Hamer Compass – Symptoms

The Hamer Compass is a vegetative coordinate system in which we can find ourselves at any moment. We have 3 distinctive points (DHS, CL, Crisis) and 3 distinctive phase (conflict activity, healing phase, eutony). Accordingly, we have in each case generally typical symptoms.



What does the term individual mean? It means the indivisible! In what not divisible? Between organs and soul (psyche). If one divides it nevertheless, the hitherto living individual dies. We must always imagine the individual as indivisible unity between psyche-brain-organ. These three levels always run synchronously. We have to imagine the Hamer Compass always 3-fold.


The vegetative system includes the involuntary nervous system and has two reins: sympathetic and parasympathetic. If we are healthy, these two reins are balanced. During the day, we are sympathicotonic and under stress. At night, we are vagotonic and at rest. In conflict, we are permanently sympathicotonic, and in healing, we are permanently vagotonic. Germanische Heilkunde® is only concerned with this involuntary vegetative nervous system. The voluntary nervous system plays no role in the Sensible Biologically Special Programs.

A healing phase can be recognized immediately when the patient’s hands are warm or boiling.


A “leaden heaviness” can occur in leukemia and tuberculous healing (night sweats).


A cold is usually understood as the healing phase of the nasal mucosa (scent conflict) and the bronchial mucosa (territorial fear, fright conflict).


Fever is a typical symptom of a vagotonic healing phase. Not all healing phases of the various special programs proceed with fever.


In conventional medicine, one thinks to distinguish between the flu, a cold, and an infection. In fact, all cases are healing phase symptoms of usually several special programs. Based on these symptoms (cough, runny nose …), one can deduce the actual cause.


In the healing phase, one has a good appetite again and makes up for the conflict-active phase’s lost weight.


Conflicts are as individual as their solutions. There is no patent remedy! There are usually several possible solutions to a conflict. The best solution is the one that the person affected can accept. A conflict is solved when it can no longer happen or when the person concerned has changed his or her inner attitude and no longer cares. With conflict resolution, the vegetative nervous system inevitably switches from sympathicotonia to vagotonia, and the healing phase begins. Conflict resolution is not always desirable!


Body odor, which does not disappear despite sufficient body care, is the tuberculous healing or hanging healing of a besmirching conflict concerning the dermis. Every tuberculosis stinks!


The SBSe controlled by the old brain – the glandular tissue (brainstem) + the glandular-like tissue (cerebellum) – make cell proliferation in the conflict-active phase and tuberculous degradation in the healing phase (if microbes are present). In any tuberculous healing phase, one has night sweats. So, this night sweats is a reason for joy: one has been able to resolve a conflict, and one possesses Mother Nature’s surgeons, the microbes.


In deep vagotonia, the brain edema is the greatest, and here anesthesia can be fatal, which is why an anesthesiologist is also specifically assigned to the operation. To avoid this danger, painlessness achieved by acupuncture would be interesting.


We have night sweats at every tuberculous healing phase (old-brain controlled SBSe). The nightgown and the sheet are often downright wet with sweat.


The pain usually occurs in the healing phases due to the exudative healing swellings, which subside after the crisis. In the case of squamous epithelium, this also applies to the so-called outer-skin scheme. In the so-called pharyngeal-mucosal scheme (angina pectoris, gastric ulcer…), the conflict-active phase and the crisis are painful, but not the healing phase.


We find tuberculosis only in a healing phase of the old-brain controlled SBSe and only if we have the tuberculosis germs and did not avoid contact with them by over hygiene in childhood. Every tuberculosis progresses with night sweats. During each tuberculous healing phase, the body loses protein, which an appropriately protein-rich diet must substitute. “Therapeutic fasting” can be fatal here, as one then becomes emaciated and dies of cachexia.


The autonomic nervous system has two reins, the sympathicus (stress) and the parasympathicus (vagus, rest). If one is healthy, then the two reins balance each other; during the day, one is sympathicotonic, and at night vagotonic. If one has resolved a conflict, then one is in the healing phase, and the vagus is active.


In the moment of conflict (DHS), one is brightly awake! One is lifted from the deep vagotonic tiredness into a sympathicotonic wakefulness for the time of the crisis.


In sympathicotonia, one has set vessels and cold extremities.


