Conflict active phase in Germanische Heilkunde®

The conflict active phase in Germanische Heilkunde®

As long as the conflict cannot be resolved

Symptoms that affect the whole organism

The whole system switches to permanent sympathicotonia, which means: the organism mobilizes all its available strength to bring the system back into order to resolve its conflict.

Symptoms at the level of the psyche

The patient is continuously preoccupied with his conflict, dreams about it at night, and cannot grasp any other thought; everything revolves around his conflict, and he desperately seeks a way out (obsessive thinking). He suffers from problems falling asleep and staying asleep.

Symptoms at the level of the brain

In the brain, a polarity reversal occurs at the affected site, which causes other information to emanate from this site and no longer cause regular activity at the organ, but rather biologically sensible activity corresponding to the conflict in question. In the brain CT (computer tomogram), a so-called target configuration can be observed during this time, which is not subject to any changes. Dr. Hamer’s opponents initially called these signs the “weird Hamer Focus” later, the term “Hamer Focus (HH)” became the terminus technique. Symptoms at the level of the organ, tissue, and cells

For the symptoms of these levels, one must distinguish between organs of the inner, middle, and outer germ layers.

The organs of the inner germ layer controlled by the brainstem, such as digestive organs, form adenocarcinoma as a tumor. The cells multiply excessively. This has its biological purpose in the enlargement of the tissue to better fulfill its original task. For example, in the middle ear, to hear better. Adeno-Ca of the lungs’ alveoli to get more air, colon-Ca to have more intestinal villous cells that produce more digestive juice.

When controlled by the cerebellum, organs of the middle germ layer, such as the breast, sclera, pericardium, pleura, peritoneum, form compact adenoid tumors. Biological sense: production of excess tissue for the purpose of better performance. E.g., melanoma = reinforcement of skin for better defense. Mesothelioma of peritoneum = reinforcement of internal integrity. Mesothelioma of pleura = reinforcement against attack on the lungs. Likewise, pericardium = attack on the heart.

Organs of the middle germinal sheet, which are controlled by the cerebral medulla, such as bones, cartilages, tendons, lymph nodes, spleen, blood vessels, ovaries, and testicles, as well as such organs, which are controlled by the midbrain, such as kidneys and adrenal glands, so-called form necroses, i.e., the opposite of tumors, namely holes, tissue decay. The biological sense here is only at the end of the healing phase (reinforcement).

The organs of the outer germ layer controlled by the cerebrum (epidermis, bronchi, coronary arteries and veins, parts of the liver, external genitals, bladder, dental enamel, sensory organs) form squamous ulcer carcinomas, i.e., ulcers with tissue decay—biological sense: regulation of status in the group. E.g., territorial conflict: coronary arteries are peeled off so that more blood flows to have more power in the fight for the territory. Serves selection. If a conflict lasts too long, even a solution can no longer bring help; the individual dies. Each has only a limited time to assert itself in the group.

In general, the following applies to all forms of cancer: The more extensive the Hamer Focus in the brain, the more extensive the tumor, necrosis, or ulcer will be. The more intense the conflict was, the faster the tumor grew and the larger the necrosis or ulcer became.

The course of the “disease” in case of non-resolution of the conflict

Suppose the patient cannot solve his biological conflict. In that case, the organism is so affected by the permanent sympathicotonia that he may die, mostly not from the tumor, but from cachexia, loss of appetite, emaciation, or from a whole number of new cancers added by ever new conflicts (so far called metastases).

If the patient does not take the chance to solve his conflict or does not manage to cope with the conflict in a reasonable time, then he has lost his biological chance. He dies, even if sometime later – too late – the conflict is solved.

He often loses energy in the fight with his biological substance to such an extent that the whole system gets out of balance, and into death.

It should not come so far. With a natural way of life and a small rest of intuition, almost everybody manages to get into the second phase. The tumor itself is biologically the most harmless thing about cancer.

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