Chickens, let healing happen: German New Medicine Testimonial

These-Real Life Testimonials were written by people who apply German New Medicine in their daily lives.

Let healing happen! Creation does not make mistakes. It is perfect.

On June 29, 2021, I received the following message from my beloved:

“Honey, let’s dig into the attic this afternoon and see what is usable because I want a chicken coop.”

This started a remarkable learning journey for both of us, because animals are a true gift for us humans – if we observe them. They are a mirror of nature itself, and the processes and programs given to all living things from the moment of their creation.

By attentively observing, we were able to learn so much from our chickens and we also discarded many ideas. We had to throw out the usual thinking patterns of our society. Man considers himself the crown of creation, and that may be so, however, we humans have been negligent. We have allowed ourselves to be influenced by externally induced thought patterns in such a way that we consider creation itself to be flawed. One thing has been vividly brought to the forefront for my beloved : Creation is perfect and does not make mistakes.

It is our usual, learned thinking patterns that are a considerable disturbing factor in many respects. If we learn to observe attentively and to look at what we see beyond our thinking patterns with our mind and our heart, we find a lot of obvious evidence for the perfection of creation.

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer recognized and analytically recorded numerous patterns in his research, which led to Germanische Heilkunde. He has formulated five biological laws of nature from his observations and findings. The processes of “special programs” are explained conclusively, which creation has endowed to all beings from the start. In understanding these biological processes, it is easy to observe the more or less “normal” programs that run practically all the time, such as the way the organism deals with injuries. I would like to tell you about our chicken brood and our hen Calli who offed us many vivid examples of such programs.

We had our first brood in 2021 which consisted of 6 roosters and 14 hens. The normal ratio is 6-10 chickens per rooster (depending on the breed), so with only 14 hens, the ratio was skewed. It was very clear to us when the birds became sexually mature. When there are too many roosters they climb too often on the hens, and their plumage suffers considerably, sometimes to the point where they loose feathers on their back where the rooster’s claws try to find balance when mating. We keep our chickens in a secure enclosure in the garden, and since there is no natural selection by predators, this task falls to us. We are responsible for our hens, so we try to create a healthy relationship for them, and at first, we put four roosters into the freezer, bringing peace back to the brood.

Although it is often said that hens from the brooder themselves only rarely show ambitions to brood and cluck, in the spring of 2022, the instinct provided by creation gained the upper hand in several hens. From this second brood five young cocks emerged. The relationship between the roosters and the hens had thus once again become unbalanced, and it was clear to us that we would again have to fulfill the responsibility of maintaining peace and balance.

Two months later, we provided two roosters with a ticket to the promised land, and the expected relaxation in the brood became apparent. There remained four roosters for 14 hens, and we were aware that this was still proportionally too many. The chickens made it very clear to us that two more roosters needed to visit the freezer.

Sometime later three of our hens had injuries caused by the roosters’ claws again. Two hens had wounds on their backs, and one-year-old Calli had been hit the worst. Her saddle feathers had already shown visible marks as well, and now we saw a deep, thumb-sized, gaping-open wound on her left flank, which was already bloodied and crusted. This was the immediate freezer ticket for two more of our approximately one-year-old roosters.

My beloved then began to research on the Internet for stories about how to deal with such injuries. However, all these stories were viewed from the perspective of the “Crown of Creation” and the presumptuous conviction of having to intervene in everything and anything. We know and live the Germanische Heilkunde, and an essential and important part of it is understanding the function of programs in the organism along with their numerous symbionts – the bacteria, fungus-like bacteria, and fungi.

So we washed their wounds once with saline solution and gave them a saddle, which protects them from the sharp claws when the roosters climb on them. The next day we returned the 2 hens to the brood with our 2 remaining very sovereign and comparatively downright caring roosters. Calli, who had been injured considerably, was given her own area in the enclosure where she could rest and heal in front of these two lads.

We did nothing else. We observed the healing of the wound and did not interfere with the program already happening in the animals, we were and still are convinced that creation knows better than we do. Calli’s wound soon began to close – although, according to her nature, she had regularly indulged in an extensive sand bath and, in the process, had shovelled a lot of “dirty” soil into her wound. And, of course, countless germs, bacteria, and other substances got into the wound. The current crown of creation mindset with its insane sterility and hygiene mania, would have been appalled.

However, we know that creation does not make mistakes. And it had turned on a program in this animal which had the purpose of healing her injury. The body does everything in its power to maintain life. This also includes the supply of germs, bleeding or swelling, inflammation, regulating the body temperature, or whatever is necessary. Even the so-called pus or slough in a wound is not a disease symptom, but a vital part of a healing process.

Long story short, our Calli is restored. The wound was closed after about a week and soon after completely healed, and she is back to running normally in the brood.

The important message for us was that we could learn again to trust the programs and processes provided by creation and let the body do what it can do perfectly. We learned again not to constantly intervene. And learned again to say goodbye to our lofty idea that we know better than creation what an organism needs to heal itself.

Does this mean that we should do nothing at all? Well, we should at least learn that if we already disturb the natural order, we should accept the responsibility and consequences that go along with it. We intervene by keeping our brood in a secure place and regulating the number of roosters and this is by no means “natural” in the true sense of the word.

Healing is a natural process. There is nothing to be said against accompanying an animal for which we have taken responsibility in the healing process or giving it the space to heal in peace. Here, too, it is necessary to weigh carefully, observe nature attentively, and to make one’s decisions based on the knowledge gained from this.

Will this always lead to what we define as a success? Certainly not. But we may learn to understand that by our intervention in a healing process, whether in an animal or a human being, we disturb natural, creative processes and, with very few exceptions, make it worse and ultimately prolong the course of healing and, thus the duration of possible suffering.

However, this understanding is also accompanied by a very important aspect of our approach to life, namely our attitude to death. Here, too, we may again learn to look into nature and leave our vested interests behind.

Creation is perfect and does not make mistakes.
Be upright and remain steadfast!

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