Intestinal cancer – colon, rectum, small intestine
Intestinal cancer belongs to the inner germ layer (endoderm). The associated relay is located in the brainstem. It, therefore, makes compact tumors of the adenocellular type in the conflict-active phase.

The morsel-conflict
Brainstem-controlled adenocarcinomas always arise when we cannot assimilate, swallow, digest, or excrete a morsel. These biological conflicts are to be understood developmentally as archaic conflicts, analogous in principle to humans and animals. The animal feels most of these biological conflicts are still real. We, humans, are often transposed, quasi cultivated, one could almost say paranoid. For example, we perceive a bundle of shares, a thousand mark bill, or a bounced deal as a morsel and suffer a biological conflict if we lose it. In the natural context, the bundle of paper would be completely worthless.
But for the animal, a morsel that it cannot swallow or digest is really about a piece of food.
Example: An animal has devoured a morsel with a piece of bone too greedily; the piece of bone now sits crosswise in the intestine, and nothing goes forward or back – a truly indigestible conflict. The animal suffers colic as a result. With this colic, the DHS (conflict shock), a sensible biological special program, now switches on. And this special program ensures that mouthward, thus proximally (with a river, one would say upstream) from this morsel, an intestinal cancer grows, a cauliflower-like growing compact tumor.
As long as the conflict activity continues, this tumor grows. At the same time, the mycobacteria (tuberculosis bacteria) in the blood multiply just as fast. Provided that the individual had at least one of a kind in stock (which is taken for granted in nature). Only as many are needed for later decomposing the tumor in the healing phase.
The tumor, which now grows in front of this morsel, ensures that a tremendous amount of digestive juice is produced. And this digestive juice makes this morsel smaller as if you were to put an ice cube into warm water, which then thaws. And so this bone thaws, and at some point, it’s thawed out enough, small enough, that it can slip through. As soon as the morsel slips through, conflictolysis (conflict resolution) sets in. The tumor, which now no longer has a function, ferments through tuberculosis, i.e., mycobacteria, fungal bacteria, and disappears again. The conflict event is thus completed.
One could perhaps ask, what is malicious about it at all? Answer: Nothing is malicious! Because everything that mother nature makes is benign! We alone have been “malignantly ignorant.” We always imagined the microbes as a massive hostile armada that our immune system must fight. This was not true because the microbes were never our enemies but always our friends, our helpers, which we almost exterminated in our stupidity.
Of course, with us humans, this indigestible morsel is today usually no more food morsel, but for example, a car, a house, an inheritance, a burst business, a lost lawsuit, a job, or the like. But we react biologically archaically still in such a way as if it were still the food morsel, which had made us the “indigestible biological conflict,” e.g.
- in colon cancer: ugly, indigestible anger (colon),
- an ugly, sneaky, vile “shit-conflict” (rectum),
- or an ugly, vile shit-conflict (sigmoid).
- The patient must now understand how to translate that into biological language.

To adjust to the archaic conflicts, to understand them, one must be able to trace them back developmentally together with the organ manifestation.
Example: Someone thought he had won the lottery and had already invited all his friends and relatives. Overall, it turned out: that the lottery lady had “kindly” rewritten a lottery number because the man had always picked the same numbers for years.
And now you have to imagine it like this: The patient had already snatched this chunk, the 30,000 dollars, because he had tipped his ticket correctly, and in the end, he had to give the morsel back.
The dog would certainly not be interested in 30 thousand dollar bills. He would sniff once and say: “that’s nothing,” but for a human being who knows that he can buy all kinds of things for it, that’s a morsel, and he gets a carcinoma of the palate.
The dog would only get that with a real morsel, which you take away from him again. But it doesn’t take much imagination to imagine that lottery win as a morsel, which humans do. Or a patient suffers an indigestible conflict because he has already swallowed a morsel but cannot digest it. He has already bought a house, for example, and suddenly, he finds out that the sale contract is invalid, he has been tricked, and he loses the house again.
The patient must learn to find the DHS, the right time belonging to it, and of course, also the specific conflict content belonging to it. Then he will see with joyful astonishment that there is obviously a system inherent in it, so he does not need to panic anymore because he can see and understand the cause and the whole course in himself. Because the hypothesis fairy tales that the cancer cells would have even changed on their way, on their never observed way through the blood, and, e.g., an intestinal cancer cell, which has made a cauliflower-like, compact tumor in the intestine, would have suddenly migrated into the bone, where it could turn into bone atrophy, are sheer madness and of medieval dogmatism.
The physicians had regarded metastases as new cancers, starting from new conflict shocks, i.e., first of all from iatrogenic, i.e., medically triggered diagnosis and prognosis shocks. No researcher has ever been able to find a cancer cell in a so-called cancer patient’s arterial blood because that is where they would have to be found if they were to swim to the periphery, i.e., the body’s outer areas.
Typical follow-up conflicts
However, when a patient is told that he has a colon carcinoma that needs to be operated on, he usually suffers two new conflicts:
After all, a mental attack against the abdomen is to be cut open (such a biological conflict causes mesothelioma, a peritoneal (abdominal) carcinoma), single liver carcinoma, and always on the right dorsal side. It expresses the biological-archaic fear that no more food will pass through the intestine because there is supposedly a carcinoma. That is, the patient has a real archaic fear of starvation or of getting an ileus and starving to death because he imagines that the food can no longer pass through.