At the moment of DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome, Biological Conflict), involuntary and past the mind, associations are made. This associated conflict content (anger, worry, self-value, separation, territory, etc.) determines the localization of the Hamer Focus in the brain and the organ disease (individual, inseparable unit of psyche-brain-organ). Before one comes to thinking here, the SBS is already determined and is also the track (allergy). We have this mechanism in common with animals. The started Sensible Biological Special Program now helps to solve the cause and is nothing evil!

[accordion-item title=”CONFLICT ACTIVITY”]


The loss of appetite is typical for the conflict-active phase. One loses weight. In the conflict-active phase, one has mobilized all one’s forces to solve the conflict. One often has no time for trivialities like eating or forgets about it.


The sleep-through disturbance is a typical symptom of the conflict-active phase, regardless of the special program.


Difficulty falling asleep is a typical symptom of the conflict-active phase, regardless of the special program.


Cachexia is emaciation. If the conflict cannot be resolved, one remains in permanent sympathicotonia. One has cold extremities, hardly any appetite, and difficulty falling asleep, and staying asleep. At some point, the battery is empty, and one dies of emaciation. However, one can also become emaciated from protein loss in a tuberculous healing phase (old brain SBSe). These cachectic patients have warm hands and need to eat, eat, eat to compensate for this protein loss! To do “therapeutic fasting” here to “starve cancer” is tantamount to suicide.


In sympathicotonia, one has set vessels and cold extremities.


If one is conflict active, one is sympathicoton and thus in stress. An active SBS is running! This conflict-active sympathicoton differs considerably from a “normal stress,” where no SBS is running. Example: The hunter and the prey. Both are sympathicotonic. The prey animal has a biological conflict. The hunter does not.


The conflict load is the area under the curve of the conflict-active phase. It can be only seconds, hours, but also days, months, or years. As long as the conflict remains active, conflict load is built up—the greater the conflict load, the more violent the subsequent healing phase with its crisis. There are conflict loades where conflict resolution is not advisable because the healing phase may not be survived.


The pain usually occurs in the healing phases due to the exudative healing swellings, which subside after the crisis. In the case of squamous epithelium, this also applies to the so-called outer-skin scheme. In the so-called pharyngeal-mucosal scheme (angina pectoris, gastric ulcer…), the conflict-active phase and the crisis are painful but not the healing phase.


The autonomic nervous system has two reins, the sympathicus (stress) and the parasympathicus (vagus, rest). If one is healthy, then the two reins balance each other; during the day, one is sympathicotonic, and at night vagotonic. If one has an active conflict, then the sympathetic nervous system is active.


Recurring dreams indicate an unresolved conflict. The brain also seeks a solution to the conflict during sleep. If the conflict can be resolved, these dreams disappear.


Compulsive thinking is the typical consequence of a biological conflict. All thoughts circle the problem! The concerned dream about their conflicts. The brain looks for a solution!


The conflict experiences a definitive resolution—a unique event. At the end of the healing, the patient is healthy. There are no further masses of conflict.


The conflict cannot be solved, possibly only transformed down. The active symptoms of the respective special program are permanently present.


Suspended healing is present when a healing phase is repeatedly interrupted by recurrences and does not come to an end. Thus, the healing phase symptoms of a respective special program are permanently present.


About tracks, you can get stuck in a crisis. For example, spasticity (= permanent epileptic seizure).


In a polycyclic course of the conflict, the complete Hamer’s Compass is repeatedly run through with a special program and also completed. Over tracks the recurrences that take place. Between the cycles, there are also absolutely healthy phases. Conflict loads are reduced again and again. However, the SBSe is not designed for thousands of runs. In one run, all is well again at the end of the healing phase. If the cycles are repeated several times, the initial state can no longer be optimally restored.

[accordion-item title=”CRISES”]


In all squamous programs (red group, ectoderm), we have Absence (absent) in the crisis. Depending on the mass of the conflict, this crisis can last from seconds to days.


Bladder spasms are epileptic spasms of the bladder muscles (territorial marking conflict).


The epileptic seizure occurs during the crisis when a motor conflict is resolved. If this motor conflict recurs again and again over a track with a subsequent resolution, then the appearance of epilepsy is present.


The febrile convulsion is an epileptic seizure in the crisis of a motor conflict AND another special program in healing. The special program of the musculature itself does not make fever.


Grand mal seizure is the epileptic crisis following motor conflict.


