Leukemia in Germanische Heilkunde

Leukemia in Germanische Heilkunde

In Germanische Heilkunde®

Leukemia is not a disease, but a healing phase after a bone marrow disease responsible for blood formation. The good fortune of Leukemia

In principle, there are two possibilities of bone marrow damage:

One is general toxicity or due to radioactive irradiation (Chernobyl). The bone marrow’s healing reaction is called a leukemic reaction. The bone marrow produces many immature cells both the red and white, i.e., immature erythrocytes and immature leukocytes. The most immature of the leukocytes are called (leuko)blasts.

In conventional medicine one of their delusional belief states that these blasts are malignant because large quantities of these blasts are produced. However, they are by no means malignant. No one has ever observed their division. On the contrary, they are discarded after a few days (degraded in the liver), so they are almost immediately retaken out of circulation and, therefore cannot harm.

In the past, the erroneous opinion was still held that these blasts, which are larger than erythrocytes, would clog the blood vessels. However, this is also an erroneous view, since in the leukemic (vagotonic) healing phase vessels are dilated, on average three to four times their lumen (vessel cross-section), so there can be no danger at all in this respect. No histopathologist has ever observed such a blockage by blasts under the microscope.

The opinion that there are too few normal leukocytes in the leukemic phase is also not correct. Because no matter how many immature normal leukocytes or blasts are found, the patient always has 5-10,000 “normal” leukocytes, which is far more than enough because of the dilution.

During the healing phase after toxicity or radioactive irradiation, the leukocyte count, which may well exceed one million, regulates itself after a particular time, depending on the extent of the damage.

Biologically, this type of damage practically never occurs. However, it does not differ in the blood picture from the one we will briefly discuss below, namely the one caused by a biological self-value conflict.

Again, the leukemic phase is the healing phase. The damage phase is that of the initial, so-called conflict-active phase. The conflict-active phase is also the cancer phase. In this conflict-active phase, osteolysis forms, i.e., holes in the bone tissue due to bone cell loss. The body produces increasingly fewer red and white blood cells in this phase. We call this anemia.

Anemia, bone cancer, and the conflict-active phase of a biological self-esteem collapse are usually the same.

In the brain, we find this conflict-active phase at the respective associated place of the cerebrum’s cerebral medulla, a so-called “shooting target configuration.” A part of these self-value collapses, which are perhaps the most frequent conflicts in humans and animals, cannot be resolved in real terms. The individual dies of anemia and bone cell loss.

If the conflict has lasted a long time and is finally resolved, the leukemic phase is characterized by a high leukocyte count. The healing swelling in the brain is then correspondingly large. It can cause complications (danger of brain coma) if this is left unattended, as is almost always the case in conventional medicine, and is not counteracted with medication.

The symptoms of leukemia are typical, as in all phases of healing after cancer: the patient is listless and tired, often has a fever, has an appetite, and in the first phase of healing has a calculated decrease in the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes, due to the dilation of his vessels (typical of the vagotonic phase of healing) and dilution of the blood by blood serum.

At the same time, the patient often has severe pain due to distension of the periosteum (bone skin) at the site where bone osteolysis had occurred under the periosteum, which is now beginning to recalcify.

Mother Nature has intended something meaningful with this phase of fatigue and pain. The individual, human or animal, should be as still as possible. After all, due to the detachment of the periosteum from the bone (by edema in the bone), the bone sometimes has hardly any support in this phase. Previously, the stocking function of the periosteum gave the bone additional stability and support.

Therefore, in this phase, beware of bone fractures, especially in adults, and femoral neck osteolysis!

In young children, bone decalcification is usually generalized because they also suffer a generalized self-value collapse (“Mommy doesn’t love me anymore, she only takes care of baby brother now”). Therefore, there is rarely a risk of bone fracture in young children.

Conventional medicine does not care about its patients’ brains or psyche (Pediatrician Niethammer: “Children, especially infants, do not have any conflicts yet”). They start from the delusion that they have to normalize the increased leukocyte count artificially, immediately, which Mother Nature does anyway. But only when the bone osteolysis is recalcified, i.e., healed. Of course, this goes hand in hand with the fact that during this time, the psyche also heals again, as does the brain.

If the conventional physicians find bone osteolysis in healing in this leukemic phase, they speak of osteosarcoma. Each leukemic healing phase corresponds practically to a smaller, larger, or even several osteosarcomas. Fortunately for the patient, they are usually undiagnosed.

The different types of leukemia are Myeloid, Lymphocytic, and monocyclic Leukemia. They used to be strictly separated from each other. However, since we know that they often change within the same healing phase, these distinctions are no longer as important as they used to be.

In the past, the most harmless leukemia was considered to be chronic leukemia or leukemia of old age and lymphatic leukemia in young children. Both leukemics were usually not considered to be true leukemia. There were two small sparks of truth within the significant error.

Today, about 30-40 times as many leukemias are diagnosed tragically as in the past (although, in reality, there would be many more). Every lumbago (lumbago) is small leukemia.

No pediatrician would have thought of doing a bone marrow aspiration on pediatric Lymphocytic leukemia in the past. It was checked after three months and again after another three months, and it was found that it had disappeared again.

Acute and chronic leukemias differ in that the conflict course also occurred for the first time or has already occurred repeatedly.

If all these things are known, no one, and indeed no child, needs to die of leukemia. Even if the patient has temporary pain and is weak and tired, we speak of the “luck of leukemia.”

Both chemo and morphine for bone pain are complete madness and contradict everything Mother Nature had thought up for these sensible symptoms.

The stupidity of the current conventional medicine consists in the fact that the damaged bone marrow, which is just recovering, is as well and often so terribly damaged by chemo that it cannot recover.

The crowning glory of madness is the so-called bone marrow transplantation:

A patient’s bone marrow is entirely destroyed by chemo “therapy” and radiation. Bone marrow cells from a foreign donor (occasionally also the patient’s own bone marrow from the so-called full remission phase) are then injected into the patient’s bloodstream, hoping that the cells will grow former, now destroyed bone marrow, like radishes in the soil.

No researcher has ever been able to determine that a radioactively labeled bone marrow cell actually migrated from the blood into the bone marrow and grew there. On the contrary, the foreign cells are rapidly degraded and are soon no longer detectable.

Only a tiny fraction of the patients survive, in whom the irradiation of the bone marrow was incomplete for some reason so that their own bone marrow could regenerate again.

If you have understood the full implications of these things, then you know why no professor dares to go against Hamer, and hardly any professor would go through this nonsense with his relatives.

The original statement of conventional medicine, Prof. Winkler of the Leukemia Center, Münster:

After just four weeks of chemotherapy, no more cancer cells can be detected under the microscope. “Nevertheless, we still have to practice blind terror for another five months,” says Winkler, the oncologist. An 18-month tablet phase follows this intensive treatment

(Der Spiegel, 47/1991, p. 336).

Copyright Dr. Hamer
Translated: John Holledauer

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