Scientific Diagnostic Chart

Venous blood vessel necrosis right

Cerebral Medulla = New Brain = Middle Germ Layer = Mesoderm

Hamer compass
Venous blood vessel necrosis right – Diagnostic Chart


A specific self-devaluation conflict, e.g., for leg veins: “ball and chain conflict.”
  • for the right-handed person concerning partner
  • for the left-handed person concerning mother or child
Example: Woman becomes pregnant unintentionally, feels child as a “ball and chain conflict”, her freedom is suddenly restricted.


Hamer Focus:

HH in the cerebral medulla is located in the same place where the associated bone skeleton has its relay, right.

Active phase:

Venous necrosis, e.g., leg veins: “cramping” veins, so-called varicose veins in ca-phase. If it is the first conflict of this kind, nothing has been seen yet. Only in the case of conflict recurrence, the varicose vein can also “spasm” again (probably involving the vein muscles).


The ulcerated veins become so-called varices, i.e., they become thick. In reality, the surrounding swelling is often misinterpreted as thrombophlebitis: healing of the damaged vein wall. The residual condition is the thick varicose vein—increased venous swelling in the presence of the syndrome.



Biological Sense:

At the end of the healing phase and permanent Reinforcement of the venous blood vessels’ wall, especially the Intima.


The Intima of the coronary veins belongs to the gill arch derivatives. The Intima consists of squamous epithelium and is highly sensitive (see red column).
blood vessels
blood vessels
Cerebral Medulla Diagnostic Chart
Cerebral Medulla Diagnostic Chart

Right brain side

Left brain side

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