The brain is divided into the old brain and the new brain. The brainstem, midbrain, and cerebellum belong to the old brain. The cerebral medulla and cerebral cortex belong to the new brain. The brain controls the SBSe with its brain relays. In the conflict-active phase, the Hamer Focus is slice-shaped, and in the healing phase, edema is present. Brain tumors in the sense of nerve cell division do not exist.
Brain tumors do not exist by definition in Germanische Heilkunde
Brain tumors do not exist by definition Cancer disease is a disease of our psyche as well as of our brain as well as of

Laryngeal Asthma
Laryngeal Asthma – Diagnostic Chart Conflict: male territorial fear conflict female scare fright conflict handedness and hormonal status are crucial Idiom: – Hamer Focus: There

Middle Ear Carcinoma left
Middle Ear Carcinoma left – Diagnostic Chart Conflict: Not being able to get rid of a hearing morsel (INFORMATION). NOT HAVING SAID WHAT YOU WANTED.

Middle Ear Carcinoma right
Middle Ear Carcinoma right – Diagnostic Chart Conflict: Not being able to get a hearing morsel (INFORMATION). Conflict, not getting a hold of an acoustic

Organ Ear
Organ Ear The middle ear is about the morsel of information you want to get (right) or get rid of (left). Since it is controlled

Organ Heart
The organ heart has the atria (smooth muscle) and the ventricles (striated muscle). The coronary vessels are lined internally with squamous epithelium. The pericardium lines

Organ Inner Skins
The inner skins include the peritoneum, pericardium, pleura, and pleura of the lungs. All of them are controlled from the cerebellum. This always involves attack

Pericardium Carcinoma left
Pericardium Carcinoma left Conflict: Conflict, attack against the heart Example: punch, knife stab. Also psychologically associable: “You have a heart condition!”, or the subjective sensation:

Pericardium Carcinoma right
Pericardium Carcinoma right Conflict: Conflict, an attack against the heart Example: punch, knife stab. Also psychologically associable: “You have a heart condition!”, or the subjective
Psychoses, depressions and their causes
Psychoses & depression and their causes. Psychoanalysis cannot be applied to psychoses, and all psychiatrists know this. We must instead learn to understand it biologically,
Schizophrenia / schizophrenic constellation in Germanische Heilkunde
Schizophrenia = two conflict-active special programs in different brain hemispheres My first position after receiving my license to practice medicine was in the psychiatric university
The 2 varieties of Asthma
The 2 varieties of Asthma In 1981 Germanische Heilkunde introduced The IRON RULE OF CANCER. The Germanische Heilkunde® is an empirical natural science, and it
The Hamer Focus in Germanische Heilkunde
Dr. Hamer discovered the Hamer Focus in 1982 – one year after discovering the IRON RULE OF CANCER. If one found glia accumulations in the