Various Animal Cases – German New Medicine Testimonial

These-Real Life Testimonials were written by people who apply German New Medicine in their daily lives.

Since I know German New Medicine, I have had many aha experiences with Animal Cases

I have been living in Bolivia for 25 years.

I want to say something about our animals in relation to the German New Medicine, and if you think it is good, you can publish it as a testimonial on your site:

Foremost, our animals live with us in South America on a huge piece of land. They live as naturally as possible here, look for their food, mate and give birth on their own and without any problems.

Since I know the German New Medicine, I have had many aha experiences, especially in retrospect.

The other day, one of my goats died. Two days later, the others got all their hair loss. And not only just hair loss, but really Haaaaaaaar loss. It was so bad that I could have knitted myself a new goat from it. Even though they only spent a few hours at night in the open pen, it looked like it had been snowing every morning. I remembered that this used to happen, too, and I always wondered why they would now have shedding, which is consistently only slightly noticeable at the right time. Today I am wiser and know that the goats suffered a separation conflict. After two weeks, this again was passed.

Observations on our animals conform by German New Medicine

Over the years, we noticed that animals that survived an accident or medical rescue repeatedly died away from us entirely out of nowhere, weeks or even months later. This was a mystery to us. With today’s knowledge, it seems they could not redeem the trauma suffered and therefore died anyway.

For example, just the other day, a chick accidentally got one on its beak with a hammer. We feed chicks termites, among other things, which means we smash termite mounds, and it’s always quite a flurry of chicks and termites. One of them almost got its beak under the hammer in its greed. It was severely frightened, of course. I treated it by getting the splintered upper beak back into shape and permanently brushing Aloe on it. Just liquid food for a day, then porridge. It all healed up quickly. The chick was then absolutely fine again. About eight weeks later, I heard an intense fluttering behind the terrace. I went to look, and the chicken was lying on the ground, twitching, and fluttering, performing an actual St. Vitus dance, and died within half a minute. Completely out of nowhere, completely healthy, on the way to the water bowl.

One of my favorite chickens had to lay in distress, which can also kill chickens. So, this is a stressful situation for a chicken. It tried to “give birth” to an egg until the afternoon and hung around limply in between. I smeared the cloaca with oil, but it was not progressing. So, I made a warm sitting bath and put it in. It relaxed immediately. I could feel the egg pushing it towards the exit, flopping out. After that, the chicken was perfectly fine again. And again: Weeks later, it suddenly dropped to the bottom of the hierarchy within a few days, although it was no different from usual. I could not observe anything conspicuous. And shortly after that, it lay dead on the roosting perches early in the morning.

We discovered a calf with a rather large hole just below the vagina. Due to the tail lying on it and the strange coloring of the calf, we had not noticed it right away. My husband smelled the wound. We had to catch it and keep it tethered for a few days, which is severe stress for a free animal, even though the mother was with it frequently.  We cleaned out the hole, injected vitamin K and blue spray to kill the larvae, and then vigorous aloe rinses two times a day (really getting into the wound). It healed rapidly, partly because it was the proper phase of the moon, and the calf was able to run with the herd again. About a quarter of a year later, one morning, it was lying dead in the pasture. Just like that: chubby, round and healthy. Not a snake bite, which you can tell by the reaction of the vultures. The vultures do not touch animals with venomous bites for three days but sit in the trees all around. Likewise, animals with drugs in them are entirely ignored and wholly left to the worms.

It is striking how precisely the German New Medicine also applies to animals

That’s just a few examples of quite a few. The whole thing has now got meaning for us. It is striking that it always happens weeks or even months later. I have spoken with other owners, who now suddenly noticed it too. And it naturally leaves to it considerations in the room whether rescue actions make at all sense? Or does one leave that entirely to nature? The question arose, and in practice, it now looks like that we often no longer help with the (semi-wild) cattle (we also have tame ones) because, especially for them, the treatment itself is also, again, a lot of stress or even trauma. It heals then primarily by itself, or just sometimes not. But we always help when the animal seems to suffer.

Another story: cats sometimes get hind leg paralysis here. No one could tell me yet what causes it. Theories are many, but we have had to redeem a few cats because they don’t just die so quickly, they can’t scratch themselves anymore, and everywhere they can’t reach with their tongues. The head, for example, is very much affected by fleas, etc., becomes really crusty, and they really suffer. I always saw very early when it got them. A little insecurity when jumping on the chair, and I suffered along again. When we had such a mule again, she was already dragging her rear end almost entirely behind her.
I was reading the book “Conversations with God,” and they’re about praying for thanks. And gave it a try. (You probably send a “push prayer” to heaven now, Mr. Pilhar.) Two or three times a day, I sat down with her in the green, stared at her and imagined her healthy and lively, and thanked the universe for the recovery of this cat. She would drag across the grass, and I would see her healthy all the time for several minutes. And one morning, I opened the bedroom door, and there she was, walking across the patio towards me, perfectly healthy. And the strange thing was also that I wasn’t even surprised. I just knew it was going to happen. A year and a half later, I went looking for her early because she wasn’t at the house and didn’t respond to my calling, and I found her under a mallow bush near the house. She was dead and lying there, heading towards the house, as if she had just dropped dead in the middle of the walk home. She was in good health and not old. But even more strange is that since then, we have not had a single case of cat lameness in the many cats that have followed, and this is now more than ten years ago.

