Melanoma – Skin Cancer under the Skin.
Around our evolutionary history, our primitive “ancestors” began to exchange the milieu of water for that of land. At the time when the cerebellum was under construction, the individual needed a skin that not only gave stability but could also shield against excessive sunlight, prevent desiccation, etc. This organ I will call the mesodermal cerebellar skin. I will call this organ the mesodermal cerebellar skin.

This skin did not have to withstand great mechanical stress. However, the individual could already move forward, crawling like a worm. The skin had the unspecific, so-called “protopathic sensitivity.” i.e., it possessed sensation for extreme pressure and temperature, and was thus already adaptable and reactive if the environmental conditions changed significantly. This skin stored the melanophores, which could shield with their pigment, particularly the sun’s UV light. Besides, this skin had the possibility by the sweat glands to put a liquid film over the skin, produce evaporation cold, and prevent thereby burns of the skin. The individual was thus already quite well protected against impending dangers of the vital sphere.
If an attack or defacement impaired the individual’s integrity to such an extent that a biological conflict was triggered, then the individual built a kind of protective wall at the place where it had been attacked. And, as it were, strengthened the wall outward, similar to a ring-shaped city wall. So, when this city wall – to stay with the image – was injured, defaced or defiled or destroyed, the individual reacted with melanoma or amelanotic melanoma, non-pigmentary melanomas, i.e., a reinforcement of the damaged part of the city wall. When we see melanotic melanomas by chance, a mole is involved in the localization of the feeling of disfigurement, i.e., when they contain pigment and are black or blue.
After the formation of this cerebellum-skin, whose relay center we find in the medial-posterior and lateral cerebellum (in the conflict case, we have a conflict of the bodily integrity injury and in the further a defilement conflict), the mammalian behavior was formed. Logically, the mammary gland was also shifted into the skin. Consequently, the mammary gland is an invagination of this cerebellum skin, from which then the infant can suck its milk.
The only skin in this old development-historical time, namely the corium skin with the mammary glands of the milk strip, had socially seen, at the same time, a demarcating as connecting function among the members of the family.
Therefore, even today, the woman localizes her bond to the child and her partner very predominantly in her breast. Thus, breast disease is also the most frequent disease in women (conflict: mother/child or partner conflict).
The conflict contents presuppose, of course, a certain occupation with the development history. We can also understand the biological conflict, e.g., with melanoma: the Conflict of “feeling deformed, feeling hurt.”
For example, someone was about to go out the door, and another in the argument said, “You pig!” The patient reported, “That hit me like an arrow between the shoulder blades!” (DHS), and precisely at this point, the organism then builds a melanoma, quasi for strengthening, to defend itself after the DHS against the “arrow” and against possible further arrows (developmentally archaic way of defense. When our ancestors possessed only the corium skin (leather skin)).
Another example: A patient had two large lumps in her breast. One for a long time, the other only for 1 1/2 years. She was in the process of resolving both conflicts when the following happened: She went with her child to an acquaintance, whom she would have liked to have as a friend, in his apartment. It became late. They found each other sympathetic and decided to sleep together. When it came to an intimate embrace, the friend noticed a large tumor in the left breast and that the breast was deformed. He then insulted the patient, raving that she had tried to trick him, and threw her out of his apartment with her child in the middle of the night. At this, the patient suffered a DHS. From then on, a melanoma grew where the two tumors deformed the breast outward, as a sign of feeling “disfigured” in this place.
It is also necessary to point out the so-called vicious circle in which the patients very often get into because of melanoma. In turn, it can trigger a new disfigurement or defilement conflict. Then the conflict builds up more and more psychologically and organically, i.e., the entire area is covered with melanoma nodes in a very short time. In principle, the diagnosis of “melanoma” or even surgery “far in the healthy” can set the same mechanism in motion. By the way, melanoma on the skin of the female breast is, in principle, no different from the so-called herpes zoster or shingles. This can occur unilaterally or bilaterally. The double-sided case can affect different segment heights, but it can also be circular. In these shingles, which exist even on the face, the patient always feels large-scale sullying, for example, by hugging. Smaller sullying conflicts of the face are, e.g., acne in pubescent.
As long as the outer squamous epithelium remains intact in the healing phase, the melanoma can be cemented by TBC and disappear again. The squamous epithelium (outer skin) above it merely looks somewhat wrinkled, as is typical after any skin TBC. In rarer chronic recurrent melanoma with TBC, the blue-raised subcutaneous tumors always disappear by themselves, but without TBC, they always grow a little further.
