Rectum Carcinoma is not a Tumor, but an Ulcer.
In conventional medicine, a carcinoma is a malignant tumor that destroys healthy tissue and spreads to other parts of the body through blood and lymph vessels, producing metastases. Based on this understanding, conventional medicine has so far been purely symptomatic. Diseases were diseases of the organ and were treated only purely organically-symptomatically. This ultimately led to our soulless modern medicine, in which the psyche only had a disturbing effect.
Germanische Heilkunde®, on the other hand, is a scientific medicine that functions solely according to the five biological laws of nature, and it sets entirely new standards. It is by no means inhumane because it is biologically oriented, but on the contrary, it clears up this soulless medicine. First of all, it states that everything runs like in a modern computer in our organism, only much more grandiose because even animals and plants are included in the program.
In Germanische Heilkunde®, the DHS is the basic building block of the so-called Iron Rule of Cancer. It says that every cancer develops in a particular psychological constellation and that this constellation simultaneously induces a certain cerebral constellation, the so-called Hamer Focal Point (HH) in the brain, which we can already see from the 1st second of the DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome) in the brain’s computer tomogram.
The 2nd law of nature contains that every so-called disease is a two-phase event, provided that it comes to a solution to the conflict. Every so-called disease begins with a DHS, a physical shock experience that catches us “on the wrong foot.” In the conflict-active phase, we have cold hands, cold periphery, insomnia, weight loss. After conflict resolution, which occurs in nature in the vast majority of cases, the healing phase sets in until the conflict-active phase’s consequences are repaired.
The 3rd law of nature, “The ontogenetic-conditional system of tumors and cancer equivalents,” arranges all so-called diseases according to germ layers affiliation because we know three separate germ layers in embryonic development. These are already formed during the first development of the embryo and from which all organs can be derived: The inner, the middle, and the outer germ layer. Each cell or organ of the body can be assigned to one of these so-called germ layers. To each of these germ layers belongs (developmentally determined) a specific brain part, a specific localization in the brain, a specific type of conflict content, very specific histology, and specific germ layer-related microbes.
This law further states that all old-brain-controlled organs in the conflict-active phase make cell proliferation, i.e., tumors, and all cerebrum-controlled organs in the conflict-active phase make cell fusion, i.e., necroses or ulcers. In the healing phase, it behaves then precisely the other way round.
This had not been known before, not even suspected. Suppose someone had claimed to have discovered some system in cancer diseases. In that case, it could only be wrong, as we saw, for example, in the so-called tumor markers, which in retrospect were utterly nonsensical in themselves and usually meant the opposite of what we attributed to them. However, since we did not know the difference between brain-controlled organ changes and cerebrum-controlled organ changes, we could not find any similarities at all, and if we thought to find any, they were wrong.

The rectum ulcer (Ca), for example, belongs to the cerebrum-controlled organs and therefore does not make cell proliferation in the conflict-active phase, but an ulcer (cell minus).
The conflict content is a female identity conflict, but depending on handedness and hormonal status: e.g., not knowing where to belong, where to go, or not knowing what decision to make or what opinion to follow.
During the conflict-active phase, ulcers develop, and although they rarely bleed, they cause spasms and pain during this phase and are usually misinterpreted as “hemorrhoid” pain.
If we keep the ulcer in mind, it is by its very nature a substance defect. The analogous process is found in all squamous cell carcinomas, e.g., oral mucosa, intrabronchial mucosa, coronary mucosa, vaginal and cervical mucosa, and bladder and rectal mucosa (Ca).
Sometimes we also find a tumor of the rectum’s endodermal sublayer, which has penetrated the ectodermal squamous mucosa. Then we speak of a so-called “polyp” (adeno-tissue-(Ca), which belongs to the organs controlled by the old brain. This is a so-called high-seated, submucosal, dystopic rectum-Ca, a compact, flat tumor that grows under the overlying rectum squamous mucosa and belongs to the sigmoid. When the tumor has undergone caseating necrotizing degradation under the rectal mucosa, we have a submucosal abscess. Usually mistakenly considered and referred to as so-called hemorrhoid. The actual hemorrhoids are the bleeding, strongly swollen ulcers of the rectal mucosa, which only reach 12 cm upwards (so-called rectal ampulla).
In the intestine, adenocarcinomas, which used to be silently fermented and excreted without problems in the presence of tubercle mycobacteria, cause us problems today because they remain and can lead to intestinal obstruction and thus may require surgery. The only reason for this is that we have almost eradicated the mycobacteria that would generally break down the tumor.
This realization contains the 4th law of nature, “The ontogenetically conditioned system of microbes.” We found the microbes in the so-called “cold diseases,” i.e., in the conflict-active phase always as “apathogenic,” i.e., they did nothing. On the other hand, in the “hot diseases,” i.e., we always found them “highly virulent in the healing phase.” Therefore, we believed that they “attacked” or attacked an organ. But this was a big mistake, because in reality, the mycobacteria or microbes working for the old brain are the surgeons of Mother Nature, the optimizers of the healing phase, and they always work only on the orders of our brain. The multiplication of the mycobacteria starts – at the same pace as the cell multiplication of the adenocarcinoma – from the DHS.
