
Consequences – Germanische Heilungkunde

Germanische Heilkunde® concerns more than just medicine! It concerns us all as human beings and how we deal with each other. A new era will begin…

Understanding of the processes

Medicine is no longer the hallowed science that only a select few know. People are no longer at the mercy of the gods in white coat. Everyone can understand and comprehend the processes in the body and can anticipate processes and adjust to them.

Composure in the face of disease symptoms and diagnoses

With the knowledge of Germanische Heilkunde® anyone can consider calmly and responsibly felt symptoms and diagnoses without having to panic.

Independence from press releases

With GHK anyone can intelligently consider mass media’s views on medicine. It is no longer necessary to blindly believe what is said in the press, and the information can be compared and check using Germanische Heilkunde®. Only those who really bring new knowledge and do not arbitrarily contradict true knowledge are taken seriously.

Taking responsibility for your own health

In Germanische Heilkunde®, the patient is the boss. The patient takes full responsibility for any decisions, treatments and in general his/her life with the use of GHK knowledge. This may be an unwelcome consequence for many people, however, for those who do not wish to take responsibility for their own lives, they can always hand over responsibility and be treated as victims (patients).

Words, comments and their impact

A word can provoke the death of someone if a person is caught unexpectedly, on the wrong foot, and isolated. This is especially dangerous in the area of self-esteem. Therefore, caution is vital with children because they are often incapable of talking about their conflict with other people. Children are very sensitive and easily accept as truth comments coming from authority figures. If a person is caught on the wrong foot by a comment and then tries to ignore the perceptive impact of the comment this can lead to depression or schizophrenia. As you can see the spoken word can have an incredibly destructive effect on humans and their relationships and this is why the knowledge of GHK is needed.

The tuberculosis researcher Prof. Dr. Franz Friedmann to Dr. med. C. Ludwig Schleich (Berlin 1930):

“Go, dear Dr. Schleich, according to your whole temperament, you cannot believe it, the last reason of resistance to an innovation in medicine is always that hundreds of thousands of people live from the fact that something is incurable, because the law of economic egoism is stronger than any idea of humanity.”

Physician fees

Doctors’ fees must be charged differently because doctors must take more time to talk to patients. A doctor’s earnings will go down dramatically otherwise, especially those of specialists and surgeons. A study commissioned by the U.S. Congress found that in 1974, in the U.S. alone, 2.4 million unnecessary operations were performed at the cost of $4 billion, with 11900 people dying unnecessarily. The number of unreported cases is much higher, and according to the Germanische Heilkunde®, this number would increase to the astronomical.

An ample space must be created for psychological care in countries with a point system.

Research centers and university hospitals

Many laboratories for unnecessary research in ever smaller areas will become superfluous, and the money can be used for other areas. This, of course, means an enormous loss of funds and jobs for the many research centers.

The Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg received DM 143.2 million from taxpayers’ money in 1996 alone.

Hospital costs

Many hospitals stay become superfluous, and profitability decreases.

In a month-long doctors’ strike in Israel, hospital admissions fell by 85% and deaths by 50%. In Colombia, a 52-day physician strike decreased deaths by 35% (New England Journal of Medicine).

Unemployment for medical and paramedical professions

Germanic Healing® will eliminate many jobs in the medical field. The labor thus freed could be used, for example, in life and conflict counseling, which is very labor intensive. Other possible uses are in environmental protection or psychological counseling.

Losses in the pharmaceutical and equipment industries

The profits of the pharmaceutical industry are in the billions, as well as the profits of the equipment industry, which builds more and more complicated and short-lived but multi-million dollar diagnostic equipment, which according to the Germanic Healing Science® is 90% superfluous. A full-body scanner costs about 2 000 000 DM.

In 1988, the American pharmaceutical industry spent about 86 million dollars to support 36 000 medical conferences.

Change among private aid groups

Cancer support groups and other aid organizations will have to restructure their work. Many donations to cancer research are no longer needed, and many employees will be laid off. The American Cancer Society (ACS) receives around 100 million dollars in donations annually, while German Cancer Aid receives 25 million Euros per year under Mildred Scheel.

