Cause for Swollen Feet and Ankles – Germanic New Medicine Testimonial

These-Real Life Testimonials were written by people who apply German New Medicine in their daily lives.

What is the Cause for Swollen Feet and Ankles – Germanic New Medicine Testimonial

Hello, I wanted to tell you about my latest experience, my cause for swollen feet and ankles. It wasn’t just that suddenly all my shoes were too small, I gained weight all over my body, six kilograms in just two weeks, only then I realized that something was wrong.
As I am always barefoot at home, I know my feet. I can see every bone, tendon and vein in my ankles and feet, and that’s a good thing. But suddenly both feet felt bloated, hard and inflexible. In addition, the soles of my feet and heels hurt every morning I got out of bed or after I was sitting for a while. I took me at least 20 steps walking like my grandfather, before I was able to walk normally again.
One day, my wife pointed out to me that I had gained a lot of weight on my belly and hips, but also that my face looked really bloated. I felt tired, sluggish, immobile and stiff.

One Sunday my wife went out with the children. I was just too weak to do anything active, so I lay down in the bathtub and added 2 kilograms of sea salt in order to open my kidney collection tubes to excrete retained water. Lying undisturbed and quietly in the bathtub, my causal conflict responsible for my sudden poor condition came to mind. I had not only suffered a self-devaluation conflict with the connective tissue of both feet, but also a SBS with the kidney collecting tubules, the refugee conflict with water retention.

What had happened:
Two weeks earlier, my wife had made our car unusable. Not a serious accident, but the car was old and no longer worth repairing, an economic total loss.
That wasn’t the problem, because a new car was planned. But now it came faster than we originally intended, and we needed to wait for two weeks before we had a decision from the insurance company.

It was terrible for me to have to use public transport and jump from one bus station to another like a goat, which I hate. I hardly got anywhere, and my range of life (territory) was suddenly massively reduced to the area of the city that I could reach on foot.

One day I had an appointment to get to, there was no cab available, but according to my app on my phone the bus was supposed to arrive in 5 minutes. I waited and waited. Buses came and buses left. People got on and off, but my bus just didn’t show up. I was getting increasingly nervous, I was already late for my appointment, no cab available, and the darn bus just didn’t show up. After half an hour, I simply walked home, seething with rage, and I canceled all the plans I had for that day.

I felt left alone and lost at that bus station, like a fish out of water. Not knowing how to get ahead, and that was my DHS with the kidney collection tubes, the water retention. How am I supposed to get my routes done?

I couldn’t go where I needed to go, and that was my self-esteem conflict with my feet. I was just trapped in our neighborhood, and I knew I would never again in my life wait for a bus, or ride a bus.
But this conflict was unresolved because I didn’t have a car, and I realized this situation while I was in the bathtub.
My root problem was that I didn’t have a car. The solution to my problem: I need a car, and I need it now.

When my wife came home with the children, I told her: tomorrow we’ll buy a car, I won’t wait until the insurance is ready. I chose which car we were going to buy, but my wife was supposed to choose the color.

We could have taken a new car straight away, the older model from last year, in a different color than my wife wished for. So no, we now had to wait another five weeks until the exact car that we wanted was delivered, somehow I will survive these five weeks.

That I was aware of my conflicts, that I knew why my body was retaining all that water and my feet were swollen and aching because I was in a hanging healing with the connective tissue (self-esteem). Knowing the reasons reduced the drama, because I had ordered a new car and I had the date when I would get it. But my conflicts were not yet resolved, only transformed down. I laid down in salt water for several hours every second day, so I could at least prevent myself from gaining any more weight. This improved my general condition somewhat, but my feet were still sore every morning and every time after I sat for a while. I knew I was conflict-active, and I knew the solution was on its way, but not yet here.

Finally, there was the day we could pick up our new car. There it was, polished and shiny, with a big red mesh over the hood, beautiful.

I signed the purchase contract and made the payment, now it was my new car and I could drive it home. The very minute the payment was done, and the car was mine, my voice failed and I could only whisper, if at all. So I had also suffered a territorial fear conflict (right-handed with knight hop) in the larynx relay, and the minute the new car became mine, this DHS was resolved for real. I was instantly in the healing phase and could only whisper for several days and had a sore throat.

Literally overnight, the water retention disappeared from my feet and my ankles and my feet looked the way they always did by the next day and my shoes fit again.

I’ve had the new car for two weeks now. I’ve been slowly but surely losing the extra weight for two weeks now, and for a few days I’ve had no more pain in my feet. I feel like decades younger and my face looks normal again.
But my aversion to buses remains. If I wasn’t a fan of public transport before, I now have a distinct aversion. Buses are now tracks for me, I will never again even consider getting on a bus.

Comment GHK-Academy

Thank you for this short story about the Cause for swollen Feet and Ankles. Interesting that the loss of the car was not the conflict for you, but that you had suffered DHS only, when you experienced in real terms that without a car your mobility is suddenly very limited, and you have to plan your ways differently. The new car was therefore the logical and real solution to your conflicts. Your example also shows very well that even being aware of a conflict alone is by no means a real solution. Even if you already have the conflict resolution settled, but you still have to wait until the conflict resolution has actually arrived in your reality, the DHS is still far from being resolved. Every DHS is always based on a real conflict that can only be resolved through real conflict resolution.

An intellectual or theoretical conflict resolution (the car will be here in 5 weeks) can take the drama out of the DHS and thus ease the intensity, but it is by no means a real conflict resolution. However, if an actual, real conflict resolution happens, then your brain immediately switches into healing phase for all involved active SBS, as shown nicely by the failure of the voice in the very minute of the real conflict resolution.

I want to mention one more thing. As Dr.Hamer kept saying, poor people suffer from cancer much more often than rich people because one can solve many conflicts with a thick checkbook.
If you hadn’t had the money to spontaneously tell your wife: tomorrow we’re going to buy a car, how would you have resolved your conflict?

You would certainly have found a solution even without money at some point, perhaps by financing a used car, but that would have taken time, perhaps weeks or months. Then not only would you have gained more weight and become heavier, you would also have been diagnosed with terminal laryngeal cancer instead of voice failure and hoarseness for a while. If you don’t know about GHK yourself, this diagnosis would have ended your life.

Hence my repeated reminder to study and understand GHK yourself as long as you are healthy, because if you don’t want to or can’t learn GHK yourself, the only other option is to go to conventional medicine.

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