It is also a known fact that never will see a carcinoma spread to what appears to be the closest organ, jump the so-called “organ threshold.” It is never seen that a rectum-Ca (outer germ layer) spreads to the sigma (inner germ layer), or a renal pelvis ulcer (Ca) spreads to the collecting tubes of the kidney. In conventional medicine, one did not know all the connections, could not distinguish between conflict activity and the healing phase, and had simply labeled everything that made cell proliferation or tissue change as malignant. Suppose a histopathologist got a sample excision from a rectal ulcer (Ca) under his microscope in a phase in which tissue atrophy was still taking place, i.e., In that case, the patient was still in the conflict-active phase. Then it was always described as benign. However, suppose the ulcer was already in the process of healing. In that case, i.e., it was undergoing cell proliferation to compensate for the defect when the patient had already resolved his conflict, then it was always referred to as malignant.
In the healing phase, these ulcers are rebuilt with new cells under the swelling. That is why we used to think that these new cells were very malignant tumors. In this phase, the patient has almost no more pain and spasms but an intense swelling of the mucous membrane with bleeding from the healing ulcers.
This severely swollen, ulcerous mucosa, which secretes bright blood, used to be almost always called “hemorrhoid” bleeding, today often diagnosed as rectum-Ca, but unfortunately for this completely nonsensical and unnecessarily “cured” surgically with rectum extirpation. However, if nothing is done except symptomatic decongestant therapy and conflict recurrences are prevented, then a rectal ulcer (Ca) heals without problems.
Many cancers are not discovered until they heal because that is when they cause the most discomfort. But then doctors think these healing symptoms are the symptoms of cancer. This is also the case with rectal ulcer-(Ca), which is usually not discovered until it begins to bleed during the healing phase.
Every DHS is proof of how precisely the psyche correlates with conflict, brain with HH, and organ with cancer. There has never been an exception, except for a systematic one, e.g., in left-handers.
The so-called clap test is the most reliable method to determine handedness. It is tested like this: if you clap like in the theater and the right hand is on top, you are right-handed, and vice versa, if the left hand is on top, you are left-handed. Left-handedness moves the conflict to the opposite side of the brain compared to the usual right-handedness. The relation between the brain to the organ, however, is always evident. Only in the correlation between psyche and brain or brain and psyche, the left- and right-handedness is essential. In the brainstem, it does not play a role yet.
Example: If a right-handed woman suffers an identity conflict, the HH strikes on the left cerebral hemisphere and becomes a rectum ulcer (Ca) on the organic level.
On the other hand, in a left-handed woman, the HH strikes the right cerebral hemisphere – with the same conflict happening – and becomes a gastric or biliary ulcer-(Ca) on the organic level.
In case of a territorial anger conflict, a right-handed man suffers a bile duct or gastric ulcer (Ca) (right cerebral hemisphere). On the other hand, the left-handed man, in case of the same conflict, a rectum ulcer (Ca) (left cerebral hemisphere) and, in the pcl-phase, even so-called hemorrhoids.
But if e.g., the left-handed person suffers another identity conflict in a recent matter, she cannot react on the right cerebral hemisphere. Still, she gets this second identity conflict in the left cerebral hemisphere. On the organic level, one finds a rectum ulcer (Ca), which becomes so-called hemorrhoid if the ulcers were located near the anus in the healing phase.
By the way, only left-handed people (male and female) can get the same conflict 2x in a row.
A right-handed woman would react in the male right hemisphere in the next conflict because the first conflict blocks the left female hemisphere. Similarly, the conflicts can also change if the preconditions (current conflict constellation, hormonal situation, etc.) have changed. i.e., they can then “jump,” and a rectal ulcer (Ca) can then become a gastric/bile duct ulcer (Ca) and vice versa.
Rectal and gastric/biliary ulcer (Ca) occur unusually often together. As long as both conflicts (right and left cerebral hemispheres) are active, the patient is in the so-called schizophrenic constellation, which means that the computer brain is out of normal rhythm and the patient is changed. What one calls psychosis, the other calls “nervous breakdown” or speaks of the patient having “gone crazy,” having had a “frenzy,” or having “gone crazy.” In any case, there is no such thing as schizophrenia. There is only a schizophrenic constellation, which is in principle temporary and can be solved at any time.
That animals have just as a psyche as we humans. Also, the same conflicts can suffer, and also just as in the brain at the same place a HH gets, shows the following example:
Our boxer bitch Kimba, who was “repotted” from Rome to Cologne, suffered a typical identity conflict “where do I belong now?” as a right-pawed bitch, with a rectum ulcer(Ca). In the healing phase, she then got a sizeable so-called hemorrhoid, and in the left temporal lobe, in the associated rectal relay, extensive edema, as a sign of the pcl (solution) phase: “I know again where I belong.” At that time, Kimba and our boxer male Basso – who had been living with me in Cologne for quite some time – were already inseparable.
Modern medicine had forgotten to examine the individual patient, not only his organs but also his psyche and his brain. Thus, it has never been able to find a connection between psyche and organs, also never between conflicts and organs. The so-called cancerous diseases now fit into the overall context of all so-called diseases. They have generally gained a special position only because we have perceived them, especially under the aspect of apparently “uncontrolled” cell reproduction. In Germanische Heilkunde® they are only special phases, sometimes of a conflict-active, sometimes conflict-solved healing phase of a sensible biological special program of nature.
Copyright Dr. Hamer
Translated: John Holledauer