Diabetes – Cause and Effect:
The “IRON RULE OF CANCER” (IRC) and “the Law of the two-phase of all diseases with conflict resolution” were the prerequisites for being able to find the “Ontogenetic System of Tumors and Cancer Equivalents.” This system explains logically and clearly the intimate connection between our conflicts, the associated brain areas, and the organ affiliation in a developmentally relevant sense. Thus, at a stroke, our entire histopathology of organs acquires an entirely transparent, self-evident order. The relays for equal conflicts and histologically equal organs are very close together in the brain.

In reality, the so-called diseases – “special programs of nature” – of organs belonging to the outer germ layer, controlled by the cerebral cortex, are somewhat homogeneous. Strictly speaking, we must divide them into cancer and cancer-equivalent diseases (cancer-like diseases). They are ectodermal-cortical controlled diseases, which also run precisely according to the five biological laws of Germanische Heilkunde®. These special programs show a loss of function instead of a substantial defect or cell fusion. If conflict resolution occurs, the healing phase, with its symptoms and complications includes motor paralysis, visual and hearing disorders, diabetes and glucagon insufficiency with corresponding conflicts, and Hamer Focus (HH) in the brain. The HH in the brain refers to the part, area, region, or localization in the brain where the DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome) has “hit”, the conflict shock. Thereby, the localization of the HH does not happen by chance. The individual “associates” in the second of the DHS, the localization of the HH according to the conflict content, which corresponds to an organ.
In the alpha islet cells of the pancreas, for example, in a fear-disgust conflict the HH is in the hypothalamus. We observe a so-called “malfunction” with inadequate glycogen mobilization from the liver, resulting in hypoglycemic shock or pre-shock states. Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar of the blood, but not a proliferation of the cells. The HH is frontal left, located in the diencephalon.
In the conflict-active phase, there is an increasing loss of function of the alpha islet cells (glucagon insufficiency), with continuously increasing hypoglycemia. A patient would say, “I walk as if on absorbent cotton.”
In the healing phase, the blood glucose level slowly rises again. Caution should be exercised because the epileptoid crisis that occurs in the middle of the healing phase can lead to hypoglycemia in the short term and then to prolonged sharp rises in blood glucose.
In diabetes mellitus, which involves the conflict of resistance and has its associated HH frontal right, we also see a “malfunction in the hypothalamus of the diencephalon.” In this case, with the pancreas’ beta-islet cells there is low insulin production, and no cell proliferation of the beta-islet cells.
In the conflict-active phase, the beta-islet cells increasingly have a loss of function. This is why blood glucose increases due to insulin deficiency.
In the healing phase, the blood sugar slowly goes down again. Caution should be exercised because in the epileptoid crisis, hyperglycemia (high blood glucose) may occur for a short time, leading to prolonged hypoglycemia (low blood glucose).
Even if the cells on the organ do not melt down in the cancer-equivalent diseases, they seem to be altered in some respect, just as the responsible brain areas are altered because, in the healing phase, the insulinoma swells slightly. But despite alteration, these cells still appear functionally restitutive after many years of conflict activity following conflict resolution.
Determination of left or right-handedness is of very great importance here because, without this knowledge, one cannot work. The test is as follows: If someone claps his/her right hand into the left hand in the theater, he/she is right-handed, and vice versa for the left-handed. The hand on top is always the leading one, i.e., it determines the handedness, i.e., on which side of the brain the person “works.”
For example, a left-handed person has the HH of the conflict in the opposite side of the brain, compared to the usual right-handed person. From then on, everything proceeds exactly in the same way the opposite conflict would proceed in a right-handed person.
This means practically: A right-handed woman gets hypoglycemia, i.e., hypoglycemia of the blood, from a fear-disgust conflict. The left-handed woman with the same conflict but has diabetes mellitus. The right-handed man, in a conflict of resisting, has diabetes mellitus. But the left-handed man, with the same conflict, has hypoglycemia, i.e., hypoglycemia of the blood. Exceptions are again possible with altered hormonal status (e.g., birth control pill) or the so-called schizophrenic constellations. According to Germanische Heilkunde® rules, a conflict must have already “hit” the opposite hemisphere and remain active.
Fear-disgust-conflict with hypoglycemia means being disgusted by someone or something in particular-always, assuming DHS (including rats, mice, or spiders).
For example:
A right-handed patient witnessed ¼ hour before his mother’s death a black, thick, bloody mass leaking from the transparent drainage tube that had been placed in the tumor area. He suffered a fear-disgust conflict, cerebral left with glucagon insufficiency or insufficiency of alpha islet cells: Hypoglycemia. This patient had a constant appetite because of hypoglycemia, but still lost weight because he was in a schizophrenic constellation.
