Thyroid – Biological Conflicts in Germanische Heilkunde
In Germanische Heilkunde®, the so-called “diseases” which we had considered for thousands of years as “insufficiencies,” “mishaps of nature,” “aberrations,” “malignancies,” “punishments of God,” etc., are sensible biological special programs of nature. We stand today before a miracle work of divine nature. It may provide insight into how mother nature arranged everything in the most meaningful because not nature was insufficiencies. But we dogmatically blinded physicians were ignorant.
From now on, our task changes:
With every symptom, every conflict, we must first ask for the special program’s Biological Sense. Through this, we then understand whether the event is still in the active phase or already in the healing phase and whether – depending on the germ layer affiliation – the Biological Meaning is already fulfilled in the active phase (ca-phase) or will only be fulfilled in the healing phase (pcl-phase).

Also, the so-called thyroid gland diseases have a biological sense, as we will see. The thyroid gland controls hormone metabolism, i.e., hormones are mediators of control mechanisms that stimulate our organs to perform certain functions. For example, the thyroid hormone affects the overall function of the organism. Changes in the hormone-producing glands cause under or over-function.
Graves’ disease is present in the conflict-active phase (cell proliferation, hot nodule). It is synonymous with hyperthyroidism. Here, increased thyroid hormone is released into the blood, resulting in increased metabolism and hyperexcitability of the entire organism.
Hashimoto’s is present in the hanging healing (initial tissue melts away). It is synonymous with hypothyroidism (myxedema). Here the internal metabolic processes are slowed down. This is characterized by cystic occlusion of thyroid excretory ducts into the blood, comparable to nodular cysts on the neck. As a result, less thyroxine may enter the blood.
In the past, thyroid and parathyroid glands were exocrine glands that secreted into the intestine. Today, they are endocrine glands that secrete their hormone into the blood.
The conflict content in the thyroid adenocarcinoma – acinar portion (the acini are remnants of the old intestinal mucosa) includes:
Left side brainstem – “not being able to get rid of (move on) a thing fast enough due to lack of hormone secretion into the intestine; e.g., not having shed (sold) rotten stock in time.” The Biological Sense (ca-phase) increases metabolism (metabolism) by the excretion of more thyroxine to get rid of an unwanted lump more quickly.
The right side brainstem is “unable to catch a desired (food) morsel – because the individual is not fast enough.” The biological sense (ca-phase) increases metabolism by excretion of thyroxine to catch the desired morsel more quickly.
Example: A 32-year-old physician (anesthesiologist) had a doctoral thesis given to him. He imagined the matter to be more comfortable. But now, he has been working on the thesis for four years and has to ask for a postponement of the deadline again and again. He has since had hyperthyroidism with thyroid-Ca on both sides:
- left: because he is not fast enough to “hand in” the work, and
- right: because he is not fast enough to get the doctorate.
He treats himself with “thermostatic,” which blocks the thyroid function. The solution would be: to hand in the thesis quickly, then coking of the tumors would start and normalize the hyperfunction.
In the conflict-active phase, a compact cauliflower-like adenocarcinoma of secretory quality, so-called hard goiter, grows with hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis (Graves’ disease). Hyperthyroidism (hyperfunction) increases the metabolism, and the individual becomes faster. Mostly, at present, the coarse, nodular thyroid tumors persist and become encapsulated. However, if fungal bacteria had gained access during the conflict-active phase, the nodules would have become tuberculous. The latter would be the normal biological process. In the process, the hormone level returns to normal.
The absence of the vital TBC bacteria in the case of an old-brain-controlled Sensible Biological Special Program means that the cancer tumor in the healing phase – despite resolution of the conflict (no night sweats, only initial fever) is no longer degraded. The tumor remains – which it biologically should not. This does not occur biologically in nature because mycobacteria are part of the special biological program.
In the case of thyroid carcinoma or even pituitary carcinoma, this means that they continue to produce increased amounts of hormones, which may have been wanted temporarily, but not permanently. The patient’s organism continues to produce increased hormones, although the conflict has long been resolved. Not only does this upset the entire endocrine system, but the patient is, as it were, “artificially ill.” For example, he has artificial thyrotoxicosis, which he would have had only for a short time (ca-phase) if tubercle mycobacteria had been present in time, but which is without any sense afterward. Here, one can then only operate to lower the thyroxine levels again.
In parathyroid-Ca, also acinar portion, we have the conflict:
a) left side brainstem – “not being able to spit out one thing.” Conflict of not having secured muscle contractility due to too low calcium level. Thus, the unwanted morsel cannot be spit out (spat out) due to lack of secretion. The biological sense (ca-phase), the only absorptive type, lies here in the increase in the calcium level to improve the muscle contractivity—especially the fecal smooth muscle activity on the left side of the pharynx.
b) right side brainstem – “not being able to assimilate a thing.” Conflict of not having secured muscle contractivity = potential muscle activity due to too low calcium level. Thus, (due to lack of secretion), the desired morsel cannot be appropriated (swallowed down).
