What is Down Syndrome Trisomy 21, Mongoloid, and Circular Saw Syndrome?
Are these four different so-called ‘diseases,’ or are they one and the same thing, with the symptomatology being readjusted, reinvented, and adapted by conventional medicine over time?
Only a few decades ago, the underlying symptomatology was called ‘Circular Saw Syndrome.’ It was known that if a pregnant woman exposed herself to loud screeching noise, this could result in disabilities in her children. Conventional medicine understood the cause, and with this knowledge, they could have provided much more effective protection for both the embryo and the mother. Obviously, this was not their objective!
Why would they have renamed this ‘disease’ that contained (in the actual name) the information of the cause (circular saw syndrome) into a name that is related to the organic symptom (mongoloid or Down‘s Syndrome)? They renamed it so that every genuine protective measure that any mother could employ would be impossible from the outset. We have been thus robbed of our knowledge of the cause.
It is for the same reason that the catholic church burned all women and men as witches because they had the knowledge about cause and effect or even just researched about it. We are deliberately deprived of any knowledge that would enable us to take personal responsibility and, thus, our freedom.
Since the medical establishment had not moved us far enough away from the truth, they changed the name again, moving away from the organ-related level to the genetic-related level. Today, it is called Trisomy 21, which identifies the 21st chromosome as the culprit. All attention is now focused exclusively on this 21st chromosome, and the disease is genetically conditioned and, therefore, a judgment of God, leaving us once again helpless and ignorant.
Amniocentesis Test for Down Syndrome Trisomy 21

As a preventive measure tests were developed to examine the amniotic fluid. I ask each reader (also the men) to imagine the following scenario and to keep in mind the effect the following examination would have on you personally?
Imagine you are a pregnant woman, fully conscious and observing the following: you are lying on the examination table, and the doctor comes with a needle about one foot long, he pierces you through your abdominal wall towards your unborn baby. He takes some amniotic fluid and pulls the needle out. I, personally, would suffer a whole series of conflicts just because of this.
What happens if the test result is positive and the doctor tells this woman that her unborn baby has trisomy 21? Now, this woman faces some very difficult questions: should she have an abortion, or should she carry a sick child to term and live a life of caring for this child. And this is what they call health care!!!
There are many mothers who, after a positive test and despite the pressure and scaremongering of the doctors, refuse an abortion and then give birth to a very healthy child.
On the other hand, a doctor was sentenced by a court to lifelong maintenance of a mongoloid child because he informed the mother that the test result was negative. So, which doctor would run the risk of giving a negative test result if he has the slightest doubt? To be on the safe side, a doctor is forced to write positive test results and propose abortions. The doctor is literally forced to protect himself.
As a principle, you should always remember that when a doctor says something is a genetic disorder, what he is really saying is, “I have no idea what you have or how to treat it, but you better learn to live with it!
Now let’s move on to the cause of Down Syndrome Trisomy 21
In the first three months of pregnancy, the expectant mother is in sympathicotonia. For the following six months, she is in vagotonia. If an embryo suffers conflicts in the first three sympathicotonic months, the pregnancy is often aborted by the body to make room for a new, not conflict-loaded child.
If the expectant mother exposes herself to loud screeching noises, the child can suffer this as a double (bilateral) hearing conflict (constellation). As in any constellation, this is accompanied by a stop in emotional maturity and the organic symptoms of Down Syndrome.
For example, imagine a woman working at an airport with hearing protection because of the loud turbines. Imagine her climbing into a wooden barrel under a turbine and closing the lid. Now you know how a child perceives this situation in the womb. The amniotic fluid transmits sound waves much more directly to the child’s entire body. The embryo also hears an ultrasound examination as if someone is firing an AK47 next to the barrel you are sitting in. Can you imagine how this can be conflictive for an embryo?
In the past, people understood the cause of chain saw syndrome. Conventional medicine’s focus on just one of the symptoms (21st chromosome) serves only to distract us from the real cause. Thus, the masses are ushered away from the truth and any meaningful prevention or useful therapy.
What would a meaningful GHK therapy for Down Syndrome Trisomy 21 look like?

Obviously, it would be related to the cause, i.e., the hearing conflict. Unfortunately, resolving the conflict is not really possible. The affected person has suffered this conflict in the last six months before birth and has stopped, at the moment of the DHS, in his emotional maturity development. Therefore, the tracks should be avoided.
The DHS was caused by noise; therefore, the affected person is ‘allergic’ to noise, and now it has become quite clear about what needs to be done. Avoid the tracks, i.e., the trigger.
The two pictures of Anna are from Dr. Hamer’s literature. There are three months between the two pictures of little Anna. Today, Anna can live a completely normal, independent life. Anyone can read about this case in Dr. Hamer’s book, “Legacy of a New Medicine.”
Personal Observation on Down Syndrome Trisomy 21
The following is a personal observation, an example I experienced that illustrates the difference between having knowledge about the biological laws of nature (GHk) or having a belief in an institution.
