Smoking and Cancer, what does Germanische Heilkunde say?

Smoking and Cancer, what does Germanische Heilkunde say?

Conventional medicine claims that lung cancer is caused by smoking. Anyone who does not believe this is regarded as unserious. This medical dogma is still considered so incontrovertible among all physicians to the point that anything that questions this dogma is considered wrong and unsound.

The hypothesis that all lung tumors are related to smoking, which has been established almost without exception in so-called animal studies, was always based on the same premises and considered to be generally binding. One of these premises that was simply left out as if it did not exist at all was the psyche, soul, behavioral mode, or psychic reaction mode. Theologians allow us to name something in the animal that corresponds to the human psyche and is capable of psychic emotions and conflict experiences such as joy, grief, loyalty, betrayal, anger, or disappointment.
These primitive worldviews maintain that “disease” is something evil and not natural. They also purport that animals do not have a soul and are only meat or fur products, thus allowing the destruction of the cosmos at will.

If one wants to compare the psyche of animals and humans, then one must imagine that in our large computer brain that has entirely different conflicts coded for different life situations. Even if we train diligently to disregard our brain’s code, practically every one of our sensations, decisions, and actions is decisively shaped by this code of behavior. Although the code behavior between humans and mammals is similar, each race has its own specific code behavior.

The cosmic system is a whole in which each race/being stands, in some way, in relationship to each other. The relationship between the different races is dependent on our code behavior; for example, a cat would never run away from a cow or from an elephant. On the other hand, it runs away immediately if it sees a dog from far away. A deer will always behave according to its brain code and defend its territory, even if it has never seen another deer before. It is merely in his code. Thus, for many millions of years, every animal race and the human race has developed and lived according to “their code of behavior.”

Conventional medicine’s cruel animal experiments that were made to prove its theory that ‘smoking causes cancer’, were based on the assumption that the cigarette smoke toxin has a “local” effect and that an experimental animal’s psyche, therefore, does not need to be taken into account. For example, in a large-scale experiment, thousands of golden hamsters lived in an environment with cigarette smoke for several years, while control animals lived in a smoke-free environment. The scientists found that not a single animal suffered from bronchial-Ca nor from pulmonary round focus-Ca. In fact the smoked golden hamsters had evidently lived longer than the non-smoked hamsters. The answer to this is simple: because hamsters live in caves under the surface of the earth where smoke is practically non-existent, smoke does not upset a golden hamster because it never encounters smoke and, therefore, has not developed a panic code for it.

They did not find what they were looking for, namely bronchial carcinomas of the bronchial tubes. According to the criteria of previous medicine, the discussion about the connection between smoking and cancer should have ended with the result: cigarette smoking does not cause cancer. But the result was hushed up or put into perspective.

If one smoked laboratory mice (descendants of the house mouse) with cigarette smoke, then one found some of them had lung round foci and alveolar cancer, which humans and mammals suffer from a fear of death conflict. It is well known that when a roof was on fire in earlier times, all the mice ran out of the house in a flash, even before they noticed anything. House mice get into a total death panic at the slightest smoke development and flee because they have a delicate nose and an innate panic code against smoke. I call this the “code behavior of the brain.” So, it is with an infinite amount of things we humans do according to the primal code of our brain as long as we have not yet been denatured by the so-called civilization. One will find that house mice living in an environment with smoke will develop lung-round nodule cancer. However, this cancer actually originates from a death-fear-conflict.

Well, they said, “Then smoking makes, if not bronchial cancer, but lung cancer.”

Since then, in connection with smoking, one never speaks of bronchial-Ca but only of lung cancer. Bronchial cancer was simply relabelled as “lung cancer” because they wanted to prove that smoking causes cancer.

A few years ago, a supposedly highly reputable study made the rounds and caused a considerable stir. Formaldehyde, or chemical formula HCHO, or formic aldehyde, a colorless, pungent-smelling gas soluble in alcohol and water, with methanol added to prevent polymerization, also known as an aqueous solution formol, was said to have caused cancer in rats. Typically, rats give Formaldehyd a huge wide berth in the typical dilution used to disinfect when cleaning operating rooms because they can’t stand the stuff.

The creative researchers then used this aversion. They increased the Formaldehyde to 1000 times its concentration and (listen and be amazed) injected this highly concentrated stuff into the noses of the poor rats day after day!
The poor critters suffered a new relapse DHS every day. After some time, the rats were “redeemed,” and their noses were examined microscopically. The result was cancer of the nasal mucosa! Conclusion: Formaldehyde causes cancer.

Whenever one tortures an animal over weeks or months, always at the same place (thus the first torture DHS daily by a new recurrence torture DHS continues), one can produce – precisely according to the IRON RULE OF CANCER – cancer within the poor animal. However, one cannot produce cancer in organs whose nerve connections to the brain have been cut.

Almost 1,500 allegedly carcinogenic substances were picked out and made into so-called carcinogenic substances through such brutal animal test arrangements.

1. This does not mean that all these substances must be non-toxic for us, but they do not make cancer, not past the brain. It was assumed until now that cancer is the result of cells of an organ that have gone wild by chance.
Thus, lung and bronchial cancer are also not the same, although conventional medicine lumps everything together: Bronchial ulcer squamous cell-Ca, Alveolar adeno-Ca, Intrabronchial goblet cell adeno-Ca, Pleural mesothelioma, Gill arch duct ulcers, and mediastinal (so-called non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma).
The hypothesis is that all these “lung tumours” should have something to do with smoking.

