Ovarian-Ca – Teratoma and Ovarian Necrosis in Germanische Heilkunde®

Ovarian-Ca – Teratoma and Ovarian Necrosis in Germanische Heilkunde®

The Germanische Heilkunde® is a natural-scientific medicine. And it is valid for man, animal, and plant, yes even for the unicellular living being – for the whole living cosmos – and it has found out that there are no “diseases” at all in a sense believed so far. But that the symptoms, which we had called “diseases” so far, are two-phase “Sensible Biological Special Programs” of nature, of which the alleged “disease” represents only one phase in each case. Thus, we had seen so far not only all alleged “diseases” wrongly, but also not one of such alleged “diseases” causally correctly could treat.

The trigger of any so-called disease (not only cancer) is always a biological conflict, a highly dramatic shock experience, called DHS. And with the second of the DHS also begins the conflict-active phase (ca-phase). I.e., the vegetative nervous system switches from the normal day/night rhythm to permanent sympathicotonia or permanent stress phase. The patient thinks day and night only of his conflict, can no longer sleep at night, has no appetite, loses weight, he runs virtually at full speed. The change in the organ takes its course. This unexpected shock leaves traces in the brain, which can be seen with the help of computer tomography of the brain, the so-called Hamer Focus (HH). i.e., from this, one can precisely recognize what kind of biological conflict the patient experienced at the moment of the shock, which organ is affected, and whether there is a cell proliferation or cell reduction.

All conflicts or sensible biological special programs always run synchronously on three levels: In the psyche – in the brain – and in the organ.


In the case of ovarian cancer, we must first distinguish between the actual ovarian cancer. I.e., a compact tumor, a so-called teratoma, interstitial ovarian necrosis, a cell reduction (necrosis).

Now, in embryonic development, we know three different germ layers, which are already formed during the development of the embryo, and from which all organs can be derived: The edtoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm, i.e., every cell or organ of our organism can be assigned to one of these so-called germ layers.

This again includes a particular part of the brain (brainstem, cerebellum, cerebral medulla, and cerebral cortex). A specific type of conflict content, a specific localization in the brain, and very specific histology, also specific germ layer-related microbes. Beyond that also, each so-called illness still has a development-historically understandable biological sense.

The teratoma (germline cell teratoma) still belongs developmentally to the brainstem, although located in the upper part of the midbrain. Thus, it occupies a prime position because it is a young brainstem-controlled organ. The teratoma represents, as it were, the anachronistic brainstem form of reproduction. The organism tries to revert to the ancient program of reproduction.

All organs controlled by the brainstem make compact tumors of the adeno-cell type in case of conflict. The conflict content in ovarian cancer is always a severe loss conflict, e.g., a child, a beloved person, and an animal.

Example: A patient’s mother died suddenly in the hospital. The patient now reproached herself most bitterly because she had not visited her mother for a long time.

Decisive for the DHS is not only what happened (loss of the mother), but the event must also have been conflictive. Normal mourning at the death of a close relative without DHS is, of course, not a disease but a very normal process. However, if a DHS has occurred, then the conflict does not necessarily have to be a conflict of loss.

For example, the conflict could also be felt as a territorial conflict or not as a biological conflict if the mother’s death could already be expected. Or if the loss happens in the conflict, then, e.g., with a woman instead of ovarian cancer, breast cancer can also develop. But the conflict can also be felt like a separation conflict with a sensory paralysis in the ca-phase. Depending on whether child/mother or partner, in the left or right breast also triggers a ductal milk duct carcinoma. Only the sensation decides where the biological conflict strikes.

In the conflict-active phase, the quasi-primal embryo grows as a teratoma according to the old-brain scheme (i.e., in sympathicotonia). But this primordial form of reproduction is no longer viable today. Therefore, it is also degraded again in the pcl-phase (healing phase) by mycobacteria.

Simultaneously, with the teratoma growth, the fungi and mycobacteria (e.g., TBC, if any are present) also multiply in the ca-phase. But only as many as are needed later to break down the tumor.

The biological sense here in the ca-phase is the old form of reproduction after the relative has died. Approximately what we would call “cloning” today.

If the patient successfully resolves her biological conflict, she enters the second phase of the “special program,” the healing phase. Cancer stops, stops growing, even if the growth stops somewhat delayed because every embryonic tissue still has the “embryonic growth spurt.” Simultaneously, the fungi and mycobacteria that had increased from the DHS in a germ layerous manner and proportionally to the tumor become active, clearing the redundant tumor by caseating necrotization. However, what has not been removed by the end of the healing phase remains and can – but does not have to. Since it does not cause any symptoms – be surgically removed.

While the teratoma does not cross from the brain level to the organ level, handedness has not yet played a role in the brainstem. This behaves differently from the cerebellum onwards. Simplified, the right cerebellum and cerebrum are responsible for the left side of the body and vice versa – the left cerebellum and cerebrum for the body’s right side.

The left and right-handedness begin in the brain. More precisely, only with the cerebellum (mesoderm) because from the cerebellum on, everything is defined in terms of sides. i.e., from the organ to the brain or from the brain to the organ, the correlation is always evident. Only in the correlation between psyche and brain or brain and psyche the left- and right-handedness is essential because it also decides about the conflict/brain path. Thus, also about which “illness” one can suffer at all with which conflict. The clapping test (applause) is the safest method to determine handedness: If the right hand is on top, one is right-handed, vice versa; if the left hand is on top, left-handed.

The situation is quite different in the case of ovarian necrosis (interstitial). The Hamer Focus is located near the midbrain in the cerebrum’s occipital-basal cerebral medulla. But it belongs to a different germ layer because all organs that are controlled by the cerebral medulla make necroses, i.e., cell reduction, in case of conflict.

