Esophageal Carcinoma (Esophagus) in Germanische Heilkunde
The cause of esophageal cancer

In the past, it was believed that the so-called diseases were determined by coincidences, aberrations, insufficiencies, and degeneration. However, Germanische Heilkunde found a clear correlation and systematic between our organs and specific conflicts or conflict groups. This system can also be found in the brain – our organism’s computer – as a so-called Hamer Focus (HH). It was strange that complicated industrial machines worked according to this model in the computer age. Still, the much more complicated human organism without brain and psyche, i.e., without programmer and computer, should produce so-called diseases.
Furthermore, Germanische Heilkunde® found that every disease or Biological Special Program in all medicine is biphasic, i.e., has a conflict-active sympathicotonic phase and a conflict-resolved vagotonic or healing phase, if there is conflict resolution. And every “disease” with conflict resolution also has a ca-phase and a pcl-phase (healing phase). And every pcl-phase, unless interrupted by a conflict-active relapse, also has an epileptic or epileptoid crisis at the lowest point of vagotonia.
Sympathicotonia and vagotonia are ancient mechanisms the organism uses to defend itself against its enemies and preserve the species. Unfortunately, today’s modern conventional doctors, who only stare at laboratory values and results of apparatuses, have forgotten or never understood these simplest connections of nature and biology because they cannot listen to the language of nature.
A new type of conflict crystallized for the area of the psyche:
The Biological Conflicts. These are sensible response programs of the organism in reaction to an acute shock, called DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome).
Cancer always and without exception develops during acute DHS, a highly dramatic, isolative conflict shock that has caught the patient on the wrong foot. After the DHS, the patient is trapped as if in a spell. He is in a stress phase (sympathicotonia). He has cold hands, can no longer eat, loses weight, can no longer sleep at night, and thinks only of his conflict.

Moreover, Germanische Heilkunde® also explains the relationships between the different germ layers and the resulting histological formations of the cancerous tumors, just like the normal tissues. This is because, at each site of cancer, we find the histological pattern of tissue that belongs there embryologically. Therefore, all tissue originating from the inner germ layer (= endoderm) is adenoid tissue, thus makes adenocarcinoma in case of cancer. All tissue originating from the outer germ layer (= ectoderm) (except the brain, which cannot make brain cell tumors) has squamous ulcers as typical cancer because the initial tissue is also squamous. In between is the middle germ layer tissue (= mesoderm), which makes cell proliferation in the conflict-active phase (as far as controlled by the cerebellum). As well as the endodermal tissue controlled by the brainstem.
In contrast, the tissue controlled by the cerebral medulla makes a “less” in the conflict-active phase, i.e., osteolysis, connective tissue necroses, blood picture depression, etc. And in the healing phase, excessive scar proliferation of bone or connective tissue, which is then nonsensically called “sarcoma.” But that is not all: Also, the unicellular fungus bacteria, the oldest microbes of our organism and the fungi, work only on the tumors of the organs of the endoderm and possibly cerebellum mesoderm controlled by the old brain, i.e., they degrade the tumors again, but only if already at the beginning of the DHS mycobacteria (TBC) (at least one) was present. Because exactly from the DHS onwards, the mycobacteria multiply, but only with the conflictolysis. And only as many mycobacteria are “reproduced” as are needed afterward to clear the tumor.
The viruses (if they exist), on the other hand, exclusively process the ulcers of the organs of the ectoderm controlled by the cerebral cortex. In between, the bacteria process both partially the tumors of the mesoderm’s organs controlled by the cerebellum, where they break down cells. And the necroses of the mesoderm’s organs are controlled by the cerebral medulla, where the bacteria help build up cells, such as in the bone.
Even the conflict contents are old and even ancient conflict patterns, which originate from how the respective brain area has developed or differentiated. We find the HH, which belongs to this conflict content. Consequently, the conflict contents also correspond to the respective development stage of our brain in the period of development and the special conflict problems of this development stage. Beyond that, every so-called disease still has a biological sense, which is also germ layer-dependent.
The more intense the conflict is, and the more extensive or advanced the cancer is on the organ, the more extensive the area of the Hamer Focus in the brain will be, and consequently, the more extensive the stage of repair will be. Before conflict resolution (CL), the HH is there but cannot be visualized as metabolically active on contrast CT (computed tomography of the brain).
After conflict resolution, we see, in the “smoothly proceeding” case, that the HH in the reparative healing phase now stains, swells, and becomes surrounded by perifocal edema that gradually marks in the” smoothly proceeding” case. And can then be visualized by increased metabolic activity on contrast CT – and regresses from there.
