into the bones, where it could turn into bone atrophy are sheer madness and of medieval dogmatism.
The ontogenetic system is probably finally disproved that a cell controlled, e.g., before by the old brain and made compact tumors, suddenly leaves its associated brain relay, couples itself to the cerebrum, to fabricate cell loss suddenly.
Not infrequently, patients perceive the diagnosis of “breast cancer” or “lung cancer” as an attack (conflict) against the thoracic cavity and thus develop an additional cancer of the pleura, a so-called pleural carcinoma.
This carcinoma belongs to the middle germ layer, the cerebellar mesoderm, making cell growth, of the adenoid cell type, in the conflict-active phase. The organism now tries – this is the biological sense – to protect itself against the attack by building internally at the pleura a reinforcement, turf-like mesothelioma.
However, this pleural mesothelioma is usually not noticed until conflict resolution has occurred. This is because all tumors controlled by the cerebellum form fluid during the healing phase. In the pleura, we call this pleural effusion. In the peritoneum = ascites and the pericardium = pericardial or pericardial effusion.
In conventional medicine, however, the patient now comes out of the frying pan into the fire. The diagnosis of “pleural carcinoma” (in conventional medicine now: “metastasis”) usually triggers a new shock again, e.g., cancer anxiety or frontal fear conflict. In the conflict-active phase, ulcers form in the old silenced gill archways lined with squamous epithelium. Again, these are usually not noticed until the healing phase, as the mucosa around the ulcers swells inside the gill archways. This causes cysts to form that contain serous fluid inside. Incorrectly, these cysts are also called centrocystic-centroblastic non-Hodgkin “lymphoma” in conventional medicine. After several recurrences: Induration of the so-called non-Hodgkin lymphoma. These can even extend from the mediastinum to the diaphragm. The diagnosis is made exclusively during the healing phase in patients with symptoms or after the healing phase without symptoms, i.e., the conflict must have been resolved before. Tragically, they have now been diagnosed with “small cell bronchial carcinoma.”
It is certainly not difficult to imagine why most patients die within a few weeks or months of panic and subsequent conflicts. It can be assumed that about 80% of second & third cancers are triggered by conventional medical diagnosis and current pseudo-therapy.
“Lung cancer comes from smoking.”
In a large-scale experiment over several years, thousands of golden hamsters were smoked with cigarette smoke for life, while control animals were not smoked. Not a single animal suffered from squamous cell bronchial carcinoma, and none from pulmonary round cell carcinoma. It was simply overlooked that golden hamsters are not afraid of smoke at all because they live underground. Therefore, they have no code in the brain, and no warning light against smoke.
With house mice, on the other hand, it’s the other way around. They go into a total panic of fear of death at the slightest development of smoke and flee. If you saw a swarm of mice running out of a house in the Middle Ages, you knew that there was a fire somewhere. So in some of these mice, you can create lung round cancer by smoking them, which is caused by a death anxiety conflict.
These examples may be sufficient to clarify that almost all animal experiments carried out today are only senseless cruelty to animals because one regards the animal’s soul as non-existent with all these experiments. Therefore, I allow myself the prognosis that the animal experiments may be regarded later once as a disgrace for our entire age and as a testimony of our unspeakable ignorance.
In short, there is no evidence of carcinogens acting directly on the organ, past the brain.
Conventional medicine has collected many correct facts. Most of these facts are also not disputed by the Germanische Heilkunde®, but the evaluation links these facts!
Copyright Dr. Hamer
Translated: John Holledauer