Bladder Carcinoma – Tumor or Ulcer
The 2nd law of nature of the Germanische Heilkunde, the law of the biphasic nature of all so-called diseases, says that all so-called diseases, respectively biological special programs of nature, run in two phases, with a
- conflict-active, cold, sympathicotonic phase (ca-phase) from the DHS, and a
- conflict-resolved or vagotonic healing phase, called pcl-phase for short, if conflict resolution occurs.
Germanische Heilkunde® is the classification according to the history of the development of embryology. It also explains the connections between the different germ layers, the resulting different histological formations or cancerous tumors, and the normal tissues. Indeed, if we arrange all the different tumors and swellings according to this history of development or according to the criteria of the different so-called germ layers, we find a fantastic order. At each site of cancer, we find not only the histological pattern of tissue that belongs there embryologically, but germ layer-related conflicts also have germ layer-related brain relays, in the case of conflict so-called Hamer Focus (HH), germ layer-related organs they affect, and also germ layer-related microbes. The biological sense of each so-called disease is also germ layer-dependent.
In the case of the so-called diseases, i.e., parts of the Sensible Biological Special Programs, which belong to the inner germ layer or Endoderm, we see that the brainstem controls them they also have an ordered localization there. Because they begin in the brain stem right dorsal with the diseases of the mouth and then arrange themselves counterclockwise, corresponding to the gastrointestinal tract, and end with the sigma and the bladder, left dorsal.
Histologically, all carcinomas that are controlled by the brainstem are adenocarcinoma, without exception. Therefore, they all grow in the conflict-active phase with cell proliferation and are degraded in the healing phase by fungi or fungal bacteria (if present). However, mycobacteria already multiply off the DHS at the same rate as the adenocarcinoma themselves. But again, only as many are needed for subsequent tumor degradation. So, this means that there is a very insightful order between the arrangement of the brain relays and the organs. And we also see that the associated conflicts are similar, i.e., it is always a matter of getting the morsel. e.g., swallowing the morsel down, transporting it further, digesting it, and finally being able to excrete it again. This order on all three levels, and especially in the histological field, will be a diagnostic aid in the future. We will no longer need to take sample excisions, for example, at most in exceptional cases when the topographical assignment of the tumor should not be clear to us.
The DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome), the conflict shock, is the beginning of the conflict activity and, at the same time the beginning of any so-called disease, not only cancer. In the 1st phase, which we call permanent sympathicotonia, we have cold hands, cold periphery, insomnia, and weight loss as long as the conflict is active. Moreover, the brain’s responsible relay center is marked by a so-called shooting target configuration (Hamer Focus). “Shooting target” means that the Hamer Focus (HH) is in the conflict-active phase. The biological conflicts are all archaic conflicts. They apply analogously to humans and animals.
However, the conflict contents presuppose a certain occupation with the history of development. Therefore, the designations are chosen so that they are valid for us humans and animal because these conflicts must be quasi “interanimal,” at least for us mammals. This results in terms like “ugly conflict”, “ugly indigestible conflict”, “ugly semi-genital conflict”, etc.
Until now, it was wrongly believed that chemical substances, especially so-called industrial amines, lead to bladder cancer. This is why this form of cancer was often called aniline cancer. Germanische Heilkunde®, on the other hand, has gained entirely different and provable knowledge.
The conflict in the bladder (adeno) carcinoma is an ugly: “mess.”

Example: A pregnant woman is brutally beaten by her husband.
In this second of the DHS, the conflict content is already defined in the patient’s understanding. In the conflict-active phase, either cauliflower-like growing adenocarcinoma of the secretory quality grows. So-called bladder polyps, or flat-growing adenocarcinoma of the absorptive quality, form. Especially in the trigonum vesicle, the triangle between the ureters’ confluence and the outlet of the urethra spreads while the conflict is still active.
Secretory means that the morsel is crushed, broken down, or digested by secretion of digestive juice, e.g., in the cauliflower-like growing tumors = polyps. Absorptive means that the food substances are absorbed from the intestine into the blood and lymphatic system in the flat-growing adenocarcinoma.
In the conflict-active phase, the tumor grows as long as the conflict is still active. In the bladder, we find predominantly or almost exclusively the absorptive type, which has a kind of renal collecting tube carcinoma function. So to speak, i.e., urine is to be taken back (= reabsorbed).
After conflict resolution, the conflict resolution phase or healing phase, or permanent vagotonia, sets in. The tumor is degraded again by caseating necrotization using fungi or fungal bacteria (mycobacteria) (TBC cystitis), which is always accompanied by night sweats and fever.
Microbes can also be assigned to one of these three germ layers. They work only on the command of our brain and always after the resolution of the conflict. However, if no mycobacteria were already present at the beginning of the disease (DHS), only the tumor’s encapsulation occurs. That is, the tumor remains. This will change the diagnosis and the whole therapy.
The biological sense here is in the ca-phase. It means that in the area of carcinomas, i.e., of the absorptive type, urine continues to be increasingly reabsorbed to save water.
Due to the knowledge gained by Germanische Heilkunde® about the spontaneous natural degradation of these old brain carcinomas in the healing phase, surgical intervention will be unnecessary in the future for almost all of these carcinomas. Of course, always provided that there is a conflict resolution and the patient already had fungi or fungal bacteria, i.e., tuberculosis (acid-fast rods) at the beginning of the disease.