Conflict resolution is a landmark in the treatment of cancer.
The cancer is terminated when the reparative healing stage in the brain is completed. This is when the HH is indistinguishable from the surrounding brain tissue, and perifocal edema has disappeared (resorted).
The biological conflict is decided in the second of the DHS, i.e., the conflict content is decided in this second, on the track of which, in turn, the further biological conflict takes place. And the content of the conflict at the moment of the DHS determines both the localization of the HH in the brain and the localization of cancer or cancer equivalent on the organ.

Evolutionarily, the entire esophagus was once lined with intestinal mucosa, which descended from the endoderm, the inner germ layer, and belongs to the gastrointestinal tract (brainstem). Therefore, the lower third makes compact, cauliflower-like growing adeno-carcinomas of secretory quality or flat growing adeno carcinomas of resorptive quality.
As I said, we distinguish two types of tissue in the biological sense of esophageal adenocarcinoma.
- The cauliflower-like growing Ca of the secretory type of the upper ⅔ of the esophagus, the biological purpose of which is the increased production of secretion so that a too large morsel stuck there can be “digested” and thus made passable, and
- Ca of the absorptive type, which grows in a circular area within the lower third of the esophagus and whose biological purpose is to resorb easily digestible foods (e.g., glucose) beforehand.
With the cauliflower-like secretory type, the esophagus is apparently or closed to a large extent in the case of prolonged conflict, but liquid food still passes through as well as always. Of course, Mother Nature “reckons” that all corresponding humans and animals also have mycobacteria, so that the closures are completely opened again in the pcl-phase (healing phase) (esophageal TB).
In the case of adeno-esophageal carcinoma (lower third, cardiac carcinoma), there is a conflict of not being able to swallow the morsel, or not being able to eat it (also in the figurative sense). Often it is about a house, a car, or the like, or something that one wants to take in, i.e., that one wants to swallow the morsel but cannot swallow it. The HH is located in the brainstem (pons) laterally to the right.
Example: A patient returns from Easter vacation and finds his workplace occupied by a young man he trained himself. But that was not enough. The boss had also promised him that he could become a master craftsman, which he already was, but there was no longer any question. Instead, he was now supposed to listen to his apprentice. This was followed by a massive row with a subsequent punitive transfer, although in the same company, but to a worse workplace. The patient was beside himself. He says he just swallowed, swallowed, swallowed. The conflict was highly active for two months. Then the patient was discharged. The matter continued to bother him until, by chance, he learned a month later that the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. Then the patient suddenly got a new lease on life. By then, however, he had lost 20 kg in weight.
But now, he had regained his peace of mind and was able to sleep and eat again, and from then on, he also gained weight rapidly. The conflict was solved. Another alcoholic patient suffered a DHS with esophageal adenocarcinoma when he was caught stealing in a supermarket. He had let two bottles of Jägermeister disappear into his trouser pockets, which he, of course, had to give back again, i.e., he could no longer swallow the alcohol, ingest it.
- In the conflict-active phase, a cell proliferation, a tumor, develops, which, depending on the conflict’s duration and intensity (conflict load), may gradually lead to esophageal stenosis.
- In the conflict-relieved healing phase, the lower third’s esophageal carcinomas may spontaneously heal, cheesing and stinking, without being diagnosed. Of course, only if mycobacteria are present, but they were always present until our simple-minded microbial hygiene. However, if (only in our civilization) there are no mycobacteria present (and at the time of DHS), then the tumor remains. The healed residual conditions are then often misinterpreted as “esophageal varices.”
So-called esophageal diverticula are also very rare because the esophageal muscle layer is very strong and elastic at the same time. Diverticulum means an outpouching and occurs not only in the esophagus but also in the entire digestive tract and the urinary tract. In the esophagus, food residues can occasionally get caught there, which, if they remain there for a more extended period, then lead to bad breath and foul-smelling belching.
While up to now, in the brainstem, the patient’s handedness has not played a role, it is of utmost importance from the cerebellum (mesoderm) onwards. The clap test (applause) decides about left- or right-handedness, respectively, on which side of the brain the patient works and the brain path, respectively, about which “disease” the patient can suffer at all with which conflict. If the right hand is on top, the patient is right-handed, and vice versa, left-handed.