A heart attack is a crisis after a solved male loss of territory or female sexual frustration conflict. The heart attack has nothing to do with the closed coronary vessels (= accompanying symptom) but is a pure brain symptom (from the bradycardic heart relay, no more signals come to the heart muscle).


Palpitations are the right heart myocardium’s crisis (epileptic seizure) (resolved overload conflict). Blood pressure rises for the time of the crisis.


Pulmonary embolism is the crisis of a resolved loss of territory or sex. It is accompanied by palpitations (tachycardia) and dyspnea. The crisis of the right heart myocardium (palpitations, high blood pressure) must be distinguished from this. However, tachycardia could also be the result of hyperthyroidism (morsel).


In the coronary artery relay, we have dropouts (bradycardia) + angina pectoris in the crisis. In the myocardium, we have an epileptic seizure in crisis.


In the case of a conflicting mass of the male loss of territory conflict of more than nine months, the crisis after the resolution is fatal (heart failure). In this case, the conflict should not be resolved. However, the crisis of the left heart myocardium (epileptic seizure, blood pressure going to zero) can also be fatal, see “sudden infant death syndrome.”


In sympathicotonia, one has set vessels and cold extremities.


The cold sweat is typical for the epi-crisis (any crisis).


Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the result of the crisis of an overwhelming conflict involving the left myocardium (epileptic seizure).


In Germanische Heilkunde®, we understand a constellation to be an active Hamer Focus on the brain’s left and right hemispheres on the same level. For example, left and right brainstem. There may well be constellations, for example, in the brainstem on the left and the cerebral medulla on the right. However, Dr. Hamer explained that such constellations or their peculiarity are unknown. A constellation is also given if one of the two conflicts actively and the other in the epi-crisis or if both come at the same time in the epi-crisis.


The epileptic seizure is the crisis of a motor conflict affecting the striated skeletal muscles.


Circulatory collapse is the crisis (epileptic seizure) of an overwhelming conflict involving the left myocardium.


Each SBS – if the conflict is resolved – has its very specific crisis. All crises are sympathicotonic, with constriction of the vessels and cold sweat. All crises are brain symptoms. The most impressive crises are those of the cerebral cortex, such as absence, migraine, epilepsy, and myocardial infarction … Crises must not be dampened with medicines. Still, they must be strengthened with sympathicotonic substances, such as coffee. The crisis has the task of stopping them from falling into vagotonia and steering the rudder back towards health.


The hepatic coma is the crisis of the hepatic bile ducts (male territorial anger or female identity conflict) and is an absence + hypoglycemia.


Pulmonary embolism is not caused by alleged blood clots from the legs’ deep veins but the coronary veins. These dissolve in the crisis after a sexual frustration conflict (female) or a loss of territory conflict (male). The pulmonary embolism is fatal with a conflict load of more than nine months.


Gastric bleeding is the crisis following a male territorial anger or female identity conflict concerning the stomach’s small curvature (squamous mucosa). This crisis progresses with gastric epilepsy, pain (pharyngeal-mucosal scheme and an absence.


The stomach rupture happens after a correspondingly large conflict load in the epileptic crisis of the stomach’s small curvature after solving territorial anger (male felt) or solved identity conflict (female perceived).


Gastric colic is the crisis (epileptic seizure of the striated muscles + absence + pain) after male territorial anger or female identity conflict concerning the stomach’s small curvature.


The crisis has the task of steering the rudder towards eutony. The crisis occurs sympathicotonically and with constriction of the vessels. It stops the exudative phase, in which more and more edema was stored. The crisis squeezes out this stored edema, and the pee phase (urinary flood phase) begins simultaneously.


The pain usually occurs in the healing phases due to the exudative healing swellings, which subside after the crisis. In the case of squamous epithelium, this also applies to the so-called outer-skin scheme. In the so-called pharyngeal-mucosal scheme (angina pectoris, gastric ulcer…), the conflict-active phase and the crisis are painful but not the healing phase.


Chills are the crisis of a motor conflict. If fever is present at the same time, then another SBS must have gone into the solution. The musculature does not cause fever.


Teeth grinding is the epileptic crisis after a resolved biting conflict concerning the striated masticatory muscles. The track is dreamed in this case.


Twitches are minor epileptic seizures (crisis) of the striated skeletal muscles after a motor conflict. Each muscle group has its special task and thus its special conflict content. The handedness is crucial.

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