AIDS – How diagnosis can kill!

AIDS, a disease that does not even exist.

In 1987, when the creation of the “AIDS” panic-mongering was just getting into full swing, I wrote in my book “Legacy of a New Medicine” that “AIDS” was the biggest hoax of our century and for several good reasons!

The main argument against “AIDS” as an independent “disease” is based on the knowledge of the ontogenetic system of tumors and, thus, the ontogenetic system of microbes (fungi, bacteria).
As my empirical research on more than 15,000 patients proves, the action of an “evil” virus, destroying the body’s own defenses, independent of the psychological and cerebral processes – i.e., supposedly as in a test tube – is entirely unthinkable, indeed easy to disprove.

The IRC (Iron Rule of Cancer) states that every so-called disease, also known as a special program of nature (not only cancer), is triggered by a DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome). A DHS is a definite biological conflict shock, which in the same second causes a Hamer Focus, which is detectable in brain-computer tomograms. The Hamer Focus is found in the brain relay responsible for the specific organ and causes corresponding changes, tumors, paralysis, functional disorders, etc., in the organ.

I established in 1987 the Ontogenetic System of Tumors, which, according to germ layer affiliation, classifies all cancer and cancer-equivalent diseases. The three germ layers, Endoderm, Mesoderm, and Ectoderm, are already formed in the first weeks of human embryonic development. Each of these germ layers belongs to a particular brain part and is developmentally conditioned; each layer also has a certain kind of conflict content, as well as a particular histological cell formation.

The Ontogenetic conditioned system of microbes assigns the microbes to the three germ layers:
1. Endoderm – the oldest microbes, fungi, and fungal bacteria (mycobacteria) are responsible for this layer, conditionally the cerebellar mesoderm, but only for the old-brain organs
2. Mesoderm – the old microbes, namely the bacteria, are responsible for this layer and all organs formed by it.
3. Ectoderm – the young, so-called microbes, namely the viruses (if they exist!), which are, in the strict sense, not real microbes, thus not living beings, are exclusively responsible for this layer, respectively, for the organs controlled by the cerebral cortex.


Each microbial group only “processes” certain organ groups that have the same germ layer’s affiliation, i.e., originate from the same germ layer. The only exception is the “border area” of the mesodermal, cerebellum-controlled organs. This area is “processed” both (predominantly) by the mycoses and mycobacteria and (less frequently) by the bacteria that are typically responsible for the organs of the middle germ layers (mesoderm), which are controlled by the cerebral medulla of the cerebrum.

We all had wrongly assumed that microbes depended on external factors in order to begin the “processing”; however, this is not the case; instead, the processing is activated exclusively by our computer brain. It is always the beginning of the conflict resolution phase, i.e., the healing phase.

Hamer Compass – The two-phase nature of the diseases when the conflict is resolved
Until now, in the so-called modern medicine, we supposedly know about 1000 diseases; about half are “cold diseases”, such as cancer, angina pectoris, MS, renal insufficiency, diabetes, etc. The other half are “hot diseases,” such as rheumatoid arthritis, renal inflammation, leukemia, heart attack, infectious diseases, etc.  We always found microbes to be “a-pathogenic” in the cold diseases, which meant they did nothing. In the hot diseases, on the other hand, we always found them to be “highly virulent,” and we always thought they “infested” or attacked an organ.

We also believed that it was simply a matter of mobilizing our body’s defense army, the so-called “immune system,” against the vicious attacking army of microbes or even cancer cells that wanted to destroy us. This notion was wrong! None of these beliefs were correct.
We had to start our “New Medicine” all over again!

What does all this have to do with “AIDS”?

With “AIDS,” we are interested in viruses. We have taken from the microbes’ ontogenetically conditioned system that viruses have a firm place in this system: They are responsible for all organs that derive from the ectoderm (outer germ layer) and are controlled by the cerebral cortex.

As mentioned, the microbe’s “work” exclusively in the healing phase. The accompanying symptoms are Vagotonia, usually fever, epidermis or mucous membrane swelling, and among the various mucous membranes, exclusively swelling of the squamous mucosa! Such obvious symptoms are invariably accompanied by a whole number of blood and serum reactions, which is self-evident.

Concerning the “immune system,” this catch-all, undefined term is applied everywhere, indiscriminately in the conflict-active and conflict-resolved phases. With cancer, sarcomas, and leukemia, including “infectious diseases,” the previously outlined utter ignorance about the nature of the diseases corresponded to the complete inability to correctly evaluate and classify the multitude of facts and symptoms from the serological and haematological field.

The so-called HI-Virus, if it exists (it was named an “immune-weakening virus” by its “discoverers”), was mainly understood to mean that “those affected by the deadly epidemic AIDS” finally died of cachexia and panmyelophthisis, i.e., they could no longer produce blood.

We find the same process in bone cancer or better bone shrinkage cancer, i.e., osteolysis in the skeletal system, which is always accompanied by panmyelophthisis (anemia) and whose associated conflict, depending on the localization of the affected part of the skeleton, is a specific self-value collapse conflict. The healing for such self-devaluation conflict would be the callus new bone osteolysis formation (recalcification) with the signs of leukemia.
If an “AIDS” patient manages to rebuild his self-value, against all expectations, he comes out of the frying pan into the fire with conventional doctors and is pseudo-therapeutically worked to death with chemo.

In order to be thorough, I would have to list many arguments against “AIDS,” but that is not possible in this brief article. I would like to mention only a few of them which seem essential to me.

Nobody has ever observed systematic symptomatology after a so-called HIV infection, as we can see with measles or rubella.

HIV viruses themselves are never found in AIDS patients.

The T-lymphocytes are supposed to be decisively involved in the “acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS.” Still, only every 10,000th of them is supposed to have phagocytosed “a fragment of a virus,” a virus of which there are no whole specimens at all in “AIDS” patients.

Since there is no “AIDS” symptomatology at all, the door is open for medical-diagnostic arbitrariness. If a person has a negative HIV test, and if he falls ill, for example, with cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoma, pneumonia, diarrhea, dementia, fungal disease, tuberculosis, fever, herpes, or any kind of neurological symptoms or deficits, then these are all completely normal common diseases according to the previous ideas. But suppose the same person has a positive HIV test. In this case, these diseases are immediately declared malignant “AIDS symptoms,” in other words, “AIDS metastases,” which leads the unfortunate “AIDS” patient to his agonizing death.

It is also bizarre that “AIDS,” as a presumed viral disease, should behave entirely differently from all other viral diseases. These are always considered to be over when the antibody test has become positive.

However, the most crucial fact, which is only mentioned in passing by all researchers, has not yet caused anyone to take any action: Only those who know that they are HIV-positive or who believe themselves to be HIV-positive contract “AIDS”! Strange that no one has yet investigated this very astonishing phenomenon.

We know whole groups of people who are 100% HIV-positive, to whom nothing happens. Although HIV-positive, chimpanzees never fall ill with a single symptom that could look like “AIDS.”

So, the whole thing must have something to do with the psyche. To be more precise, if people get sick only when they are told that they are HIV-positive, then it is time to look at what is going on in the psyche of a patient who has been given such a devastating diagnosis with a 50% mortality prognosis!

Are our doctors so soulless that not a single one has been able to conceive of asking this question? What is happening in such a patient, brutally confronted with such a devastating diagnosis? The patient does not know that it is all humbug. The poor guy takes it at face value, especially since this whole theater is really professionally played for him!

Copyright Dr. Hamer
Translated: John Holledauer

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