2nd Biological Natural Law

The 2nd Biological Law of Nature states that every SBS (Sensible Biological Special Program) has a healing phase, provided that a conflict resolution occurs. This healing phase usually lasts as long as the conflict is active.

This is the law of the two-phase nature of all known diseases, provided that there is conflict resolution.

We used to have several hundred ‘cold diseases’ described in medical textbooks and several hundred ‘hot diseases.’ The ‘cold diseases’ were those in which the patients had cold outer skin, cold extremities, constant stress, lost weight, had trouble falling asleep, and staying asleep. The other kind of ‘diseases’ were those in which the patients had warm or hot extremities, mostly fever, good appetite, but were weak and tired.

With the cold diseases conventional medicine had misinterpreted the ca-phase and called the symptoms of the ca-phase the ‘disease’ itself. In the case of the hot diseases, conventional medicine misinterpreted the pcl-phase, and called the symptoms of this phase as the ‘disease’ itself.

Of course, both phases have their HH (Hamer Focus) in the same place in the brain, but in different states. In the ca-phase the HH always has sharply marked circles, like a shooting target. In the pcl-phase (as long as there is resolution), the HH is swollen and oedematized.

This bi-phase nature of all diseases is so perfectly regular, that it begs the question – why did the medical profession not recognise it a long time ago?. The answer is simple – if the conflict cannot be resolved or if there are only partial resolutions then disease remains monophasic, i.e., the individual remains in the ca-phase. The individual will be more and more emaciated and will finally die of debilitation or cachexia (a ‘wasting’ disorder that causes extreme weight loss and muscle wasting, and can include loss of body fat).

Due to the DHS, the normal day-night rhythm becomes a permanent sympathicotonia (a normal daytime state of stress, fight or flight), which lasts until the permanent vagotonia (a normal night-time state of rest and digest) occurs due to the conflict resolution. This permanent vagotonia is interrupted, partially, at the low point by an epileptic or epileptoid crisis or sympathicotonic spike. This indicates the change over from the vagotonic phase to what we call the “peeing phase,” i.e., the flushing out of a large part of the stored fluid. The SBS ends only with the return to normality or normotonia (a balanced day-night-rhythm where sympathicotonia alternates with vagotonia).

Every disease that has a conflict resolution also has ca-phase and pcl-phase. And every pcl-phase, if it is not interrupted by a conflict-active relapse, has an epileptoid crisis, i.e., a turning point of the healing phase, at the lowest point of vagotonia.

The epileptoid crisis (EC) is a process that Mother Nature has rehearsed for millions of years. It occurs on all three levels simultaneously (psyche, brain, organ). The purpose of this crisis, which occurs at the peak of the healing phase, is to squeeze out and excrete the brain oedema so that the patient can return to normal. We usually call this an epileptic seizure with muscle spasms which is a particular form of epileptic crisis after a motor cortex conflict resolution.

The type of epileptoid crises, i.e., epilepsy-like crises, is determined by the nature of the conflict, the affected organ, and the HH location in the brain. Each biological conflict type and disease type has its particular type of epileptoid crisis. Some epileptic crises can be dangerous, especially if the ca-phase is long. The epileptoid crisis often occurs during periods of rest when the individual is in deep vagotonia. The extent of the epileptoid crisis is determined by the ca-phase, often the crisis is completely harmless.

Mother Nature has created a highly effective instrument that we call the epileptic crisis and its reason for being is very clear. The epileptic crisis represents a powerful but short-term conflict activity, i.e., in this crisis, the patient experiences his entire conflict process again in fast motion. Hence, the intense angina pectoris pains during a heart attack. This angina pectoris in the epileptic crisis has its biological sense, which is all-important for survival. For example, the “proper course” of the epileptic crisis for a heart attack determines the “proper oedema expulsion” and, thus, survival. In Germanische Heilkunde®, we, therefore, give cortisone only if necessary.

The epileptoid crisis often confronts us with even greater clinical tasks: e.g., lysis in pneumonia, myocardial infarction after a territorial conflict, right heart infarction with pulmonary embolism, or absence after separation conflict, also diabetes, or hypoglycemia. The EC is the moment of truth! The most dangerous point is right at the end of the crisis when it becomes clear whether the epileptoid crisis was sufficient to turn the tide. The vast majority of patients manage to survive.

During the 2nd half of the pcl-phase, with the onset of the epileptoid crisis, harmless cerebral connective tissue, what we call glia, is stored within the brain to repair the HH. This HH is a more or less large white spot or area in the CT and represents the end of healing when there is no more intra- and perifocal oedema.
If glia accumulations were found in the brain in the computer tomogram, which could also be easily stained with iodine contrast medium. The diagnosis was usually a brain tumour! However, brain tumours do not exist by definition because brain cells cannot divide after birth. Not even under conditions that have been misinterpreted as brain tumours. What can increase is harmless glia, the brain’s connective tissue, which has precisely the same function as our body’s connective tissue. These bright glia-dense HH, which can be seen in the computer tomogram, repair the organism at the HH, thus a reason for cheerfulness instead of fright or even brain surgery.

Copyright Dr. Hamer
Translated: John Holledauer

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