Esophageal squamous ulcer
The esophageal-Ca (upper 2/3) is divided concerning innervation. Right and left are crosses innervated. The upper two-thirds of the esophagus is covered by squamous epithelium, which belongs to the ectoderm, the outer germ layer, and has its relay center in the cerebrum. It is squamous or flattened epithelium “indented” from the outside, actually “immigrated” mucosa.
But here, too, there are sometimes residual islands of the old intestinal mucosa, which can then form submucous adenocarcinoma. The conflict’s content is that one has to or should swallow something that one does not want to swallow but would prefer to spit out.
Example: A patient, letter carrier, unsuspectingly and ultimately innocently comes under suspicion of having embezzled a package and an additional 200 DM. The evidence all pointed against him, as did an alleged witness. The letter carrier, a thoroughly honest and well-behaved man, stood there, speechless and completely beside himself, swallowing, swallowing, swallowing. The investigation dragged on, but after a ½ year, it turned out that the patient was completely innocent. The witness (a house resident) had taken the package and the amount of money and embezzled them. A short time later, the esophageal Ca was diagnosed.
One patient suffered a DHS with an esophageal-Ca when she (co)swallowed her gold tooth while taking a hearty bite of an apple.
Another patient was caught on the wrong foot when she was “kicked out the door” of her husband’s parents’ home under harsh circumstances. She, too, had to “swallow” this expulsion.
The Hamer Focus is located in the cerebrum frontoparietal-basal left.
- In the conflict-active phase, no tumor forms, but ulcers develop in the upper 2/3 of the esophageal area. However, since the squamous epithelium is very thick here, it takes 6 to 10 months before deep, visible ulcers are detectable gastoscopically. The biological purpose here is to widen the esophagus internally so that what is accidentally or forcibly swallowed can be more easily spit out. Sometimes the esophagus contracts, and there is a feeling as if every bite is stuck in the throat, so-called swallowing spasms.
- In the healing phase, severe swelling of the esophagus in the ulcers, stenosis, and very slight stenosis of the swallow are formed. Now, the diagnosis “porridge swallowing stenosis” is usually made in the X-ray image. One would only have to wait for the healing.
If the healing proceeds strongly – and it can also have a long duration, if the conflict had lasted for a long time (up to ½ year) – the patient need not despair after all, because liquid food goes down quasi always with a little patience. There is reason to intervene only in simultaneous active water retention conflict, i.e., a so-called refugee or existential conflict.
Sometimes patients with the 1st DHS suffer a double conflict. This was the case with the patient in our example above (postman), who felt sullied and unfairly defiled because his colleagues at work now thought he was a thief. He suffered a defilement conflict with melanoma (middle germ layer). When he was diagnosed, he suffered another DHS, a cancer scare conflict, with a gill arch squamous cell Ca (outer germ layer) – called non-Hodgkin’s “lymphoma” in the healing phase. When this was opened to him, he additionally suffered a death anxiety conflict with lung round (inner germ layers) – all “metastases” in conventional medicine.
In conventional medicine, metastases were thought to originate from a cell that had gone wild, swim through the arterial blood to other organs, and produce new cancer there, so-called metastases. However, no researcher has ever been able to discover a cancer cell in the arterial blood, but that is where they would have to be found if they were to swim to the periphery, i.e., to the outer parts of the body.
The cancer cells on their never observed way through the blood would have even changed (see above), and a melanoma cell, which belongs to the cerebellum mesoderm, makes cell multiplication in the conflict-active phase. Suddenly leaves its associated brain relay, couples itself to the cerebrum to fabricate its first cell loss. Later (in the healing phase), a so-called “non-Hodgkin lymphoma,” afterward again (through the blood, this time, however, into the lung (belonging to the brainstem), to form their lung round cancer. Later (in the healing phase), a so-called “non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma” to fabricate, afterward again (by the blood). This time, however, the lung (belonging to the brainstem) swims to form its lung round foci. That is the bright madness of medieval dogmatism. There is a second or even a third carcinoma that is not disputed, but the evaluation of this fact is.
In the Germanische Heilkunde®, one understands by “metastases” that a human being, e.g., at the diagnosis opening iatrogenically (medically triggered), got a panic and thereby suffered a new DHS with a new biological conflict.
Germanische Heilkunde®, with its 5 Biological Laws of Nature, is not a doctrine of faith. Still, it is a medicine that can be proved at any time, reproduced, and tested on September 8th and 9th, 1998, according to the rules of the scientific categories of thought – without hypotheses (Trnava).
Copyright Dr. Hamer
Translated: John Holledauer