Therapy in the Germanische Heilkunde®

The therapy in the Germanische Heilkunde

It is very important to understand the viewpoint of Germanische Heilkunde regarding what conventional medicine calls disease and illness. In this article this viewpoint of GHK regarding the patient, the so called disease and the manner in which the biological thinking of GHK interprets each individual conflict/illness will be addressed.

Common sense is a basic attribute to biological thinking, there is no room for beliefs or blind faith. In ancient times those who had the most common sense were the doctors, magicians and medicine men. These same individuals understood that it was of utmost importance to consider an individual and his parts as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole – Psyche, Brain, Organ.

If an individual has already been diagnosed with cancer, GHK’s first step is to calm the fear and panic that arises because of this diagnosis. If there is fear of “metastasis cells” crawling around the body (which is nonsense) then the therapy of GHK is to make evident to the patient the mechanisms of the origin and course of the cancer, which the patient is sure to have already felt. This is diametrically different form conventional medicine where in the latter the patient is seen as a sufferer or tolerator and is only treated symptomatically.

In GHK the patient is an “agent”, a co-actor who is the one solving his conflict himself, maybe with some assistance, but basically he has to solve it himself. There are no solutions or recipes that can be used for everyone, there are only optimal solutions for each case. There are, of course, some conflicts that cannot be solved in reality and these must be mastered psychologically. A religious faith can be helpful in these unsolvable cases just as the encouragement of a dear friend as suggested in the motto : A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved. This was probably the essence of religions, to give people help with such unsolvable conflicts and to help them achieve a psychological understanding of the conflict.

According to GHK we can only tell a patient how he can find a way out of his situation, and whether he chooses to comply or find another way is his own decision. In GHK the patient is the boss of the procedure.

In the case where the patient stumbles back and forth from conventional medicine to GHK, this can cause much panic. Since the patient has been diagnosed with cancer and is in fear of generalised metastasis, the fall into hopelessness is inevitable, as it is felt like a death sentence. With GHK there is hope and understanding, with conventional medicine there is panic and reliance on medical doctors and their drugs.

There are several complications that we must pay attention to in the healing process, such as the reparative processes in the brain and the reparative processes around a tumour. With hepatitis or influenza, for example, in the healing phase (vagotonia) these complications are very common. A patient can feel limp and tired for a few weeks, even a few months in the case of hepatitis. However if a patient who has been diagnosed with cancer has hepatitis in the healing phase and is limp and tired, even though he may otherwise feel well, he is inclined to think that something is not right. Many patients who are still able to function normally during the conflict phase (sympathicotonus) all of a sudden become so limp after the conflict resolution in vagotonia that they cannot even get out of bed due to their apparent weakness. In GHK the patient in this situation understands that this condition is excellent, desired and almost optimal.

It is the same with bone fractures. Every patient feels normal if the bone fracture hurts during healing. The patient is told that the fracture must regenerate and that the callus must form which sometimes hurts. It is the same for people suffering with osteophytic bone foci. The osteolysis has to recalcify and the area around the bone has intense swelling. This process can cause severe pain, especially in the vertebral bones where the foramina intervertebral is constricted thus pressing on the spinal cord’s nerves. Many patients can hardly bare this pain, however if they know that the pain is part of the healing process, at the end of which the bone is recalcified, then they are much more able to bare the pain.

After a prolonged sympathicotonia in the conflict phase, the vagotonia in the healing phase is like rain over parched land. Everything is now being repaired. Not only is the brain being repaired, but the whole body. The stalled or postponed bodily tasks are now in full swing, i.e. the abscess which had been kept to a minimum now flares up, or the slight bleeding due to vessel positioning now suddenly intensifies, lost weight is replenished, tumours or necroses are rebuilt, decalcified or degraded by microbes. All of these standard processes are welcomed, however they can cause complications as in the case of haemorrhage or an oedema dislocates vital pathways (as in diphtheria with the respiratory tract or as in bronchial carcinoma with the bronchi, or as in binary ulcer-Ca and the bile ducts). Therefore, complications should not be underestimated.

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