Verification Testimony Marc Fréchet

Marc Fréchet

Translation from German (Original in French)

Clinical Psychologist and former consulting assistant for medical and psychological Oncology

Subject: Verification Testimony

To The Court of Justice,

I am aware that this statement can be used in this court. I am aware and accept any consequences of the following statement to your jurisdiction.

Since 1978, I have been a Clinical Psychologist who works as a freelancer. For nine years, I worked at the Paul Brousse Clinic in Villejuif in the field of medical oncology, in direct collaboration with Prof. G. Mathe. The financing was provided by the Association Claude Bernard.

My activities were as follows:

On every Thursday, I was involved in full-day consultations. Individuals who sought my assistance presented with somatic symptoms, which typically referred to blood diseases or tumors. These patients were all referred to me by the clinic’s attending physicians. During the last nine years, more than 1000 people have consulted me. Both adult and child patients were included. When I decided to leave the clinic, I was unable to accept any new patients for a period of last year.

Outside of the consultation hours, I was occupied with my research. This study comprised of scrutinizing the statements of numerous individuals regarding the psychological aspect of cancer. The purpose of this review was as follows: When confronted with their desperation or Depression and their search for a wonderful and immediate treatment, I assisted them in discovering an inner meaning to their illness instead of seeking external solutions.

I’ve told them to pinpoint their most pressing issues, relating to their pain, so they can take on a different role.

Since my field of expertise is not medicine, patients were asked to provide me with their symptoms, complaints, and the positive or negative consequences they experienced. After examining the various circumstances surrounding these individuals, we identified certain general causes. If these results had been meant to be published, it would have been said that all people who have had psychological problems would have had organic damage sooner or later in their lives.

Our main goal during this work was to find the psychological sensation that was connected to the organ symptoms as precisely as possible. To provide an illustration, it has been noted that in the context of Breast Cancer, five problematic areas have been identified.

In my opinion, Dr. Hamer mentions as many varieties as we have found. In the medical field, I have been involved in the biological identification of breast cancer through my work at Villejuif. Dr. Hamers method has allowed me to identify the emotional disorders associated with this somatic symptomatology. By analyzing the prevailing studies pertaining to women and men, it is possible to categorize the various types of cancer in accordance with the categories outlined by Dr. Hamer.

We can confirm the method developed by Dr. Hamer 100%, despite our limited understanding of his work on the breast cancer patients we examined in greater detail. Our primary objective was to accurately and comprehensively ascertain the patients’ sentiments regarding their illness. The results of our psycho-somatic examination of the issues expressed by our patients to Dr. Hamer would enable him to pinpoint the exact pathology of the patients to the psychological trouble spots.

As a former practical employee of the hospital, I looked after 3 different groups of patients:

  • Group A consisted of 380 people who received medical treatment (41.38%).,
  • Group B consists of 215 people who have refused medical treatment (26.70%).
  • Group C consists of 312 people who only came for consultation once (33.0%).

Regardless of the medical treatment the patients received or rejected, I can only affirm that a thorough comprehension of the biological and psychological mechanisms responsible for the medical signs has always resulted in a substantial improvement in the patient’s condition. Many of them are still doing well today. Their lives have gained in quality and inner peace.

In Villejuif, 265 out of 604 people had survived by 29 June 1994, or 47.18%
Of these survivors, 102 or 28.22% were from group A and 183 or 85.11% from group B. In group A, I cared for the patients according to their wishes, on average 8 hours per person. The patients in group B were entitled to a minimum of 40 hours per individual. Both groups were given the opportunity to contact us by telephone outside of the consultations.

To summarize, it can be stated that the majority of the deceased patients succumbed to fear resulting from biological fatigue and emotional isolation resulting from the same factors that triggered their illness.

With these brief remarks, I trust that you have provided the Court of First Instance with a brief glimpse into the extensive knowledge and outcomes that Dr. Hamer brings to the table. I would like to be able to work alongside him.


Marc Fréchet

Marc Fréchet was asked by his boss Mathe, who is one of three bosses besides Prof. Israel and Prof. Schwarzenberg, at the well-known cancer treatment center Villejuif near Paris, to figure out how many patients would die if nothing was done.’

He was allowed to offer psychological counseling to both groups, those who had received chemotherapy and those who had not. But, of course, the untreated patients, mostly incurable cases, had already suffered the diagnosis and prognosis shock. Such patients usually die in the same percentage as the chemo-treated ones.

It was not planned that Marc Fréchet would explain the Germanic New Medicine® to them. When it became clear what he had done, and that more than 85% of the untreated, who had found their way out of the panic by the Germanic New Medicine®, survived. Even though, 28% of the people who were treated with chemotherapy survived because they also found their way out of the panic, using Germanic New Medicine®. He was immediately expelled from the clinic.

The tragedy: Fréchet now wanted to publish his documentation but had probably suffered the conflict: “I can’t cope with that,” with osteolysis in the femoral neck on an organ level, when he was expelled. (see chart: o.r. + l.b.4)

A few days before completing his documentary, “Now I have Made It,” his osteolysis entered the healing phase, and his groin began to swell.

Even though he knew about Germanic New Medicine®, he went to a hospital near Paris to be examined. There, something very strange happened. He was given morphine, maybe without his knowledge, and he didn’t wake up again. In mid-January, after ten days, he was dead.

Particularly macabre: His boss, Prof. Mathe, i.e., one of the bosses of the cancer treatment center Villejuif near Paris. Had been treated more than ten years ago by me and my friends, for a bronchial Ca, according to the Germanic New Medicine® (see chart: r.r.a.2) – without chemo. Since he’s back to full health, he continues chemotherapy for his patients, fully cognizant of the 98% false therapy mortality rate.

Marc Fréchet died as a martyr for the Germanic New Medicine®.

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer

Copyright Dr. Hamer
Translated: John Holledauer

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