In conventional medicine, the entire bladder and the surrounding tissue are still usually removed surgically. The urine is drained via the intestine using an artificial outlet. This often leads to follow-up conflicts. When the patients wake up from the anesthesia, they often immediately suffer the next DHS. In the past, in complete ignorance, we called these new cancers “metastases,” which did not even exist in the previous understanding. So-called. Metastases are new cancers, starting from new conflict shocks. First, by triggered diagnosis and prognosis shocks or operation consequences or therapy tortures, and further by social worries and fears. Thus, fate usually takes its course. But some cases end lethally because the patients do not get their conflict under control. This can be due to the personality as well as the environment of the patient.
Example: A patient who had been left by her husband, with whom she had built up everything together, for another woman, only could not and would not accept this. She felt her husband’s behaviour, who also wanted to divorce her, was a mess and fell ill with a bladder (adeno)carcinoma. When she was in the hospital, her husband, who must have had a guilty conscience, visited her frequently. This gave her new hope. But the husband signaled no more interest. And so, her thoughts always circled only one thing: “Such a mess, what did I do to deserve this, what did I do wrong?”
While the alto-brain-controlled organs make cell proliferation in the conflict-active phase, we see cell reduction in the cerebrum-controlled organs: ulcers or necroses.
The ulcer is always a substance defect, which we find in all squamous cell carcinomas, including the bladder mucosa.
The conflict content here is a so-called turf marking conflict with a bladder ulcer carcinoma.
In these squamous epithelial and mucosa, no tumors develop in the bladder in the ca-phase, but tissue atrophy, i.e., ulceration.
Hamer Focus is located in the post-sensory cortex center on the left or right temporo-occipital side. Here, there is a right-sided (female) and a left-sided (male) bladder half. This is because, developmentally, the so-called urinary bladder was double-sided in prehistoric times. There was a right and a left bladder, just as there are still two kidneys and two ureters today. From a developmental point of view, the two bladders grew together.
The conflict content for the female half of the bladder is a conflict of location determination. It is quasi a territory marking conflict of the inner territory, i.e., the conflict of not recognizing the territory boundary (e.g., not knowing where one belongs).
The male bladder half is a boundary conflict, i.e., a so-called territory marking conflict of the outer territory (because the mammal marks the territory with its urine). Biologically, the individuals involved can no longer mark the territory.
Example: The husband comes home unexpectedly early from a business trip and surprises his wife with a mutual friend in the marital bed.
Whereas in the case of the organs controlled by the brainstem, handedness has not yet played a role. In the case of the organs controlled by the cerebrum, this is of decisive importance. One must distinguish, in principle, particularly with the cerebral cortex’s conflicts, between the firmly assigned brain relays for partner/partner or child/mother side and the variably assigned brain relays in the territorial area. Every human being is left- or right-handed. In identical twins, one is always left-handed, and the other is right-handed. If one applauds as in the theater, then the hand on top always decides on the handedness. In addition to the handedness, the hormonal position also decides where the conflict hits because the hormonal position change also changes the perception and assignment of conflict.
For example, a right-handed woman who takes the pill or is in menopause then feels the territory marking conflict of the inner territory male, i.e., as a border conflict in the male understanding, i.e., she changes the hemisphere (brain side).
Without the pill, the left-handed woman changes the brain side because the conflicts due to left-handedness basically hit her on the opposite brain hemisphere.
Likewise, with the left-handed man, who would react in a territory marking conflict, on the left female hemisphere, instead of on the right male side, with a Hamer Focus because between right-handers and left-handers, the relation between psychic level and brain is side-reversed. From the level brain to the level organ, however, the relation is always constant.
If a DHS has occurred, then an ulcer develops in the conflict-active phase, which either does not bleed at all or only minimally, possibly causing slight pain. On the other hand, more unpleasant are the so-called bladder spasms (a cramp-like, extremely painful contraction of the urinary bladder muscles) because the bladder mucosa is very sensitive because the post-sensory cortex center sensitively supplies it. The biological sense here is also in the ca-phase and means that the bladder wall becomes thinner. This allows the bladder to absorb more fluid and better mark the territory (with more urine).
After conflict resolution, this ulcer is rebuilt in the healing phase with new cells with viruses to help (if they exist). And since we didn’t know that before, we thought that the new formation of the cells, which make real cell proliferation in the healing phase (but only to fill up the ulcer again), are partly very malignant tumors. This results in severe mucosal swelling in the ulcer area, with possible bladder bleeding. There may even be temporary mechanical obstruction of the drainage of the urinary tract. However, the patient no longer has spasms, possibly only mild scarring pain. Instead, he experiences a feeling of pressure and a frequent urge to urinate, with burning and pain during urination. Emptying occurs only in small amounts of urine. The urine may appear cloudy, mixed with mucus, or even reddish if there is blood.
The so-called papillomas are already the earlier ulcers’ keratinized, healed residual states. We had also mistakenly misjudged carcinomas, which were only harmless warts.
When there are frequent short-term recurrences, we also speak of chronic cystitis. The patient has his psychological Achilles heel, as it were, at the psychological conflict scar, his weak point. The same conflict attracts him quasi magically. He can also say he repeatedly falls into the same trap (track), even if he knows. But all this has nothing to do with so-called “colds,” as we used to believe. We have to shuffle the cards completely.
If our brain is the computer of our organism, then it is as well for everything! It makes no sense to imagine that some processes of this organism would happen “past the computer.” We had not been able to judge correctly even one disease because we had always seen only the conflict-active phase – then we had called them cold diseases. Or we had seen only the healing phase – then we had called them infectious diseases. Now we know that all this was not true because every so-called disease is part of a two-phase event (if it comes to a solution) with a conflict-active phase and a conflict-solved healing phase.
Copyright Dr. Hamer
Translated: John Holledauer