I sat in a bus at the main underground bus terminal in Palma de Mallorca. There were many buses, loud engines, screeching brakes, loudspeakers announcements, and the hum of groups of people. Looking out of the window, I saw a woman holding the hand of an approximately 7-year-old child, who had very strong mongoloid facial features. The child was covering her ears with both hands. I was thinking about how to explain to the mother, in lay terms, what her child was suffering from and what she could do to help the child (which was obvious to me). At the same moment, the bus doors closed, and the driver pulled out of the station. I often wondered why I hadn’t reacted faster.
The next example could be seen as a ‘miracle’ if you don’t know the GHK
(all names have been changed to protect the personal rights of those involved).
Near where we lived, there was a place where parents, mostly mothers, met every evening with their children and dogs. Both my wife and I regularly went there with our child, and so we knew the people. We talked with a 50-year-old European woman even though we had not as yet figured out which children belonged to the various parents. There was a 9-year-old girl who was always present; she showed very pronounced symptoms of Down Syndrome Trisomy 21 – almond position of the eyes, tongue too big and partly hanging out, nasal fold. This girl, who I will call Maria, just sat on the sidelines watching the other kids play and run. She understood several languages, but was hardly able to pronounce a whole sentence.
When Maria climbed up or down stairs, she always placed one foot next to the other instead of putting one foot in front of the other. She went to school but was not able to write her name. Her four-year older brother was perfectly normal, and she had another older brother who was doing his military officer training in Europe at that time.
When I found out, after two days, that the 50-year-old woman with whom I had often spoken was the mother of little Maria, I spontaneously asked her if she had ever noticed that Maria was sensitive to noise. After I had explained to her that her child was allergic to noise, the mother looked at me and nodded thoughtfully.
The mother then explained that each time Maria came home from school, she could not connect with her daughter for at least 2 hours. When she scolded Maria or her brother loudly, Maria seemed overly disturbed, covered her ears, and crawled into her bed. The mother confirmed Maria’s sensitivity to noise; however, she had never made this connection with the handicap.
So I had her full attention and used it to explain the basic terms of GHk and Down Syndrome Trisomy 21 in particular. My recommendation was to protect the child from noise. Even if it means wearing hearing protection. Affected children can then catch up very quickly with maturity and development when the tracks are avoided.
Every mother can remember in detail the circumstances of her pregnancy, even after many years. So I asked her under what circumstances she had spent the first three months of pregnancy with Maria. What was so loud?
The next day, the mother waited for me to tell me that she now knew exactly what was the cause and the track of Maria. She fought with Maria’s father every day, and they literally yelled at each other during the whole pregnancy and the father was left before she gave birth.
Maria was ‘allergic’ to the loud voice of her mother; in other words, Maria’s track was her mother’s loud voice. This realization was very hard on the mother, which is understandable. But now she knew what she had to do. She promised me to never again raise her voice against her children. She worked on herself to speak only in a calm and quiet voice when her children were around. Of course, the mother was also very motivated to learn the GHk herself.
In addition, I gave her a copy of both versions of “Studentenmädchen” (my student girl), so that she could run it 24/7 as background music.
After only a few days, the results of the mother’s changed behavior on Maria was undeniable. Suddenly, Maria ran after the other children instead of sitting around watching, and she tried to participate in the other children’s games. She suddenly climbed up a staircase, one foot in front of the other, like any other child, but for Maria, it was the first time in her life. Another time, she sat down next to a strange man who was working on his laptop, and with interest, she asked him questions: What is that? What is that for? What are you doing there? Only a few days before, she would never have done such a thing.
After about a week, the mother waited for me with tears in her eyes and told me that Maria had spoken in her dream. Complete, grammatically correct sentences while she was sleeping!!
She had already come to terms with the fact that her daughter would never be able to write her name, and now she was experiencing the contrary. Because of her chronic conflict activity, Maria could never build on what she had learned. Now the tracks were gone, the mother had hope that one day Maria would be able to live an independent life.
The other parents were amazed by the sudden changes in Maria, and they continually asked the mother what she had done to her child. GHk quickly became a general topic of conversation at the children’s playground. Unfortunately, the discussions remained stuck in the initial curiosity phase. Obviously, it is more convenient to trust in the mainstream medical system as long as you don’t suffer anything serious yourself.
The physical symptoms of Maria also improved, but not as fast as her mental abilities. In only three weeks, she was no longer the same child, and there were clear and visible alleviations of her physical symptoms.
I asked the mother to write a testimonial to give other parents the opportunity to help their Down Syndrome Trisomy 21 children through her example. She wanted to think about it.
But the mother had a problem; she was very ashamed to talk about it with others because she felt responsible, through her behavior and loud voice, for her child’s issues.
After three weeks, the mother traveled back to Europe with her children, and I had no more contact with her.
For this reason, I decided to write down this case study and to keep all those involved anonymous.