Prostate Cancer Due to Wife – Germanic New Medicine Testimonial

These-Real Life Testimonials were written by people who apply German New Medicine in their daily lives.

My journey of learning and healing from prostate cancer. Cancer can be healed – but not fought…

Dr. med. Mag. theol. Ryke Geerd Hamer

My journey of learning and healing from prostate cancer.

Actually, at 49 years old in April 1995, I was too old or too young to wear diapers. It all started with a harmless preventive check-up. My PSA level was too high, so a biopsy was recommended – and it came back positive. A highly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the prostate was diagnosed.
I was very well informed about the treatment and its consequences. “You’ll be done with it in two weeks,” they said, and so on.
Before everything was over, I wanted to take a vacation, which the urologist understood. However, I could learn little from the urologists about the causes of my illness. There were assumptions, speculations, and even in the literature, I couldn’t find anything conclusive.
Since then, I’ve believed differently.

As an electrical technician, I approach problems by tracing the connections down to the smallest detail. I must never lose sight of the entire system in my work. A motor doesn’t overheat without a cause, a light bulb doesn’t burn without power, and simply unscrewing the bulb – equivalent to surgery or radiation – would mean I’d quickly be out of a job.

There must be a cause.

With horror, I gathered information about the consequences and outcomes of conventional treatments. I had asked questions, written letters, and searched bookstores. A glimmer of hope appeared when I found an article by Dr. Hamer about the direct connection between the body, brain, and psyche. I was curious and could follow the reasoning.
Finally, I had the address of the publishing house for further literature.

I devoured the habilitation thesis, and many lights went on for me – not many by today’s standards, but enough. I could no longer understand the world: here were solutions, yet no one was verifying or applying them.
In the meantime, I had spoken to Gisela R. on the phone, sought the help of a naturopath, and had a brain CT scan done. With my own eyes, I could see a mark in the brain CT, just as described in the book. This mark was not evaluated by the radiologist.
I was impressed – the diagnosis was so simple, yet I couldn’t fully grasp it all.

Finally, in January 1996, I was able to attend a seminar by Dr. Hamer. There, I experienced the methodology and diagnostics of Germanic New Medicine firsthand. Dr. Hamer discussed my case as one of many examples with the participants. Learning directly from each other is the most vivid way.
In this setting, I was also able to voice my injury, something I had avoided until then. Like many others, I had suspected connections between the psyche and the body, but nothing concrete had emerged.

It was three years prior, a sentence from my wife that I hadn’t expected and that had hit me hard. In this group, it became immediately palpable. I could describe the exact place where it happened. In arguments, words are said to hurt, and I’m not free from that either. It was a relief to speak about it without moral judgment – it was my subjective experience, and that’s what triggered it. Now, with a new quality and understanding, I comprehend stress and regeneration.

It was now up to me to understand the connections and adopt a new outlook on life. Through many conversations – I needed this with so much new information – I became a witness to many successes. The connections were always confirmed. I also met people who couldn’t process their conflicts, which gave me further motivation to continue learning intensively.

During follow-up examinations, no abnormalities were found digitally, sonographically, or radiologically.

Now, a few words about the PSA test.
The literature accessible to me – urology journals, medical newspapers, books, and the internet – has been contradictory so far, a dilemma, as expressed in an article (September 26, 2003) in the medical journal.
Furthermore, in a 1998 dissertation co-signed by professors, it states:

“— Quote — can indicate pathological processes —. — Quote — However, PSA is not a true tumor marker, as it is also expressed in normal prostate tissue. Moreover, it does not possess the originally assigned organ specificity, as mRNA for PSA and PSA protein can also be detected in salivary glands, kidneys, and lungs — End quote.”

I’ll leave it at that. What fear was instilled in me by the doctors. My faith has been profoundly shaken – I want to verify! This is about me.

In the brain CT, the former Hamer Focus had disappeared, leaving only a small density at that spot, a scar visible only under a magnifying glass. For me, this is a verifiable, objective fact, independent of interpretable, undisclosed tests. Apart from a few months of hormone deprivation, which I ended once my path was clear, I took no prescribed medications.

Nine years have now passed, and I feel healthy and well.

I am deeply grateful to Dr. med. Mag. theol. Ryke Geerd Hamer for the discovery and dissemination of Germanic New Medicine, his service in creation, as I have experienced time and again.
I also thank those who have accompanied me on my journey. The exchange of experiences has been and still is helpful today. The experiences, the resistance, and the connections surrounding Germanic New Medicine have dramatically changed my knowledge and impressions of society. To my horror, I have experienced powers that oppose my, our health, which I had previously only known from distant lands or books.

With kind regards,
Bernd D.

Cancer can be healed – but not fought…

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