What Causes Baldness in Males?

Video Blogs of GHk International Academy

Getting a bald head is not hereditary; also, the diet does not influence it.
Baldness is always an active separation conflict perceived on the head and held active via tracks. In this video, you will learn how subtle these tracks can be and how easy it is to solve them. Even after decades of baldness, hair can grow again, provided you know where to pull the lever.

What causes baldness in males, and what can you do to regrow the hair?

Most often, it is men who sometimes get suddenly bald, even at a very young age, but it can also affect women.
The official theories about a possible cause are numerous but are mostly limited to genetic, hereditary, or nutritional deficiency.
Well, let’s leave these theories aside because, thanks to Dr. Hamer, we know the cause of hair loss, and therefore we know how causal healing can happen.
To preface it, yes, the hair grows back again, even after decades of baldness, and by the end of this video, you will have understood how.

The hair belongs to the outer skin, squamous epithelium, or ectoderm. This means that the associated conflict can only be a separation conflict associated with the head.
The scalp belongs to the organ inside, meaning the man or woman didn’t want to be separated.
Highly acute, isolative, and caught on the wrong foot, and the conflict is active.
As long as the conflict is not resolved, no matter how many nutrients or miracle pills you swallow, you will lose your hair because they are not related to the cause, which is the active separation conflict.

You will get into the healing phase when the conflict can be resolved. This is noticed within a few minutes by the scalp developing an itchy rash that will last for as long as the healing phase lasts or until you again trigger a track and thus be active again with the conflict.
If one can avoid the track or resolve the conflict, the hair will grow back, even after decades of baldness.

Case study:

A man who was younger than me showed me a picture showing him with an almost half-bald scalp. But when he showed me the picture, which was about two years old, he had a full head of hair again.
His story:
One day his wife noticed that his short hairstyle was getting thinner and thinner, and when his hair was wet, there was hardly any hair left, while he had a lifetime of very dense hair.

They both knew Germanische Heilkunde in great detail and thought about what the separation conflict could have been, but they found nothing. Nothing in their lives had changed, no separation.
But something had to have happened, they knew. Because without cause, there is no effect, and there is no exception to natural laws.

It lasted only a few months, and his forehead almost reached the back of his head.
One morning he went into the bedroom where his wife had slept since the birth of their now two-and-a-half-year-old son.
After the birth, he moved into his own bedroom, as the marital bed turned into a playground of diapers and baby gear.
He snuggled up to his slumbering wife, and she stroked his head.

After a few minutes, the little son woke up, saw his father in his territory, and started to chase his father out of his territory with loud screeches. For a boy, his mother is part of his territory, which he defends from any intruder, even his father.

Only a few minutes later, while brushing his teeth, he noticed a rash on his forehead, and his almost bald head itched. At that moment, he realized what had cost him his hair. Cuddling with his wife and being stroked on the head was conflict resolution for him and the itch on his head lasted for several hours.
Now they both knew what the separation was, so he came again the following day and cuddled up to his wife. Once again, his son fought him out of his territory.
Worse, at night, the little boy had peed in bed and also peed in his pants several times during the day, something that had never happened for a long time.
So the son had suffered a territory marking conflict because of the father at his territory. Thus it was not yet possible to move the son to his own territory, his child’s room, without his mother. That would have made him chronically ill.

So how do you solve this situation if you know Germanische Heilkunde? When you don’t want to make your son chronically ill, but you don’t want to be bald yourself, either?

So they made the following appointment. Every morning, after his wife had prepared breakfast, she would cuddle him at the breakfast table for a few minutes and stroke his head. This was also okay for the little son, as long as his father did not invade his territory, his bed. After two days, the little boy had his urge to urinate under control again.

The remarkable thing about this case study is that they have been sleeping in separate bedrooms since the child was born. Why did he start losing his hair only after such a long time and not from the actual separation two and a half years ago?

Answer; because his wife was hormonally male during pregnancy and more than two years of breastfeeding. He simply felt her as a man, and therefore he had no desire for her, therefore the separation was ok for him.
However, as soon as his wife weaned, and consequently, her hormonal status changed back to female, he again perceived her as a woman. Then he felt the need for physical closeness to his wife again. Now he perceived himself as separated from his wife, and now the conflict was active, and he lost almost all his hair within a few months.

By cuddling every day at breakfast, he could satisfy his desire. He had an itchy rash on his head, but he was happy because it confirmed that the conflict was resolved and his hair was growing again.

This is a causal therapy in the sense of Germanische Heilkunde.

But where was the conflict, the SBS in this case? Highly acute traumatic, isolative, and caught on the wrong foot?
This SBS has not happened in this case.

The actual separation conflict, the DHS, had already happened with another woman years before he met his current wife.
Since that original separation conflict, he had occasional phases where his hair thinned a bit and then again phases where his head itched.
As he told me, he enjoyed his single life because he enjoyed the search for the perfect woman so much.
His conflict was active whenever he was single, and he started losing hair. But this never lasted long, as he found women who fulfilled his need for closeness. Thus he got into the healing phase, and his hair grew again.

With his current wife, this need for closeness was permanently satisfied, and he no longer had problems with thin hair or a rash on his forehead.

Only after weaning, when his wife became female again, he again felt her as a woman, and only then did he need her closeness again, but with that, he was on the separation track.

That’s also a perfect example of how subtle tracks can be.

Consciously, you don’t even notice that you suddenly perceive the woman completely differently after she gets pregnant or weans.
The same is true, of course, for the woman who starts taking the birth control pill. Suddenly the man has a hormonally male woman in bed—a woman he can no longer perceive as a woman but as a man. With the libido, it is over then.
Also, watch my video on the subject of hormonal contraception. Dr. Hamer has often warned us strongly against the pill. You can find the link in the text, here below the video.

Dr. Hamer Warned Us About Birth Control Pills

For baldness in men, it is the women who are to blame because women like to caress their men on the head, which is why separation is often associated on the head.

Men typically do not caress women on the head but on other parts of the body. That is why women usually perceive separation from their partner, not on the head, but on the breast. The squamous epithelium of the milk ducts in the breast is then affected, and in conventional medicine, it is quickly diagnosed as breast cancer.

Dear friends, make the Germansiche Heilkunde your hobby and study it as long as you are healthy. Because the day will come for everyone, everything will be decided, depending on whether you have understood Germanische Heilkunde.
Only if you know why you have a symptom will you know what you must do to get rid of it again.

See you in the following video

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