Double Orgasm Causes a Stir on the Internet

Video Blogs of GHk International Academy

A Love Rush, a GHK testimonial about a Double Orgasm causes a stir on the internet

Love Rush, a GHK testimonial about a Double Orgasm, causes a stir on the internet.

On August 15th, I published a new testimonial on the GHK Academy homepage on the subject of orgasm – no, even better, a double orgasm, or what Dr. Hamer calls “Love Rush. ”
The woman who described her own experience of this double orgasm for us in this testimonial has thoroughly studied the available literature in original German and the relevant Seminar Modules of the GHK Academy. This comprehensive self-study was necessary for her to understand her own experience of what had happened to her during this “Love Rush” and to describe this experience for us in her own words.
This testimonial is the first available GHK testimonial describing the experience of a double orgasm.

Not everyone enjoys this topic.

Some individuals aim to allow Dr. Hamer’s legacy in the English language to be known only in a very incomplete and distorted format.

These self-proclaimed therapists and experts present the GHK Basics in a very minimalist form. They ignore the significance of the hormonal status completely, and the psychoses are only mentioned marginally. A concept (GNM) is pursued that guarantees that patients will remain dependent on doctors and these self-proclaimed “Hamer-therapists,” thus guaranteeing their way back to conventional medicine.

Germanische Heilkunde is the medicine of freedom because this knowledge empowers people to be their own therapists. It is impossible otherwise because nobody but the patient knows his conflicts. No one but the patient can resolve his conflicts and avoid tracks, and no one can go through the healing phase for the patient.
Selling the illusion that personal responsibility for one’s own health might be delegated to therapists or doctors is a lucrative business concept.
Based on how quickly the shouting about this double orgasm testimonial has spread on the internet, it only proves the intention behind it, which is to keep their established business concept intact.

Dear friends, study Germanische Heilkunde only ever in the original because otherwise, the painful path via these self-proclaimed “Hamer therapists” and then back to conventional medicine is inevitable.

Knowledge is power.
Germanische Heilkunde is freedom.

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