2. The cigarette smoke only reaches the bronchial tubes, practically no longer the alveoli.

In the so-called conventional medicine, the whole thing reads like this:
Lung cancer is a disease of the 20th century. Initially, it only affected men, but now it also occurs in women. In the U.S., lung cancer accounts for about one-third of all deaths in men, and in England it accounts for about half. From the beginning, cigarette smoking was thought to be the most likely cause, because this was a new type of air pollution to which men were mostly exposed at first, and later women.”However, this explanation encountered difficulties. In particular, it was not possible to reconcile lung cancer incidence with the per capita consumption of cigarettes in different countries.

This problem was solved mainly when the long “incubation period” of the disease was recognized. Although many questions still remained, the basic facts were no longer in doubt:
“A cigarette smoker runs a ten to 50-fold higher risk of dying from lung cancer, with the exact figure depending on, among other things, how much he smokes and in which country he lives. If many people in a particular group stop smoking, the overall lung cancer mortality rate in that group will decrease. So there’s a strong case to be made that lung cancer, the most common fatal form of cancer, could be largely prevented if cigarette smoking were eliminated.”

Conventional medicine’s findings have always been obtained only statistically. As long as some facts are added to the mixture, statistics are legal.

3. But where facts of different series are to be statistically causally linked, then the matter becomes faulty.

Shepherds in the Caucasus Mountains rarely develop cancer. They eat a lot of sheep’s cheese. Statistical conclusion: sheep cheese is anti-carcinogenic and, therefore, prevents cancer (Scientific work from the Department of Cancer Prophylaxis of the University of Heidelberg/Mannheim).

The fact is that the herdsmen in the Caucasus hardly experienced severe conflicts during the whole year was not even considered a cause. It is wonderful how one can lie with statistics!

There are still other reasons why one must doubt all statistics that were written about the alleged positive or negative effects of cancer. The researchers had not considered the law of the bi-phase of diseases, the rule of left and right-handedness, and the related different correlations of conflict and corresponding brain localization. Nor did they take any interest in the resulting organ localization or the correlations between the different germ layers and, thus, the resulting different histological formations, let alone the importance of the microbes, which are our helpers and symbionts.

According to the ontogenetic-conditional system of tumors and cancer equivalents, all squamous epithelia and mucosa develop ulcers, i.e., tissue atrophy, in the conflict-active phase.

Intra-bronchial squamous cell-Ca, also called bronchial carcinoma for short, belongs to the outer germ layer and is controlled by the cerebrum, thus making cell loss (ulcers) in the conflict-active phase. And corresponds to a territorial fear conflict at the psychological level.
However, territorial anxiety can only be suffered by men or masculine post-menopausal women. On the other hand, bronchial cancer can also be suffered by left-handed young women – together with depression. (Exceptions as always: hormonal situation, schizo-constellations, pill, etc.).

What we used to consider bronchial carcinoma was actually atelectasis, a deficiency in ventilation, a passive one for the most part. This was already the healing phase of these ulcers, and it only obstructed the bronchus due to the swelling of the mucous membrane, which also caused a strong cough.

The tragedy is when the bronchial carcinoma, in the vast majority of cases, is only discovered or, depending on the preceding conflict strength and duration, i.e., conflict load, possibly “only” diagnosed as flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, or lysis in pneumonia, or when the obligate viruses (if they exist) are just beginning to optimize the healing phase.

Alveolar adenocarcinoma, also called lung cancer, belongs to the inner germ layer. It is directed by the brainstem and always has a fear of death as its conflict. So, it grows in the conflict-active phase and is degraded in the healing phase by the mycobacteria, if any are present.

Except for very few patients who may still be in the ca-phase, the majority of such patients are either still in the healing phase or already beyond it. Many patients also have a smaller or larger pulmonary nodule as a residual condition, which expresses the fear of death for an injured family member (also animal). Such solitary round foci are often discovered by chance after years. However, the patients are no longer ill. They only lacked tuberculosis in the healing phase, then they would have a cavern, and no one would speak of a tumor.

4. TBC bacteria (mycobacteria) are special workers of the gastrointestinal tract, wherever there is air and gas, with all its appendages, especially the alveoli. In contrast, one never sees “bronchial-TBC,” although this would be obvious in the real sense of the word.

Today, tuberculosis is considered an enemy of man and has been almost eradicated. But if the tubercle fungus bacteria are missing during the healing phase, then the round foci remain. Thus, subsequently, more and more pulmonary round foci were diagnosed as lung cancer, previously diagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis (in the healing phase). As a result, tuberculosis decreased, and lung cancer increased.

The idea that smoking causes cancer is a pure hypothesis and has never been proven because it is unprovable. The examples given may be enough to clarify that all animal experiments carried out today are only senseless cruelty to animals because, in all these experiments, the soul of the animal is regarded as non-existent.

There is no evidence of carcinogenic substances acting directly on the organ past the brain. Smoking constricts the vessels but does not cause cancer!

Latest findings of conventional medicine:

“Smoking is one of the leading causes of back pain.
The director of the University Clinic for General Orthopedics in Münster, Prof. Wilfried Winkelmann, therefore advises people to give up cigarettes. “We don’t know why, but we do know that smokers have back problems more often,” the scientist said during an information event at the university’s medical faculty. (Excerpt from a newspaper article).”

Copyright Dr. Hamer
Translated: John Holledauer

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