Bronchial Asthma – Diagnostic Chart
Bronchial Asthma = schizophrenic constellation due to another conflict in the cortex of the cerebrum’s left hemisphere.
- male territorial fear conflict
- female scare fright conflict
- handedness and hormonal status is crucial
Hamer Focus:
There are two Hamer Focus involved at the same time.
- HH for bronchi in crisis
- any other HH in the cortex of the left hemisphere.
In the schizophrenic constellation, both conflicts are active simultaneously. The expiratory wheezing is an expression of a spasm of the bronchial musculature, similar to the gastric musculature reacting in a gastric ulcer.
Brief schizophrenic constellation in the epileptoid crisis = asthma attack.
Asthma attack
Biological Sense:
Bronchial asthma has as a sensible event only the epileptic crisis of the bronchial musculature.
Asthma is a schizophrenic territorial constellation whereby the laryngeal musculature spasms. Constellation also exists from the time of this crisis!