Natural food and health food stores and factories

In the fairway of “the fact of the incurable cancer,” countless companies cavort, which does their business with alternative and natural products with the cancer fear. If the Germanische Heilkunde® is true, many have to stop their productions. We do not want to talk here about the honest businessmen who try to prepare our food as naturally as possible again.

Reorienting medical research

When GHK is understood then the methodology of medical research will have to be reevaluated. Instead of always penetrating smaller dimensions to find the cause of illness, more holistic and inclusive methods will be needed. It will be necessary to research biological development and investigate all aspects of conflicts (DHS).
Holistic research of the human being and his dynamic behaviour must take place if we are to create possibilities to really help the “sick” and give them the opportunity recognise and be responsible for their return to health.

“The science of embryology and our knowledge of the evolution of man is the foundation of medicine. They are the two sources that reveal to us the nature of cancer and of all so-called diseases.” (Dr. Hamer)

Rethinking our approach to symptoms

Germanische Heilkunde® approach to ‘disease’ is very different from the conventional medical approach. Conventional medicine focuses on symptoms and how to suppress, delete and/or fight them. GHK has a holistic approach to ‘illness’ and understands that all three areas, psyche, brain and organ, are inseparable. In addition GHK outlines the the two-phase nature of all ‘disease’.

The senseless practice of animal experiments

“Not one animal experiment has ever advanced medicine by a single step”, – many physicians and medical organizations have long made this claim. Animal experiments ignore the setting of the experiment, the animal’s perception, and, most importantly, that animals are able to suffer and have feelings as much as any other living being. Thus during an experiment a helpless animal can suffer any of the biological conflicts such as attack conflicts, death-fright conflicts, territorial conflicts, etc. Therefore since all animals suffer the same biological conflicts as humans and since these conflicts are not considered in experiments, the results must be wrong.

Due to the separate biological development of animals and humans, different behaviours have emerged over time. This leads to the fact that an animal will react differently than a human to a specific event.

Animal experiments using cigarette smoke have shown that rats suffered a fear-of-death conflict and the corresponding lung cancer supposedly due to intense smoking. In the same experiment using hamsters, they showed no signs of distress from the cigarette smoke and, on the contrary, lived longer than animals that had not been exposed to cigarette smoke.

The solution to this mystery is simple. Rats live near the surface, and as they evolved, they developed an escape program for smoke. In the Middle Ages rats running or escaping were a sure sign of an escalating house fire.
Under laboratory conditions, if a researcher keeps rats in the danger zone, i.e. in a smoky environment, the rats will, out of necessity, develop biological conflicts. These conflicts could be – can’t-run-away or can’t-smell-that or fear-of-death, or all three at the same time. If you allow the conflict situation to persist long enough, many of these rats will develop bronchial cancer, osteolysis, and lung cancer after release. Erroneously the researchers then conclude that cigarette smoke causes cancer!

Hamsters, on the other hand, do not know smoke from their biological development since they live mostly underground. When the hamsters were placed in the same test arrangement with cigarette smoke, in contrast to the rats, the hamsters experienced no conflict at all. Since hamsters do not have a corresponding smoke program, they logically do not ‘fall ill’ with cancer. Instead hamsters make use of the stimulating components of the smoke and thus live even longer than the animals not exposed to smoke. The conclusion from this experiment should be that cigarette smoking is healthy, even life-prolonging!! Since this conclusion did not correspond to what the researchers and medical industry wanted to find, it was simply ignored.

Retraining of doctors and nursing staff

Doctors and nurses will have to relearn and rethink their knowledge to include Germanische Heilkunde® as the basis for their work. Which will mean that doctors and nurses are no longer responsible for the heath of individuals moreover they become guides and assistants to those in need.

