Disabled Children – German New Medicine – Testimonial

These-Real Life Testimonials were written by people who apply German New Medicine in their daily lives.

Sandefjord, 3. 3. 2014

“Disabled Children” Developmental Retardation Based on “The Infantile Territorial Area Psychoses”

A tremendously large area of infantile psychoses is mentally retarded children and adolescents.

Not all have territorial psychoses, but most do.

These “retarded children” are a domain for Mein Studentenmädchen, as one of the “little cases” from Poland shows (page 302). These handicapped children just love the archaic magic melody. And here we have great successes, which we could not even imagine. In the past, these were simply “handicapped children” with suspected early childhood brain damage. We then often attributed the disability to oxygen deficiency of the brain at birth.

But could it not be that this oxygen asphyxia could possibly be rather a consequence of the intrauterine constellation or psychosis? This assumption is strongly suggested to us by Mein Studentenmädchen.

Not only that. Our observations so far, admittedly still sparse, are already sensational.

Perhaps we can normalize a large part of the “handicapped children” whose handicap is caused by a psychosis by transforming the psychosis down with Mein Studentenmädchen, even if the constellation cannot be “dissolved” in all of them. But this is not necessary at the first attempt.

In any case, this seems to be a breathtaking possibility to help our handicapped, especially the children. However, nothing speaks against trying such kind of help also with adults. The possibilities of our archaic magic melody seem to be far from exhausted. But the dimensions of these possibilities make my skin crawl with happiness.


A case from Poland from the book “Mein Studentenmädchen” 1st edition:

Julia was born a healthy child 12 years ago. She developed normally. When she was 2 ½ years old, we noticed that Julia could not speak while other children could already speak perfectly. Julia underwent various examinations, but without results. A psychologist advised us to send Julia to kindergarten. Julia experienced this very traumatically. She found it difficult to stay with strangers without her mother.

Julia is very open and outgoing, even to strangers. She often experiences strong emotional states. One moment she is laughing, and the next, she can be crying without knowing why. She has difficulty remembering tasks and trouble performing them. However, she remembers faces very well. She does not know letters. In school, she learned to recognize only one letter in the morning, but a brief moment later, she had forgotten everything.

Since listening to Mein Studentenmädchen, she learned to recognize and associate 14 letters in a few days. It’s incredible progress in such a short time.

Julia does not play with her peers; she prefers the company of adults and likes to be the center of attention.

She has three younger brothers. The 5-year-old brother Hubert has problems doing big business on the potty and often wets his pants. We turned on Mein Studentenmädchen for Julia, and Hubert also listened to it before and during sleep. Gradually his problem disappears. Sometimes it still happens that he forgets, but it is much better than it used to be.

So much for the somewhat abbreviated report from Poland that was given to us. The parents did not know the Germanische Heilkunde so far. Their children have severe conflicts, but we are not aware of them. Astonishingly, Mein Studentenmädchen can trigger such astonishing successes even with children of other languages. The magic melody has transformed the conflicts of these children within a few days. The improvements in learning and comprehension are not to be overlooked.

We already have numerous ongoing cases. Still, not yet many completed ones, as we would wish, to sufficiently demonstrate the phenomenon of the downward transformation of conflicts. Nothing more will change about the phenomenon as such. Moreover, the reader will find that all effects are ultimately interrelated.

The many “handicapped children” have almost all suffered two territorial conflicts, either already in the womb or in the first period of life.

Normally, they should all react positively to Mein Studentenmädchen. With all of them, one could try to transform the conflicts down.

In the meantime, we have gathered a lot of experience and are amazed: We found out that the infinite number of psychotic = “handicapped children” is a domain for Mein Studentenmädchen.

The sensation is so infinitely great that one would have to shout it out into the world. I used to work as an assistant in Tübingen for almost a year in a department for handicapped children in the psychiatric-neurological department. Unfortunately, we were unable to do anything therapeutically in any case. And the so-called diagnostics were more pseudo-diagnostics. It was always called “early childhood brain damage.” But we never knew the real cause. To my knowledge, this has not changed until today. I know what I am talking about.

