One Dog & 12 Cats with diarrhea – German New Medicine Testimonial

These-Real Life Testimonials were written by people who apply German New Medicine in their daily lives.

One Dog & 12 Cats with diarrhea, what could possibly go wrong?

Anyone who has pets knows the vexed issue: what to do on vacation? When traveling, taking the animal with you is not always possible, and who wants to give his darling to an animal shelter?

We found a woman with a huge heart for animals to take care of our dog. Unfortunately, these animals are mainly cats, which she picks up, feeds, and cares for, and, if possible, finds a new right home for these animals.

Our dog is not much bigger than a cat, but after all, it is a dog.

Very caring, this cat mom personally introduced our dog to each of her 12 cats. We also left her enough of the food she was used to so that the change would not be too radical. So, our dog had to spend two weeks without us in a strange environment with 12 cats. During the night, our dog – other than the cats – was allowed to sleep in the woman’s bedroom, in front of the bed in her cribs.

After three days, this woman called us and reported that our dog had not eaten yet and if she should buy other food?

No, she is only on a hunger strike; we had expected that. Surely, she will start eating when the hunger is strong enough.

That’s how it was. She ate everything she could find on the fourth day – from the cat food. She did not touch her dog food.

So, this woman had to take our dog away when the cats were fed. These preferred to stay on the furniture at a height to which a dog had no access.

And so two weeks passed. The joy of the reunion was great for all involved. So far, all was well, and we said goodbye to this so helpful animal friend. She had made our dog as comfortable as possible.

Our evening walk led us past this woman’s house two days later. She was standing in front of her house talking on the phone. So, we stopped to chat.

She was trying in vain to find a vet at a late hour. The cats had diarrhea, all 12 of them! It was not just normal diarrhea; it flowed out the back of the cat’s uncontrollably. Everywhere the cats were, everything was contaminated.

This woman was convinced that there must have been some parasites in the cat food, and she was worried about our dog because she had also eaten from the cat food. But our dog was fine; everything was perfect with her.

Since we have known German New Medicine for a long time, the situation was clear to us. The cats had suffered indigestible anger with the aspect of starvation at the latest when our dog started to devour their food. For the rest of the two weeks, the cats were on track. As long as this very dog was in their territory and stole their food. All 12 cats had reacted with the same conflict in the small intestine and suffered from constipation. And all 12 cats entered the healing phase at the same moment, namely when we came to remove the cause of the indigestible anger from their territory. All 12 cats got diarrhea at the same time, and it was intense. In 10 to 14 days, so much had accumulated that now had to come out in the liquid form.

We were able to resolve this woman’s concern for the welfare of our dog. Our dog was fine, even after the cat food. We tried to give her a basic understanding of German New Medicine. There were no parasites or poison in the cat food, and there was no reason to worry or call the vet. We had the impression that our explanations had fallen on fertile ground with this animal lover. But we don’t know if she had the heart to give her 12 cats the time they needed to heal.

Dear readers and those interested in the GNM/GHK. Understanding the biological language of nature will not save you from conflicts. But if necessary, you will know what to do or not to do. It does not always have to affect you. It can also affect people or animals for whom you have responsibility and care.

Knowing about the German New Medicine not only saves money – how much would a veterinarian charge for the lab test of 12 cats and a non-healthy pseudo therapy?

Even more important than money is health and survival. Only the person’s reaction to a sudden physical symptom decides that. If you know what you are doing and decide correctly, you will be healthy and live. Without the knowledge of the biological laws of nature, it can quickly become dangerous.

Perhaps the easiest introduction to the subject of GNM/GHK is to subscribe to Helmut’s YouTube channel and watch the videos. All of them! Each one helps you understand the language of nature. Take the opportunity.

Note by GHK Academy

This testimonial made me laugh to tears. The poor cats sat at the cupboard and had to watch how the bitch ate away their food. An “indigestible trouble with the aspect of starvation” concerning the small intestine. And this conflict struck by the dozen! In all 12 cats equally and simultaneously. A really lovely testimonial with animals.

But it works the same way for us humans, for example, in retirement homes. Often, older people are presented with a real grub, which they do not want to eat. At the same time, many of them suffer an “indigestible anger with the aspect of starvation.” Other days, they are given a delicious menu that they are happy about, resolving their morsel conflict with subsequent diarrhea. Then the prison management declares that a rotar virus must be around and tightens the hygiene regulations.

  • Hypothesis 1: This virus has never been seen before!
  • Hypothesis 2: There is no infection at all. With such mass phenomena, we must always find the expected conflict.
  • Hypothesis 3: The symptom is already in the healing phase! To want to “heal” a healing phase is nonsensical.
  • Hypothesis 4: In the “therapy,” they start at the wrong end. They fight the symptom instead of the cause.

Thank you very much for this vivid and instructive testimonial!

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