In Germanische Heilkunde®, operations are by no means to be rejected in principle and in every case. They must only be indicated individually and according to common sense.
A small lump in the breast, whose conflict is solved, is not such an indication. However, if a woman feels disfigured by the condition and appearance of the breast in the course of the disease, in principle, regardless of whether it is in the active or resolved phase or if it is to be expected, she will feel disfigured, then surgery should be advocated. However, one should operate only what is necessary, according to the points of view of Germanische Heilkunde®.
Drug treatment is by no means the exclusive domain of conventional medicine.
All symptomatically right medicines should be used for the patient’s benefit, according to the criterion of whether the doctor would use them on his wife. However, in Germanische Heilkunde®, medicinal treatment is only used to alleviate or avoid complications in the natural healing process. Not, for example, to treat cancer with it, as has been nonsensically attempted with the so-called chemotherapy or hormone blockers in conventional medicine.
For example, a Doctor of Germanische Heilkunde® would undoubtedly give his wife painkillers, but never morphine or morphine-like substances, if he knew that he would kill her with them. He would, however, give his wife cortisone without hesitation if she has too much swelling of the brain during the healing phase, which can easily be kept in check with cortisone, e.g., prednisolone or dexamethasone until Mother Nature has completed her healing process so that we can phase out the cortisone again.
Selling chemo treatment as therapy has been the biggest fraud in all medicine. Chemo – means treatment with cell poisons, which are supposed to prevent cell proliferation. It is equivalent to exorcism. Of course, it is known that these cytotoxins attack, first of all, the bone marrow, which produces blood cells by continuous cell division. Besides, the mitotic toxins severely damage the reproductive organs, testicles, and ovaries, whose eggs and sperm. In the sperm, even the production comes to a standstill, leading to temporary or permanent infertility. When these things began to be researched and introduced into the so-called therapy, that was just 30 years ago, one did not speak of a ‘therapy,’ but that one could still prolong the life of a cancer patient for a short time, at the expense of the bone marrow. However, the whole thing becomes downright criminal by the fact that the cell division of the cancers, which makes cell multiplication in the conflict activity, thus the tumors controlled by the brainstem and the cerebellum practically do not respond at all to the chemo-pseudo therapy by the sympathicotonia, even by the cell poison the sympathicotonia is strengthened – and thus summa summarum the cell growth is even still stimulated – and besides still at the expense of the bone marrow and the hematopoiesis.
In the case of cerebrum-controlled cancers, their application is downright idiotic. Of course, chemo – always destroying the bone marrow, mind you – can abruptly stop any healing process, no matter which brain relay the disease process was controlled. But the conventional doctors’ supposed successes lie in the prevention of the healing, which they had declared malignant.
According to the criteria of the Germanische Heilkunde®, the irradiation is entirely senseless.
The radiation pseudo therapists always assumed that the symptom had to be eliminated and the spread of metastases prevented. Of course, all this is entirely nonsensical. Many patients who have had their breasts irradiated or post-irradiated after surgery also have such radiation damage to their skin. They feel additionally sullied and disfigured and then have melanoma cancer.
And the effect of chemo and radiation on the brain is cruelly stupid and usually ends tragically. Since Hamer Focus in the healing phase, misunderstood by conventional medicine as so-called brain tumors, has been ignorantly treated with this pseudo therapy for a long time, we know quite well about the cruel consequences. The brain’s superior resistance to cope with biological conflicts lies in its ability to heal Hamer Focus again. As we know, the brain does this with the help of edema in the healing phase. This edema causes the brain cells to be pulled far apart, which means that the connection between two brain cells, which we call synapses, becomes very stressed. Chemo and radiation do about visibly what a conflict relapse would do, which we are so afraid of.
The healing stops and the whole swollen relay purrs together again. The edema water has disappeared, but the Hamer Focus is not cured, not by any means. Thus, the catastrophe of the so-called concertina effect has begun. Since the process in and around the Hamer Focus is not healed but only artificially blocked, the organism tries after each round of chemotherapy or radiation to immediately restart the healing process. i.e., to fill up the Hamer Focus with edema again. Again and again, the synapses, the connections of the nerve cells, are pulled apart. Then they purr together again during the next chemo and radiation. …
Morphine is catastrophic for any patient. In nature, such interventions from the outside are not provided. The pain that nature gives to the individual is meaningful. Since we have morphine and its derivatives, the thought is apparent: “We turn off the pain with morphine and still get well.” The calculation is wrong. Because the morphine turns the whole brain upside down, the patient has no morals anymore and lets himself be put to sleep willy-nilly from then on.
Copyright Dr. Hamer
Translated: John Holledauer