And now Dr. Hamer comes with a little tender love song to his wife, his Studentenmädchen – and all handicapped and psychotic children (and animals) become normal again. The parents cry with happiness because they would never have dreamed of such a miracle! It would be almost too good to be true! But my joy, it is true!

Of course, I will not get a Nobel Prize for this because I am not a Jew, but the tears of gratitude of only one mother for her re-gifted child are worth infinitely more to me.

Continuation of the case from Poland (first part in the book Mein Studentenmädchen, page 302):

So let’s continue with our Polish 12-year-old girl Julia, who was an imbecile six months ago before she started listening to My Student Girl, which she loves dearly, around the clock. And what can I tell you, on honor and conscience? With this girl today, you can generally talk with standard vocabulary. She wants to go to high school and sings very beautifully. Later, she would like to study singing.

Mein Studentenmädchen can already sing it in German. Nobody can see that she was an imbecile six months ago and was considered incurable (= incurable, most severe handicap).

But let’s hear the mother herself, whose letter reached me today:

“Julia is 12 years old and has been listening to Dr. Hamer’s music Mein Studentenmaedchen for six months.

Before she started listening to it, she did not know more than two words and not more than two letters. She had problems with memory and concentration. All this was the reason to place her in an integration class, but her development stagnated.

Nobody took Julia seriously and thought Julia would be a normal child someday.

However, after just one evening and night with “Mein Studentenmädchen,” something unexpected happened: after a few repetitions of simple associations, Julia could remember eight letters and the next day 12!!!! This was really groundbreaking!!!

Today, Julia takes part in private music lessons. Initially, she could not remember the lyrics or the melody, let alone repeat them. Today, she remembers them after only four repetitions. In general, her ability to remember things has increased incredibly.

She developed a singing talent. Julia begins to put words into sentences. She knows many more words than before.

Julia loves to look at the photos and remembers many more details about them. She is the first to notice that, for example, a teacher or acquaintance has been to the hairdresser. She also immediately notices the details of the apartment furnishings, e.g., new curtains, etc.

Julia loves to learn. She continually asks her mother if she will be able to go to school. Because her parents observe this tremendous development in her, they plan to send their daughter to another school.

Julia prefers to listen to the night version and can’t fall asleep without this music”.

So far, the original report of Julia’s mother.

I dream of such beautiful cases and the corresponding parents howling with happiness at night, of course with Mein Studentenmädchen. The fact that the Jewish gutter journal and my robbers and buffoons continue to shout their diatribes day and night: “Miracle healer, charlatan, lock him up, shout him down, finish him off, beat him to death,” no longer disturbs me in my sleep, because Mein Studentenmädchen does not let it into my soul.

My friends, do you know what these statements, which I will elaborate on in this chapter, mean for the hundreds of millions of parents with “handicapped children”? Namely, in the vast majority of cases, their children can become normal children again because their brains are still intact! Every time I write this, goosebumps run down my spine.

And the best thing about it is that it doesn’t cost any money. I don’t want to earn anything from it. About 5,000 to 6,000 patients daily download Mein Studentenmädchen for free (www.universitetsandefjord.com). Due to the exponential distribution, there must already be several or many millions of Mein Studentenmädchen on the road worldwide.

Last message on 3.3.14 from our Polish friends: Events seem to be coming thick and fast.

Julia is currently at a secondary school for the gifted, but she learns so quickly, i.e., is so eager to learn, that the teachers have said, “Such a gifted and eager-to-learn child doesn’t belong at a secondary school but at a high school.” That’s what Julia wants, too. The parents already seem to agree, and the countdown for the Gymnasium already seems to be ticking.

A jump “from scratch” from zero to the Gymnasium of 7th grade was unimaginable within half a year. As if a brake had been released. Only six months ago, everyone thought Julia would remain an imbecile handicapped for the rest of her life. I see Mein Studentenmädchen smile!

Your Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer

Note by Helmut Pilhar

When reading this report, you, dear reader, will probably also have got goosebumps and moist eyes. To be able to help the poorest of the poor, the mentally handicapped, is most likely a grace that may be called “holy.”

Book “Mein Studentenmaedchen” with the day and night version (sung by Dr. Hamer) on the enclosed CD.


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