The conflict-active phase grows a compact cauliflower-like adenocarcinoma of secretory quality (so-called hard goiter) with hyperparathyroidism (parathyroid hormones) that regulates calcium levels.
The Biological sense (ca-phase) is the only absorptive type that lies in increasing the calcium level to improve muscle contractility. Especially to absorb the food morsel.
Again, the coarse, nodular parathyroid nodules persist if fungal bacteria had not gained access at the time of DHS. They are encapsulated, but hormone levels remain elevated. If the biological process is normal, they will undergo composting, and in the process, the hormone level will return to normal.
Besides the thyroid and parathyroid carcinomas, which make cell proliferation in the active phase and are developmentally assigned to the brainstem, some parts are controlled by the cerebrum and developmentally belong to the former gill arch squamous excretory ducts and make cell reduction (ulcer) in the conflict-active phase.
While up to now, handedness has not played a role in brainstem conflicts, it is diagnostically of utmost importance because it decides which conflict or “disease” a patient may suffer in a DHS. Therefore, the clap test (applause) is the safest method to determine on which side of the brain a person works. If the right hand is on top = right-handed person, left hand = left-handed person.
The thyroid excretory duct squamous ulcer (so-called cold nodule) is located in the cerebrum and includes:
a) HH frontal left: Powerlessness-conflict – “my hands are tied, I cannot do anything,” or “one should do something urgently, and nobody does anything.”
The biological sense, which is also here in the conflict-active phase, releases increased thyroxine through the excretory ducts’ ulcerative expansion.
In the ca-phase, ulcers (now endocrine gland) form in the former thyroid excretory ducts, which are now closed to the outside; however, they cannot be seen. Sometimes, they can be felt in the thyroid gland as a pulling sensation; in a prolonged conflict, the cold nodule forms due to cirrhotic shrinkage.
In the healing phase, so-called euthyroid (also retrosternal or mediastinal) thyroid cysts form. Euthyroid cysts have the same mechanism as non-Hodgkin cysts. The whole thing is called “eutyreote goiter” or “benign goiter.”
In this SBS, there is neither hyperthyroidism nor hypothyroidism.
b) HH frontal right: Frontal Anxiety Conflict – “Fear of a danger that seems to be inevitably rolling towards us, e.g., cancer fear due to diagnosis.”
The biological sense is the ulcerative expansion of the old gill archways to improve water flow and respiration.
In ca-phase, ulcers form in the old silenced gill archways lined with squamous epithelium. Sometimes mild pain in the neck area.
In the healing phase, as a sign of calming a frontal fear conflict or cancer fear conflict, the mucosa around the ulcers inside the gill archways swells. This causes cysts to form that contain serous fluid inside. These may extend from the mediastinum to the diaphragm. Incorrectly, these cysts are called “centrocystic-centroblastic non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma” and are not even diagnosed by conventional medicine until the pcl-phase.
In the case of squamous cell ulcer healings with the aid of viruses (?), temporary occlusion of these tubular organs occurs due to the swelling, as is the case with the old gill arches of the neck and the thyroid excretory ducts derived from them.
The cysts, however, usually gradually disappear in the course of healing ….. if no new recurrences occur and the patient does not get into a so-called vicious circle. These tubes can possibly stick together and fuse, i.e., remain closed. However, such “end stages” are harmless as a symptom, i.e., the patient can live to be a hundred years old with them.
Patients whose gill arch duct cysts or thyroid duct cysts are “treated” with chemo initially have their cysts recede, but the healing process is merely reversed, not terminated. When the chemo stops, the healing process starts again, and the cysts come back with it. This puts the patient in an endless vicious circle from which he usually cannot find his way out.
Patients with cysts in the mediastinal region (so-called retrosternal goiter) often undergo major thoracic surgery to access the mediastinum. The surgery announcement is usually a new DHS, namely an attack conflict against the chest cavity, so-called pleural mesothelioma – in conventional medicine: “metastasis.” Should the patient resolve this conflict again, he gets a pleural effusion as a sign of healing. In conventional medicine, however, this is usually the beginning of the end.
Now a new era has dawned!
The poor frightened patients who lie trembling on their backs with their eyes widened in (diagnostic) horror, like a defeated dog or even hypnotized like rabbits staring at a snake, are a thing of the past. Because the so-called “patients” can understand Germanische Heilkunde® just as well as any doctor. They are the real bosses of the procedure as soon as they have understood Mother Nature’s workings. We, so-called civilized modern people, have a wholly disturbing relationship with “disease,” which we consider to be the enemy par excellence. However, these are all outdated Old Testament ideas of a somewhat primitive worldview, in which disease is something non-natural and in which animals and plants are not allowed to have a soul. Germanische Heilkunde®, on the other hand, is a gift of the gods which applies equally to humans, animals, and plants.
Copyright Dr. Hamer
Translated: John Holledauer