However, there are two aspects of conflict in ovarian necrosis:

1. loss conflict (child, wife, husband, parents, friends, animal) by death or leaving.

2. ugly, semi-genital conflict with a man or with a very masculine woman.

Semi-genital here means that the conflict content’s focus does not revolve around the purely genital area (real or figuratively). Still, the genital theme occurs as “accompanying music,” making this conflict different from the sexual conflict.

Example: The very masculine stepmother of a young girl uprooted all the flowers in the garden and even on her deceased mother’s grave.

The necroses are not noticed in the conflict-active phase unless, by chance, a reduced ovary comes under the microscope of a histologist. The necroses are here in the real sense, the ovarian “cancer.” This results in a reduction of estrogen production, which can lead to amenorrheas.

Like in the other mesodermal cerebrum-controlled organs, the necroses are replenished with new cells in the healing phase. And since there is practically no capsule of the ovary, ovarian cysts of different sizes (which have fluid inside) are also formed, which at first are liquid, later indurated (solidify), i.e., are filled with so-called interstitial mesodermal tissue. These cysts indurated with interstitial tissue were previously erroneously called ovarian “cancer” or even “fast-growing ovarian cancer” because the interstitial tissue cells had proliferated in the initially liquid cyst.

At the beginning of the healing phase, the cyst attaches itself everywhere to the internal organs, previously misinterpreted as “invasive growth.” This was only because the cyst had to supply itself with blood from the surrounding area. After all, it builds up a proper blood system with arteries and veins within nine months, becoming self-sufficient.

As soon as its blood supply (ovarian cyst artery and vein) is ensured, the adhesions detach independently. The cyst now forms a 1-cm-thick dermal capsule, so it can be easily removed surgically if it interferes mechanically. The indurated original ovarian cyst later produces so much estrogen that the woman looks 10-20 years younger.

The biological sense of the increased estrogen production is that the woman looks much younger and has a much greater libido. As a younger-looking woman, for men, a higher attraction. This gives her the chance to become pregnant again soon. So the “final stage” of such unique programs is just what the patients should be congratulated for.

The same thing happens in reverse in men, in interstitial necrosis of the testis. The testis, enlarged in the pcl-phase, produces so much testosterone that the man becomes more masculine than before.

Also, with the kidney, the indurated kidney cyst finally produces urine. It sets the kidney to a better condition to produce urine than before the “illness,” so that it has after expired healing phase even a function plus in relation to before. This is also here the biological sense, which is always at the end of the healing phase with the cerebral medulla’s organs.

In the case of ovarian and renal cysts, which follow the rhythm of pregnancy and need nine months to become indurated (solidified) and to take over the function assigned to them by the organism. Surgery is not allowed before nine months have passed. In the case of such hasty operations, all “infiltrated” organs were removed at the same time (because, as described above, during this time, the cysts, to build up their blood system, have grown on the other abdominal organs) so that the abdomen was often only a torso after such a maximum operation.

We do not even want to talk about the subsequent conflicts of these poor patients. However, suppose one wait for nine months. In that case, one will not operate at all on small cysts up to 12 cm because these cysts fulfill hormone production functions. In the case of the kidney cyst (so-called Wilms tumor, which is then called nephroblastoma in the indurated form), urine excretion is intended by the organism.

Only in extreme cases where these cysts cause severe mechanical problems, e.g., if they are enormous (6-8 kg), surgery is induced after nine months – just after the induration of the cyst.

Such an operation is then a minor operation from an operational point of view. All adhesions have been detached in the meantime, and a rough capsule surrounds the cyst.

This biological process was previously misunderstood as “malignant infiltrating tumor growth.” However, the mistake was made simultaneously: when infiltrated “tumor parts” leaked out of only half-indurated cyst during the operation and then continued to grow for the remaining time of nine months and supposedly had to be operated on again. Therefore, they were considered to be particularly “malignant,” but this was a big mistake because these supposed “metastases” dutifully produced estrogens, just like the mother cyst.

In the case of the old-brain-controlled tumors, we currently still need the surgeon (as we need the hunters in the woods since we no longer have wolves) because we have abolished tuberculosis, which these old-brain tumors would otherwise clear surgically (see 4th law of nature).

The whole prognosis of the so-called conventional medicine was, as we see now, only apparently correct, namely by the panic it spread, which mostly triggered a new DHS in the patients and consequential conflicts (so-called “metastases”). Which, however, do not exist in the previous understanding. In reality, it was wrong. Because the animals get too rarely, so-called metastases, i.e., second carcinomas, and the vast majority survive. The few percent who reach the so-called five-year limit in conventional medicine are simply those who, for some reason, found their way out of the panic and, of course, also resolved their conflict.

Whereas in the case of ovarian tumors controlled by the old brain, the tumor was no longer needed but had previously been useful. It is cleared away in the healing phase if mycobacteria were already present at the DHS’s time (the biological sense here lies in the ca-phase). In the case of ovarian necroses controlled by the cerebral medulla, the cyst is not built until the healing phase, which then indurated within nine months and produces estrogens. So here, the biological sense is in the pcl-phase.

You can see how vital a new terminology is when understanding processes that we had previously called “disease” has changed.

So, what were our so-called “diseases”? Well, the symptoms we knew remain, but only them! We must classify them completely and evaluate them anew because we have won a completely changed understanding.

Let’s consider the 2nd law of nature, the law of the two-phase nature of all so-called diseases (now: biological special programs) at the conflict’s solution. We realized that we had believed to know far more about supposed “diseases” than there were special programs because we had considered each of the two phases as its own disease.

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