Psychoses - Germanische Heilkunde® Dr. Hamer says that the chapter Psychoses is the "Higher Mathematics" in Germanische Heilkunde®. Germanische Heilkunde® explains to us how our body works and how we act, think, and feel! The psychoses in the Germanische Heilkunde® have nothing to do with conventional medicine's previous psychology or psychiatry.
Pages about psychoses
Schizophrenia / schizophrenic constellation in Germanische Heilkunde
Schizophrenia = two conflict-active special programs in different brain hemispheres My first position after receiving my license to practice medicine was in the psychiatric university
Psychoses, depressions and their causes
Psychoses & depression and their causes. Psychoanalysis cannot be applied to psychoses, and all psychiatrists know this. We must instead learn to understand it biologically,
Posts about psychoses

Clitoris, Penis Conflict – Sadomasochistic Constellation, German New Medicine Testimonial
A young woman describes how it happened and how she found her way out of it. Sexual conflicts of a young woman led to a