Conflict of resisting and defending oneself means resisting or defending oneself against someone or something specific (also surgery, amputation, or chemotherapy).
Another example: A month before his divorce, the family of a patients tried again to dissuade him from the divorce by all means. They threatened him with the worst consequences and financial ruin. As a right-handed person, he suffered a conflict of struggling and resisting, cerebrally on the right, which caused diabetes mellitus.
However, there are not only conflicts or conflict events with the most different variations, but there are also variations when conflicts occur simultaneously or phase-shifted with each other.
One speaks of a double conflict if both sugar relays are affected, but the conflict is “hit” one after the other and can constantly change in terms of the conflict topic.
A central sugar conflict, for example, is characterized by the fact that a patient has an overlapping Hamer Focus, i.e., a so-called shooting target configuration, centrally located in the right and left cerebral hemisphere cortical frontal and thus can have an insulin insufficiency and a glucagon insufficiency at the same time.
Summa summarum, the sugar is not high. On the contrary, it varies perhaps between 34 mg and 140 mg of fasting blood sugar. The patient is more likely to suffer hypoglycemic shock than diabetic coma. Nevertheless, postprandial blood glucose can go up to values above 300.
We used to call such types of diabetes unstable diabetes. According to Germanische Heilkunde®, we can understand these strange fluctuations easily. The remarkable thing about them is that they just consist of two different components.
In patients with such fluctuations, the matter is complicated for two reasons: First, there is an approximate conflict and symptom balance between hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, which usually balances out to some extent. Of course, both short-term hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia occur.
If one could solve one part of this overall conflict complex, e.g., the conflict part of a struggle, then the patient would possibly go into total hypoglycemia and thus be in danger of dying. Suppose the other conflict part was resolved, the patient could easily fall into a diabetic coma.
This complexity prevents us from blindly “treating” without the knowledge of cause and effect. It may become clear that, for all the transparency of the interrelationships in principle, the practical handling of these conflict complexes requires the highest degree of diagnostics and therapeutic caution.
At the moment of the DHS, everything is fixed, including the so-called tracks. By track, is meant that if a woman discovers her husband in a very ugly situation, such as with a prostitute, she would have suffered a fear-disgust conflict. Later, she meets the same or a similar woman again, who reminds her of this woman, then immediately sets up again on this track. In such a case, the same hair color, face cut, exhalation or her perfume, voice, etc., is enough. This means that the whole conflict complex can be reactivated. These accompanying circumstances are the stuff of which allergies are also made, which we can then test with our patches.
There are other possible combinations of different conflicts, so-called syndromes. It can be that conflicts on the same side of the brain hit together, e.g., at the same DHS or different brain places, according to the conflict’s different aspects.
For example:
A drunk father stuffed his 5-year-old child’s mouth with tomatoes, cucumbers, and canned fish. When the boy was disgusted by this, the father beat him. The child threw up, but this irritated the father even more, and he only beat him more violently. In the process, the child suffered a DHS, a territorial anger conflict (organically: a gastric ulcer-ca). Again the father stuffed cucumbers, tomatoes, and canned fish into his mouth. The child was indescribably disgusted, but the father did not let go “on principle,” although or because he was drunk. After each vomiting, cucumbers, tomatoes, and canned fish were again stuffed into the boy’s mouth.
The child suffered the second, a fear-disgust conflict, only a few minutes after the 1st conflict. An hour later he had a schizophrenic constellation and a bulimia constellation, and on several tracks. Whenever cucumbers, tomatoes, or canned fish were put on the table, the child immediately got nausea and had to throw up instantly because of hypoglycemia of the blood; due to the fear-disgust conflict, he then had to eat something as sweet as possible immediately: Ravenous hunger! It was sufficient to simply see the father drunk again to trigger this condition.
Later on in life, when the patient went to eat somewhere, and the host unsuspectingly served cucumbers or tomatoes or canned fish – or a friend was served these things, the patient immediately came to the track, had to throw up, and immediately got a terrible ravenous appetite (bulimia combination).
This case clearly shows that it is not enough to find only the DHS, but that it is necessary to find out precisely all the remembered accompanying experiences of the patient because they are essential. Some recurrences of a conflict can only be understood if we have conscientiously found all the tracks that have intervened with the DHS.
The DHS is the landmark of the beginning of a strict regularity between the psyche, brain, and physical organs. It is a revolution not only for medicine but also for spiritual science, which is considered soul, psyche, or spirit to be mostly immaterial, wanting to understand the body only as a “carrier of the free spirit.” Here, too, we have to rethink thoroughly.
Copyright Dr. Hamer
Translated: John Holledauer