Shingles left – Diagnostic Chart
Belt or semi-belt defilement or disfigurement conflict.
Example: Mother learns that her daughter is a lesbian; she then feels sullied by the embrace.
- for the right-handed person concerning mother or child
- with the left-handed person concerning partner
- there are also always local – i.e. person-independent – besmirching conflicts (local, at the place)
Hamer Focus:
HH in the dorsal (backward) and lateral (inferior) cerebellar area on the right side.
Active phase:
Shingles with small, amelanotic tumors under the epidermis (upper skin) grows along one or more segments.
In the pcl-phase very painful healing. When opening the epidermis (upper skin), so-called open shingles, the process can stink, so-called skin tuberculosis.
Biological Sense:
Active phase
Reinforcement of the old corium skin (dermis), developmentally, when there was not yet the overlying squamous epithelial layer.