Rethinking in preventive medicine

Today’s preventive medicine is based on the hypothesis that a disease is caused either by microbes or by a degenerated cell, which then multiplies rapidly and forms tumors. Germanische Heilkunde® does not adhere to these hypotheses that have now become dogmas. And indeed more and more physicians have become aware that this view cannot be correct. The future of preventative medicine lies not in campaigning for the extermination of all microbes and the radical, relentless pursuit of the last degenerated cell, but in psychological information and care of people based on biological laws. To this end, a review of the living conditions, the educational conditions and the working conditions of ‘sick’ people is essential.

Unfortunately, at the moment, there is little to no dialogue between the researcher and the practicing doctors. Worse still, a huge gap has opened up between experimental and practical medicine. Both experimental and practical medicine have developed separate languages which prevents them from understanding each other.

Rethinking diagnosis and prognosis

If the biological conflict (DHS – a very severe, highly acute-dramatic, and isolative conflict-experience shock, simultaneously on the three levels – psyche, brain and organ) is the actual cause of a ‘disease’ (Sensible Biological Special Program), both the way the diagnosis is made and the way it is communicated to the patient must change.

Today most cancer patients die due to their medical diagnosis and prognosis. It is the diagnoses or prognoses that trigger the supposed metastases and they are the causes of new biological conflicts.

According to Germanische Heilkunde®, no medical practitioner has the right to make a divine prognosis concerning the survival of a patient.

Each case is different, and the further development of a disease depends on the patient and not on external circumstances. The only thing the doctor can and should inform the patient of is the probable development of the symptoms if the course of the ‘disease’ is normal according to the rules of the two-phase. Since there is always healing at the end of this two-phase, there is no need to anaesthetise patients with hopeless prognoses.

Rethinking in therapy

If Germanische Heilkunde® proceeds differently in many areas than previously assumed, the present therapy must be logically wrong. This is especially true for the two-phase nature of the disease.

The senseless practice of animal experiments
“Not one animal experiment has ever advanced medicine by a single step”, – many physicians and medical organizations have long made this claim. Animal experiments ignore the setting of the experiment, the animal’s perception, and, most importantly, that animals are able to suffer and have feelings as much as any other living being. Thus during an experiment a helpless animal can suffer any of the biological conflicts such as attack conflicts, death-fright conflicts, territorial conflicts, etc. Therefore since all animals suffer the same biological conflicts as humans and since these conflicts are not considered in experiments, the results must be wrong.

Due to the separate biological development of animals and humans, different behaviours have emerged over time. This leads to the fact that an animal will react differently than a human to a specific event.

Animal experiments using cigarette smoke have shown that rats suffered a fear-of-death conflict and the corresponding lung cancer supposedly due to intense smoking. In the same experiment using hamsters, they showed no signs of distress from the cigarette smoke and, on the contrary, lived longer than animals that had not been exposed to cigarette smoke.

The solution to this mystery is simple. Rats live near the surface, and as they evolved, they developed an escape program for smoke. In the Middle Ages rats running or escaping were a sure sign of an escalating house fire.
Under laboratory conditions, if a researcher keeps rats in the danger zone, i.e. in a smoky environment, the rats will, out of necessity, develop biological conflicts. These conflicts could be – can’t-run-away or can’t-smell-that or fear-of-death, or all three at the same time. If you allow the conflict situation to persist long enough, many of these rats will develop bronchial cancer, osteolysis, and lung cancer after release. Erroneously the researchers then conclude that cigarette smoke causes cancer!

Hamsters, on the other hand, do not know smoke from their biological development since they live mostly underground. When the hamsters were placed in the same test arrangement with cigarette smoke, in contrast to the rats, the hamsters experienced no conflict at all. Since hamsters do not have a corresponding smoke program, they logically do not ‘fall ill’ with cancer. Instead hamsters make use of the stimulating components of the smoke and thus live even longer than the animals not exposed to smoke. The conclusion from this experiment should be that cigarette smoking is healthy, even life-prolonging!! Since this conclusion did not correspond to what the researchers and medical industry wanted to find, it was simply ignored.

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