Tumor markers – and their evaluation in Germanische Heilkunde

The tumor markers – and their evaluation

Germanische Heilkunde® did not set out to set new, senseless dogmas instead of the senseless former dogmas. Still, it always draws indications for its actions from understanding biological connections. Whereas in the past, it was only a matter of eliminating disturbing symptoms with some tricks and gimmicks. These symptoms are usually less disturbing as soon as we have learned to understand and classify them.

Suppose someone had claimed that he had discovered some system in cancer diseases. In that case, it could only be wrong, as we saw, e.g., in the so-called tumor markers, which in retrospect were utterly nonsensical and mostly meant the opposite of what we attributed to them. Because the Ontogenetic System of tumors and cancer equivalents showed us that we could never understand cancers without its knowledge because we had classified them in ignorance, partly in the ca-phase. However, cerebrum-controlled organs and old-brain-controlled organs behave exactly inversely proportional to each other about cell proliferation and cell fusion during the sympathicotonic (conflict-active) and vagotonic phase (healing phase). Thus, while the old-brain-controlled organs make cell proliferation during the conflict-active phase, the cerebrum-controlled organs make cell fusion during the conflict-active phase. In the vagotonic healing phase, it behaves exactly the other way around. This had not been known so far, not even guessed.

This total ontogenetic system of Germanische Heilkunde®, especially of tumors, is comparable for medicine with the meaning of the periodic system of natural science elements. It comprehensively describes the interrelationships of the entire medicine.

The tumor markers are facts, which are not disputed in Germanische Heilkunde. The only disadvantage is that they have the wrong name for the most part. This means again that one has already freighted the facts with evaluating diagnoses.

According to the book of Prof.Dr.Dr. Jörg Birkmayer “Tumorbiologie” Karger Verlag 1984, (Prof. Birkmayer has confirmed the correctness of the Germanische Heilkunde® in a verification check on seven patient cases on 09.12.1988 in Vienna by signature), we can understand the tumor markers as follows:

“Tumor markers are understood to be all criteria that provide evidence of a neoplastic process. These include hematological, cytological, clinical chemical, and serological tests. Primarily for manageability, those markers that can be detected in serum are currently preferred for monitoring cancer patients. These are the tumor markers in the real sense. Their detection is linked to an essential prerequisite: The component serving as a marker must be formed by the cancer cell in sufficient quantity and released into the blood to become detectable there. This prerequisite is fulfilled for all tumor markers currently used in laboratory diagnostics. The most important tumor markers eluted today are summarized in Table XVI… Alpha-I-fetoprotein (AFP) is a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 70000 Dalton: it is produced in the liver, yolk sac, and parts of the gastrointestinal tract of the fetus and represents the major protein in the early fetal period. Its physicochemical properties are similar to that of albumin. In healthy adults, the serum AFP concentration is less than 7 U/ml. This corresponds to about 10 g/l.
In comparison, the maximum concentration in the 5th week of pregnancy is 2000000 U/ml, which is about 3 g/l. Significantly elevated AFP concentrations are found in primary hepatocellular carcinoma, germ cell tumors, and pancreatic, gastric, and colon carcinoma. Elevated AFP levels have also been demonstrated in nonmalignant diseases of the liver. e.g., acute viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and neonatal hyperbilirubinemia.” (S. 206-207).

As you can see, there are non-specific, more or less specific, and specific so-called tumor markers. The word “marker” can be used without hesitation.

In principle, one could find such non-specific as well as specific markers for every process of cancer growth or a healing phase of any cancer. The most unspecific of all is the blood cell sedimentation rate (BSG=BKS).

However, the previous medicine did not know how to distinguish between the conflict-active phase and the disease’s healing phase. Of course, it knew even less that there is a biological sense in one of these two phases. Thus, markers were developed that were elevated once in the conflict-active phase, and others elevated in the healing phase. The one met to old-brain controlled organs, the other to big-brain controlled organs. This turned the correct facts into false diagnoses, or at least misleading ones, because, in principle, all healing phase markers can also be called vitality markers. Beta-HCG, for example, forms the basis for the pregnancy tests used today.

