3rd Biological Natural Law

The 3rd Biological Natural Law states that an SBS that is controlled by the old-brain (brainstem + midbrain + cerebellum) makes cell proliferation in the active phase. And an SBS that is controlled by the new-brain-controlled (cerebral medulla + cerebral cortex) make cell loss (necrosis, ulcers) in the active phase.

The ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer equivalents

  • The 3rd Biological Natural Law states that an SBS that is controlled by the old-brain (brainstem + midbrain + cerebellum) makes cell proliferation in the active phase.
  • The SBS that is controlled by the new-brain-controlled (cerebral medulla + cerebral cortex) causes cell loss (necrosis, ulcers) in the active phase.

        The ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer equivalents

Germ Layers

Embryologists generally divide embryonic development into three germ layers (as in germination):

1. the endoderm (inner layer)
2. the mesoderm (middle layer)
3. the ectoderm (outer layer)

These three layers are formed at the very beginning of embryonic development, from which all organs are derived.

Each cell or organ of the body can be assigned to one of these germ layers. Therefore, Germanische Heilkunde® classifies all ‘diseases’ according to their germ layers.

Each of these germ layers belongs and are controlled by a particular brain part, and correlate to certain kinds of biological conflict content. Every illness or every SBS of nature has a developmentally understandable biological sense.


The cells and organs which have developed from the inner germ layer (the endoderm), are controlled and directed by the brain stem, the very oldest part of the brain. They include the gastrointestinal tract, ending with the sigmoid colon and the bladder. The organs belonging to this endoderm layer induce cell proliferation creating adeno-cell type compact tumors in order to facilitate a conflict resolution. This can happen, for example in the liver, intestine, the round focus in the lungs, and so on. Histologically (concerned with the structure of cells and tissue at the microscopic level), all carcinomas (malignant cancerous tumours), without exception, are adenocarcinomas (a cancer that forms glands or secretes significant amounts of mucins).


The cells and organs which have developed from the outer germ layer (the ectoderm) are controlled and directed by the cerebrum cortex, the youngest part of our brain. They include the lining of ducts within an organ, like the bile ducts, pancreatic ducts, milk ducts, cervix of the uterus, the bronchial tubes, the heart vessels, etc. The organs belonging to this ectoderm layer induce cell loss (ulceration) in order to facilitate a conflict resolution. As in cancer, they all make cell fusion in the form of ulcers, and ulcers, or else a loss of function on the organic level, i.e., diabetes or paralysis, etc.

Old Mesoderm

We distinguish between an older and a younger group with the middle germ layer (the mesoderm). The cells and organs which belong to the older group of the mesoderm, are controlled and directed by the cerebellum. These organs still belong to the old brain and therefore also induce cell proliferation creating compact tumours in the conflict-active phase. This cell multiplication, as in cancer of the adenoid cell type takes place in the breast, with melanomas or mesotheliomas in the pericardium, in the heart sac, in the pleura like in thoracic pleura or in the peritoneum as in abdominal pleura.

New Mesoderm

The cells or organs, which belong to the younger group of the middle/mesoderm germ layer, have their control centre in the cerebrum’s cerebral medulla. In the conflict-active phase organs/cells induce necroses or tissue holes through cell fusion. In the case of cancer this would be the holes in the bone, the spleen, kidney, or in the ovary.

The more we progress in phylogenetic (the study of the evolutionary history and relationships among or within groups of organisms evolution), the more we find that the programs of the brain become highly developed and complicated. From the archaic programs of our brainstem to the already somewhat more complicated conflict contents of the cerebellum. From the considerably more complicated programs of the cerebral medulla of the cerebrum, to the cortical conflict contents, which are controlled by our cerebral cortex.

Initially, cancer was understood to be a real tumour with intense cell proliferation. It was assumed that the tumour cells could float away and give birth to tumours in other parts of the body, the so-called “metastases,” which in reality do not exist. Metastases are always secondary or tertiary tumours, mostly iatrogenic (relating to illness caused by medical examination or treatment).

Suppose today, a patient is diagnosed with cancer in conventional medicine. In most cases, patients experience this as a devastating shock, which can then immediately trigger further panic conflicts and thus new cancers. And it is these new cancers which are then regarded as metastases in conventional medicine.

The fairy tale about metastases is an unproven and an unverifiable hypothesis. No researcher has ever been able to find a cancer cell in a cancer patient’s arterial blood. But that is where they would have to be found if these cells could float or swim away and give birth to other tumours in the periphery, i.e., to the body’s outer parts.

In addition it would mean that the cancer cells would drastically change on their journey, this never observed trip through the blood! For example, an intestinal cancer cell, which makes a cauliflower-like compact tumour in the intestine, would suddenly migrated into the bones, where it could turn into bone atrophy. This is sheer madness and belongs to medieval dogmatism. That there is a second or even a third carcinoma is not disputed, what is disputed is the interpretation, evaluation and cause/effect diagnosis.

In conventional medicine no doctor, researcher, professor, etc., was interested in the germ layers. None of these professionals had any idea of the importance of the endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm. This is actually the reason why no one has ever been able to initiate a new approach or perspective in the business of cancer development.

Therefore, in future when conventional medicines evolves and opens its eyes, so-called diseases will no longer be ordered in textbooks according to the various medical branches, but according to the germ layer affiliation. This order is the natural biological order of diseases or special programs of nature.

We can classify all our biological conflicts developmentally. We know when particular behaviors were developed and programmed developmentally. And therefore, there are not only organs and brain areas that belong together but also conflicts that are developmentally conjoined. They all have the same histological cell formation. And, in the healing phase, we also always find the same microbes, as we shall see in the following biological laws.

Copyright Dr. Hamer
Translated: John Holledauer

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