Suppose a period elapses between the diagnosis and the time of the operation. In that case, the surgeon usually finds so-called stipple-shaped “metastases” on the peritoneum. If he has a tomogram of the liver made shortly before or after the operation, this said solitary liver nodule is on the right dorsal side. Unfortunately, there are enough examples that such a patient is usually considered inoperable, or incurable, i.e., an abandoned case. In comparison, we can now systematically and biologically logically understand that the patient has suffered iatrogenically, i.e., by the diagnosis and operation announcement of the biological subsequent conflicts and diseases. One had believed the “metastasis” in former times the “metastasis fairy tale.”
It is also idle to describe that the surgeon, perhaps out of ignorance of the correlations, also operates out this solitary liver nodule and scrapes away as much as possible of the “peritoneal metastases.” As is often the case at present. It is also pointless to mention that after the operation, the patient thinks, “now he is freed from his evil.” As a sign of conflict resolution of his abdominal attack, the conflict now gets ascites. (fluid in the abdominal cavity) As a sign of healing, which, again, at present, the surgeon and oncologist together consider the beginning of the end because they both do not know about the biological connections.
From then on, a vicious circle is closed, insofar as everything that has to do with the intestine in the future will cause recurrences of this liver carcinoma. There is a second or even a third carcinoma is not disputed, but the evaluation of this fact is. In general, this brings us to the question of what the purpose of the tumors originally was or still is today.
The Biological Sense
These cancers or tumors were nothing senseless, but they were something very sensible. Thus, if the morsel is already in the stomach or intestine, it is already swallowed but cannot be digested. Because it was too large, then the organism had just made an enormous, so-called tumor. This tumor is not something senseless, but it is digestive cells, intestinal cells, “disposable cells” for one-time use, which produce an enormous amount of digestive juice and thus make the morsel digestible; it can be brought down and digested in the animal kingdom.
Based on the new findings of Germanische Heilkunde®, we have to think about what makes sense, what we have to do, e.g., In cases where an ileus is really threatening and where one would, of course, operate prophylactically, and what we don’t have to do anymore. Because at the moment of conflict resolution, the particular program switches back to the healing phase.
The microbes
Now our well-behaved microbes, in this case, the mycobacteria (provided the patient had some from the beginning of the DHS because they are no longer of any use to us), come and cheese this tumor again, which is usually accompanied by occasional bleeding. And when we look into the intestine after ¼ year or four months, all we see is a scar plate where this tumor used to be. Mother Nature has surgically removed it herself, i.e., microbial removed it. This is nature’s surgery! However, suppose the patient does not have mycobacteria. In that case, one must consider whether he would like to have the small intestinal tumor operated on if he knows for sure that the associated conflict is solved.
The unique feature of an abscess affecting the sigmoid is that a compact, the flat tumor grows under the overlying rectal squamous mucosa. Palpable but not visible. If then the tumor under the rectal mucosa is degraded in a caseating necrotizing manner, we have a submucosal abscess. These abscesses are usually considered to be so-called hemorrhoids and are so designated.
However, the actual rectum “Ca” belongs to the outer germ layer (ectoderm) and does not make a tumor in the conflict-active phase. But ulcers, which rarely bleed in this phase, cause spasms and pain and are usually misinterpreted as “hemorrhoid” pain. After conflict resolution, these ulcers are refilled with the help of viruses (?) under the swelling.
While in the case of brainstem conflicts, the handedness of the patient has not yet played a role, which is of utmost importance in cerebrum and cerebellum conflicts. Equally important here is the current hormonal status, menopause, birth control pills, etc.
A simple clapping test can be used to determine whether someone is right- or left-handed: in a right-handed person, the right hand is on top when clapping, and vice versa in a left-handed person. Besides, left-handedness moves the conflict to the opposite side of the brain so that instead of a rectum (Ca), a stomach or bile duct ulcer (Ca) then develops.
In upper small intestinal-Ca (jejunum) as well as lower small intestinal-Ca (ileum), which again belong to the brainstem, there is also an underlying conflict of “not being able to digest the morsel” (indigestible anger), usually with the additional aspect of starvation.
The same applies to ileum cancer (also known as Crohn’s disease in the healing phase), where bleeding mucosal fragments and mucus are also expelled and digested in the stool.
Many cancers are only discovered when they are already in the healing phase because they cause the most discomfort. This includes colon cancers, which are usually not discovered until they begin to bleed. Then the doctors consider these healing symptoms to be the symptoms of cancer.
We can also understand why we were never able to comprehend the development of cancer as long as we had not understood the correlations and, above all, the developmental mechanism of our biological conflict programs. Therefore, in our ignorance, we had always claimed that cancer was “malignant.” That it was a wildly and haphazardly proliferating uncontrolled event that nobody could understand, nothing of it had been right!
They were always sensible biological special programs of nature according to the “quintessence,” the 5th biological law of nature.
Copyright Dr. Hamer
Translated: John Holledauer