Hodgkin and Non Hodgkin – Similarities

Hodgkin and Non Hodgkin – Similarities

There is only one thing in common:

Both are healing phases after an initial biological conflict shock (DHS). Otherwise, they have causally completely different conflict contents, belong to different germ layers, and have entirely different localizations in the brain.

Lymphatic channelsIn conventional medicine, they are referred to as so-called lymph node cancer. The diagnosis is always made in the healing phase = pcl-phase (in patients with symptoms) or sometimes purely by chance after the healing phase (in patients without symptoms).

Hodgkin’s disease

The so-called Hodgkin’s disease belongs to the middle germ layer (cerebrum-mesoderm). In Germanische Heilkunde is a lymph node refilled and swollen in the pcl-phase under cell mitosis, i.e., the conflict must have been resolved before. It was always preceded by a self-value conflict of the slightest kind.

For example, a patient who has broken a rib playing soccer can now not play to help the team win because he knows the game is lost without him. “If only this hadn’t happened to me, we could have won the game.” For example, this would be a self-value conflict in the partner relationship and would involve the shoulder area.

Or: A patient believes that he cannot pass the exam. “I can’t do it; I can’t get through it.” In this case, the groin would be affected, where osteolysis occurs during the conflict-active phase but is usually not seen. Only when he does make it through the exam (conflict resolution), he gets lymph nodes in the groin during the healing phase – and only now is the diagnosis of Hodgkin’s disease made.

The lymph nodes of the associated skeletal part are affected here. The self-value collapse is only somewhat weaker than it would be if the relevant bone itself were affected. The lymph nodes suffer the same as the bone, namely “holes” or necroses in the conflict-active phase. Under the microscope, such a lymph node (not yet enlarged) looks like a “Swiss cheese.”

In the pcl-phase (healing phase), the lymph node swells to refill the necroses as a good sign of healing. As a result, such a lymph node has cell mitoses, in contrast to a lymph node in the drainage area of an abscess, which is only swollen because of “overload,” i.e., it has no mitoses and is therefore considered “benign.”

Non Hodgkin

The so-called non-Hodgkin belongs to the outer germ layer (cerebral cortex) and is the healing phase after a frontal or cancer fear conflict or powerlessness conflict. (one would have to do something urgently) – Here, however, depending on the handedness, hormonal situation, schizo constellation, etc. – and at the same time one of the most feared vicious circles.

Frontal fear is a fear of something that is supposedly coming towards you and that you cannot avoid. If the way back to the rear is also blocked, then the patient (human or animal) suffers an additional “fear in the neck” and is instantly in fronto-occipital schizophrenic constellation.

Frontal fear in humans and animals is a genuine fear, i.e., fear of genuine danger, an attacking human or animal, etc. Only secondarily, it often becomes with us humans fear of something imaginary, which seems to be no less dangerous to the patient than an attacking wild animal. E.g., the doctor has told a patient: “We suspect cancer” or “You have cancer.”

Since cancer is always presented as something inescapable, something progressing is also a “fateful event.” In reality, there is no danger, but only imaginary. Still, this supposed danger rolls towards the patients as an inescapable danger. They can therefore suffer a corresponding frontal fear conflict just by a diagnosis. Patients who are diagnosed, according to Germanische Heilkunde® rarely suffer such cancer fear.

In the case of frontal fear or cancer fear, we are, in a sense, taken back in developmental history to the ancient times when our ancestors still lived in the water. The greatest catastrophe at that time was when these fish-like creatures had their gills clogged by something, or they were lying on dry land and the gills stuck together so that they could no longer breathe.

It is precisely this primal fear that our air is being cut off that we suffer in such frontal anxiety conflicts and analogously in cancer anxiety conflicts. “It choked my throat,” patients say. If such a “cancer-diagnosis-conflict” strikes, the patient immediately has all the signs of the conflict activity: ice-cold hands, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, compulsive conflict thinking, etc. On the neck, however, he feels locally only a slight pulling or pinching under the skin.

Suppose the fear-conflict or cancer-fear panic is resolved after a certain period of perceived or real danger. In that case, ulcers (i.e., shallow tissue defects on the gill arch squamous epithelium lining the interior of these disused tubes) now develop on the neck in the healing phase. At the sites where ulcers had developed in the old disused gill arch tubes during the conflict-active phase.

These are mistakenly called centrocytes-centroblasts non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (no H.-L.) in conventional medicine because they had been thought to be lymph nodes. These gill arch fluid cysts are caused by severe swelling of the healing at the previously ulcerated sites in the disused squamous mucosa-lined tubes of the old gill arch ducts.

As a result, the fluid cannot drain away and forms pieces of distended fluid-filled tubing, which can also look like balls and lie under the skin, on both sides of the neck in front of and behind the ear. From there, pulling down to the shoulder, in front of the clavicle, and even beyond the clavicle (about the width of a hand).

Inside, they can reach down to the diaphragm and make thick fluid cysts, which are then regularly misinterpreted as “lymph node packages.”

In the case of cysts in the mediastinum, which cannot be seen, and if the conflict here frequently changes back and forth (ca-phase/pcl-phase), the cysts increasingly indurate (solidify), i.e., connective tissue forms inside (scar tissue), and this are then diagnosed in conventional medicine as “small cell bronchial carcinoma.”

Several clinical symptoms are typical for gill arch cysts:

In the first half of healing, i.e., before the epileptoid crisis, shortly after conflictolysis (conflict resolution), the “ignorant patients” usually get “metastasis panic.” They think the cysts, which feel rough, are compact “nodes,” “lymph nodes,” or only “tumor growth.”

They suffer renewed cancer fear through themetastasis panic” (DHS). However, due to this cancer anxiety panic, the healing phase is immediately reversed into conflict activity – and the cysts are regressed.

