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Ektoderm - diagnostic chart cerebral cortex

Heart Attack

Heart Attack – Diagnostic Chart Coronary artery ulcers  with severe angina. Coronary arteries are (Heart Attack) pharyngeal duct derivatives and sensory supplied by the cortex.

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Chart Cerebral Cortex-Ectoderm

Ulcer Bulbus Duodeni

Ulcer Bulbus Duodeni Conflict: male territorial anger conflict. Boundary dispute conflict, e.g., with “neighbor territory boss”, also concerning the territory content “partner is cheating.” female

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Chart Cerebral Cortex-Ectoderm

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma – Diagnostic Chart Conflict: Frontal fear conflict Fear of a danger that seems to be inevitably rolling toward us, e.g., cancer fear conflict.

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Chart Cerebral Cortex-Ectoderm

Esophageal Cancer right

Esophageal Cancer right – Diagnostic Chart Conflict: Not wanting to swallow a morsel, wanting to spit it out again. for the right-handed person concerning partner

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Chart Cerebral Cortex-Ectoderm

Esophageal Cancer left

Esophageal Cancer left – Diagnostic Chart Conflict: Not wanting to swallow a morsel, wanting to spit it out again. for the right-handed person concerning mother

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