Metastases meaning what?

Video Blogs of GHk International Academy

Everyone knows what metastases are, but do they really exist?

Conventional medicine tries to make us believe that a horse can become a chicken,

an impossibility considering the five biological laws of nature.

After this video, you will understand what metastases really are.

Metastases meaning is a modern-day fairy tale that contradicts every existing law of nature.

It is believed in conventional medicine that cancer cells move from the primary tumor or the organ where the cancer was first diagnosed, crawl through the body, settle somewhere else, and produce a metastasis. So much for the theory of conventional medicine on how second, third, fourth, and fifth cancers can occur. That is how it is explained and taught. And chemo is also used against it. The poison that kills the cell during cell division.

But now conventional medicine has a problem of proof with its theory.

The first problem is they cannot explain the pathway of how this cell made its way from the primary tumor to the other location.

There are only two possibilities. Either this cancer cell was swimming in the blood, but it has never been found there. Or via the lymphatic system.

We can exclude the lymphatic vessels right away because the lymphatic vessels lead back into the venous angle, into the venous blood, into the heart, into the lungs, and back into the heart again and, from there, into the periphery of the body.

The lymphatic channels are, therefore, a one-way street.

That leaves only the path via the blood, in which these cancer cells have never been found, as mentioned before.

The following consideration also says the same thing.

It is said in conventional medicine that it can take years, even decades, before they can diagnose cancer.

Let’s assume I am very socially minded and donate blood twice a year. Now a cancer cell in my blood could cause a distant metastasis from me to the recipient of my blood donation. Then my cancer cell settles in his body. So, he developed metastasized cancer from me.

Or, to put it another way. Is donated blood ever tested for cancer cells?

No, this is not carried out at all! Why not? Why is the blood not examined for migrating cancer cells?

After all, every third person is dying of cancer, which is a very widespread disease, and the probability of cancer cells in the donor blood is very high.

The answer because these claimed cancer cells have never been found. Just ask the nearest nurse.

But in chemo patients, blood is taken every other day to determine the leukocytes because they are all eliminated by the chemo.

I once asked an oncologist if they dosed chemo based on the cancer cells in the blood?

Few cancer cells – small amounts of chemo. More cancer cells – more chemo?

He laughed at me and said, no, we can only detect cancer cells in the blood for two types of cancer.

Only two! He said. And both are leukemia.

Myeloid and lymphatic leukemia. Both are symptoms of the healing phase.

You can’t find any cancer cells in the blood at all.

But according to conventional medicine there should be these migrating cancer cells, however they have never found them.

I once explained this at a lecture to nursing students, they were very skeptical and asked their oncologist the next day if it was true?

Is it true that we cannot find cancer cells in the blood?

The oncologist was silent for a minute, and then he said between his teeth: “Yes, that’s true. But these are questions you don’t ask as a prospective nurse.”

So, these cancer cells have never been found in the blood.

That, of course, is a massive problem for conventional medicine with its theory.

The second big problem in the evidence of conventional medicine with their claim is in the metamorphosis of the cancer cell.

So let’s assume we have a prostate cancer patient in front of us, treated by conventional medicine. That means the prostate is cut out, and as a consequence he is impotent.

As a result, he suffers a sexual self-devaluation conflict with osteolysis in the pubic bone. In the small pelvis (in bed, I am useless now).

The conventional physician likes to explain, “yes, the prostate carcinoma metastasizes with a preference to the small pelvis, because there the cancer cells do not have to go far.”

The problem with this explanation is that the prostate is glandular tissue, and the bone is connective tissue. So these cells, this tissue, looks completely different under the microscope.

How can a glandular cancer cell become a connective tissue cancer cell – a metamorphosis?

You won’t find that explained in any textbook because no conventional physician can explain this metamorphosis. There is no such thing.

And the third problem is that a prostate cancer cell divides. The tumor gets bigger and bigger, and presses on the ureter, and so on.

But what does the metastasis do at the bone? It makes holes. How is this supposed to work?

A cell proliferation suddenly becomes a cell loss but is considered a metastasis.

So, you really need a lot of fantasy to believe in such nonsense.

But this nonsense is the justification for chemotherapy—such nonsense.

If you, dear student, have understood this teaching, then you know why you have one symptom or another. If you know why, then you also know what to do to get well again.

Keep studying Germanische Heilkunde yourself.

Inform yourself as long as you are healthy, think for yourself, and trust yourself.

Goodbye, until the following video

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