One example for many: A patient witnessed a brutal attack on another passenger in the subway. He tried to defend himself and was beaten to hospital by the perpetrators. He sustained several serious injuries. During the shock experience (DHS), the pat suffered a series of conflicts, including a loss conflict with testicular teratoma on the right (old-brain-controlled = cell proliferation) and interstitial necrosis of the testis on the right (cerebrum-controlled = cell fusion). He was afraid for the passenger’s life who asked him for help with severe injuries and for whom he felt responsible.

Three weeks after this brutal assault, swelling of the right testicle (healing phase) was noticed by chance. A testicular amputation followed this with a histological examination of the testicle. Suddenly landed unsuspectingly from the “accident splint” to the “cancer splint.” Here he would have ended up as an incurable “metastasis case” if he had not found his way to Germanische Heilkunde® shortly before the end of the treatment.

In 1978, after my son DIRK’s death, when I also had a testicular terato-carcinoma of the right testicle, I argued in the same way as the patient: I had never been seriously ill before… Shortly after my son’s death, testicular swelling and a terato-carcinoma… It was doubtful that this could have been a coincidence. In the case of a father who loves his son, one can humanly understand the conflict of loss, still, in a young man who suffers a conflict of loss because he fears that a man utterly unknown to him will be maltreated to death. I think one can only properly understand this reaction if one can also understand it biologically.

In our case, the patient had both a teratoma and interstitial necrosis of the testis, with a testicular cyst in the healing phase. According to its biological meaning, teratoma means man’s ancient ability to pathogenesis in a biological emergency. I.e., the organism tries to turn on this ancient biological program in case of loss of a close relative.

At the same time, however, a program with interstitial necrosis of the testis is also running. The biological meaning of which lies in the healing phase and with an indurated testicular cyst produces considerably more male sex hormone (testosterone) and stimulates the ability to mate with the male being, thereby replacing the child or partner’s loss.

In the case of our pat. the markers were not initially elevated because the conflict had been very brief, and the surgery was very rapid.

However, in a later recurrence (metro), the conflict lasted longer because the alpha-fetoprotein titer increased to 70.5 U/ml. This means that this time the left testis must have reacted if we follow the definition mentioned by Birkmayer. It is challenging for the patient to judge whether the one remaining testis has become somewhat larger or not because he lacks the comparison.

In principle, Germanische Heilkunde®, since it likes to use all non-invasive examination possibilities as diagnostic aids, is called upon to use these markers. However, as can be seen in our patient’s case, the markers, which did not mean anything negative, caused the great patient panic when he was informed of this and led to pulmonary nodules (death anxiety conflict).

I have seen many people die who were almost healthy again and in whom so-called tumor marker elevation was detected, and the patient was informed. They were in total fear of death and, after a short time, had their lungs full of round foci. With this further “metastasis diagnosis,” they get into a constantly intensifying vicious circle and die in the end. Such a supposed “sequence of metastases,” which was imagined to be Lymphocytic, formerly led to the erroneous view that metastatic cells from the testis would “swim” along with the para-aortic lymph nodes into the lungs and form (endoderm) lung round metastases there.

The idea of such adventurous nonsense is that during this migration of the so-called cancer cells, cells of teratomas would have had to change their germ layers affiliation twice (endoderm, mesoderm, endoderm) and once in the course phase (ca-phase – pcl-phase – ca-phase). In the case of interstitial testicular necrosis carcinoma, even more often, both germ layer affiliation and course phase would have had to change, is only something for “strict believers.” Quite apart from that, necrosis could not send out mitotic cells, which could then have changed the germ layer affiliation at the same time.

But all this nonsense we physicians believed, I even in 1979, when I decided to undergo the usual conventional medical operation and would have died by a hair’s breadth of purulent peritonitis (pcl-phase after mental abdominal attack-conflict). According to Germanische Heilkunde®, we have to learn to evaluate all these “markers” in a new and meaningful way, which are indisputable as facts. According to the different germ layers, we have to arrange them according to the two different phases of progression. Only then can they be helpful, and then they not cause any panic to the patient.

Nobody could recognize cancer connections because one did not distinguish between the conflict-active stress phase with its symptoms and the conflict-resolved vagotonic healing phase. The psychic “values” are also entirely different for both phases! The criterion of cell proliferation in cancer, e.g., equally in intestinal cancer, ovarian tumors (cysts), or osteosarcoma, led to the fact that one examined just entirely different disease phases and manifestations. This common denominator could not exist out of ignorance of the ontogenetic system of the tumors.

Copyright Dr. Hamer
Translated: John Holledauer

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