The same supposedly favorable success is also achieved by chemo or radiation of the cysts, with X-rays or cobalt rays. Only with the difference that chemo or radiation does not cause conflict activity, but only healing stops! In both cases, the patient is immediately caught in a vicious circle. In case of conflict recurrence due to renewed cancer fear panic, namely: termination of healing, a decrease in the gill arch cysts, further expansion of the ulcers in the pipes and tubes of the old gill arch ducts. There remains the “conflict mass,” which was neither psychologically nor organically healed by the abrupt abortion of the healing, thus the postponed but still necessary “residual healing.”

At the same time, a new mass of conflict arises, which also has to be worked up later by healing, psychically, and cerebrally and organically. Thus, if the patient succeeds in calming down again, the fluid cysts which now arise again as a sign of renewed healing, become larger than before, namely by residual healing plus healing of the new panic.

Of course, the epileptoid crisis that inevitably occurs also becomes stronger than it would have become the first time if the patient had resolved his cancer fear panic to the end without a new recurrence. If the patient gets another recurrence of the cancer fear panic because of the still enlarged fluid cysts, the vicious circle’s whole game starts again.

If the patient, e.g., because he knows Germanische Heilkunde®, does not suffer a new cancer panic recurrence. I.e., no renewed conflict activity, and if a proper healing phase occurs. It often happens, of course, primarily if the cysts, which are perceived as “nodes” and are often quite large, are located in the neck (or in the mediastinum). The patient has the feeling that he gets reduced air purely mechanically. Mostly, he only feels this without it being the case.

Very rarely, however, it happens that the trachea is compressed or even compressed from the outside. However, a real danger of suffocation is seldom given because the cysts can occur at most press flat against the trachea.

However, in the epileptoid crisis, the subjective feeling or archaic natural fear of suffocation can be downright overwhelming and bring the patient into renewed terrible anxiety panic. However, fortunately, this only happens in extreme cases that also have huge fluid cysts.

To calm such a patient down, or bring him out of the panic, or – even better – not to let him get into this panic in the first place by familiarizing him with Germanische Heilkunde, is the noblest task of every “Iatros” (doctor, healer).

To sedate these patients with drugs (to immobilize them with tranquilizers) are nonsensical and usually only a sign of ignorance because of the period after the epileptoid crisis. When the patient falls into the “second vagotonic valley,” the preceding sedation can be fatal. Chemical sedation, a kind of intoxication, can never replace the reassuring coaxing of a human being or the “Iatros.”

Only when the patients have passed through this “second vagotonic valley”, are they really healthy.

In the case of chemo and irradiation, the orthodox physician first obtains a Pyrrhic victory when the gill-arch cysts regress. But he has gained it at the price that the cure and the epileptoid crisis inevitably occurring in the cure were merely canceled. Besides, the whole organism is terribly and mostly irreparably damaged. Not even the worst medical cynics ever honestly used to call chemo a “therapy,” but at best a short period of life prolongation – but at the expense of the bone marrow. But even that was just nonsense, of course!

The patients whose gill arch cysts are “treated” with chemo in them, the cysts initially recede, as said, but the healing process is merely canceled, not terminated. If the chemo stops, the healing starts again, and the cysts return with it. This puts the patient in an endless vicious circle, from which he usually cannot find his way out.

Patients with cysts in the mediastinal area often undergo major thoracic surgery to access both sides’ mediastinum. The surgery announcement alone is usually a new DHS for the patient, namely an attack conflict against the chest cavity. Now a new cancer forms, pleural mesothelioma. This carcinoma belongs to the middle germ layer, the cerebellar mesoderm, making cell growth of the adenoid cell type in the conflict-active phase.

The biological sense is that the organism tries to protect itself against the attack by building a reinforcement internally on the pleura, turf-like mesothelioma. However, pleural mesothelioma is usually noticed only after the conflict has been resolved. If, for example, the patient is told after the operation, “now everything is all right,” this attack conflict is usually resolved again. Consequently, the patient then gets a pleural effusion, often even a double pleural effusion, as a healing sign. This is because all cerebellar tumors form fluid during the healing phase. In the pleura, we call this = pleural effusion. In the peritoneum = ascites, and the pericardium = pericardial or pericardial effusion.

In conventional medicine, everything is “metastases” (which do not exist in the current understanding) – in reality, a healing process, even if the healing phase must first be gone through.

Problems can arise if the patient panics, suffers, or has suffered a new DHS. A so-called refugee-conflict with water retention in the conflict-active phase, whereby the organism then uses the organ, which is already flooded by the vagotonic healing phase edema, additionally as water reservoirs because every drop of water is saved and hoarded (stored) during the refugee-conflict. Then, suddenly, we have a pleural effusion that severely restricts breathing and must be punctured. A “harmless” transudative pleural effusion (without active refugee conflict) is usually almost not noticed because the organism reabsorbs the transudative effusion at the same rate as it is formed.

It is certainly not difficult to imagine why most patients die within a few weeks or months from the panic and subsequent conflicts. That is why it had always been claimed that cancer was “malignant,” that it was a wildly and haphazardly rampant uncontrolled event that no one could understand.

Cancer and all other so-called “diseases,” which we now understand as parts of Sensible Biological Special Programs (SBS), are the most sensible, logical, and clearly understandable thing there is. Everything runs according to only five biological laws of nature.

Even though we have known for 20 years how cancer develops and how it can disappear again if necessary, this is of no use to the patients at all. Because as long as Germanische Heilkunde® is still boycotted and may not be applied, people will continue to die (mostly from panic).


Copyright Dr. Hamer
Translated: John Holledauer

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