Tonsil Cancer right – Diagnostic Chart
Conflict of not being able to swallow a (food) morsel due to lack of secretion.
Example: An apartment is firmly promised, but at the last moment, the rental contract falls through, i.e. someone else has snatched the “morsel” (house, workplace, etc.) away.
Hamer Focus:
HH in brainstem right dorsal
Active phase:
Tonsillar hyperplasia = tonsillar hypertrophy = cauliflower-like growing adeno-ca of secretory grade. Enlarged, often “fissured” tonsils when multiple adenocarcinomas with tuberculous caseation had already expired in the pcl-phase.
Fetid tuberculous caseation of tonsillar hyperplasia: purulent tonsillitis, tonsillar abscess caused by fungi (tonsillar mycosis), or fungal bacteria (tonsillar TBC).
Biological Sense:
- active phase wants to salivate a morsel of food in order to be able to absorb it quicker.
- A morsel that one wants to be able to absorb more quickly.