Mastitis in our animals explained based on the German New Medicine

Then there is the issue of mastitis, which is the biggest problem in modern cruel dairy farming. Animals milked with young never get mastitis. We have not had a single case in over 20 years in cattle and goats. You can’t take animal mothers away from their offspring to have all the milk for yourself, then think this action has no effect on the animal, and then blame it on imaginary bacteria. You have to share with the young animal, which is only fair.

When we sell the calves, our mothers also suffer a shock, which causes them to get their “hot days” in no time. Already the next day, the reaction of the bulls is there. However, our calves are already three-quarters to one year old when we sell them, but some are still attached to the “breast.” Many cows are also already pregnant again, but quite a few are not, which changes quickly when their calf is suddenly gone.

When the mothers close the milk bar for their offspring forever, the calves often suffer a shock. Many then visibly sag, suddenly have ticks, become thin, which cannot be due to the loss of milk, because they have been eating grass for a long time, seem a bit apathetic, etc. They now have to quench their thirst at the watering holes, and previously we thought it was the bacterial changeover that was causing this sagging. Although we also observe that many calves still sip this water from time to time at milk times and without any consequences. This sagging will disappear after a few weeks. The ticks disappear. They become fatter again and romp around again. So, it’s the trauma of being cut off?

If our chickens have times no macho, which is just the case at the moment, a female takes over this role. It even starts to crow (that sounds like cock in the voice change) but is recognized as a crowing. However, a cock would laugh at himself about this bungling). They also mount their fellow chickens, and those so considered also react precisely the same way as a rooster. They squat down before and shake themselves afterward.

Also, according to the German New Medicine, parasites such as ticks appear only in the healing phase.

In one of your testimonials, I just read that parasites like ticks only appear in certain healing phases. This does not quite make sense to me (see the weaning process in calves). We have observed over the years that tick infestations, for example, consistently only occur in animals that are “weakening” for some reason. Such periods always exist in cattle and goats just before and after birth (if pregnancy is like SBS, is birth the cure? Animals continue to have ticks for a while after birth). And our animals also have ticks as a sign of incipient death, even if nothing is seen on the animal yet.

The DHS that the goats suffer eludes me. They quickly flee to the house or barn if they really get scared of something. We always know when they are upset. But this happens only rarely when they see a stray dog or something. Our land is large, but they never truly go far away. The food supply is ample everywhere. They have tiny mountains of stones to climb and lounge around near the house; they are very happy. They live freely as wild goats, come voluntarily to the open stable in the evening, and can go early again when they want.

My lowest-ranking goat often has ticks in the tick season; she often gets one drawn over the beet by her bitch colleagues. However, she also has months outside the tick season when she has no ticks but still gets a beating. All the others have only very rarely or never a tick, or only in the previously mentioned conditions.

A goat, for example, we bought with young. The kid seemed healthy; quickly, I noticed that it was quite thin, the many curly fur deceived. It seemed somewhat apathetic in behavior, and I did not have a good feeling. I watched it closely. For example, it ate a plant with much milky sap that the others did not eat, maybe as medicine, I thought. Goats have their “medicine plants.” One day they eat greedily on a “poison tree,” then again for months, not a single leaf. The kid was quiet and still, with no lust for life. It was quietly deteriorating more and more each day, and I knew it was going to die. On its last day, I was sitting in the grass with it on my lap, petting it and talking to it, when I noticed a teeming on it. I looked closer. It was covered with tiny white ticks. I mean all over, full of tiny white ticks. They crawled along the edges of the eyes, up and down the nose, all over the face, and when I dug in the fur, I found them all over the skin. However, by now, the kid was well into the dying process and not quite in this world anymore, it barely stirred, and a few hours later, it was dead. When I came back after a while with the wheelbarrow, no tick was to be seen anymore, also at me, and nothing crawled around, and also the goats had no infestation in consequence, although they frequented the place regularly.

Another case: I had a goat that turned out to be a hermaphrodite. She looked female on the outside, with a large udder of meat. At three-quarters of a year, milk poured in, which I milked off at some point. I then milked this goat for over three years, although she never had a young one. In all her behavior, however, she became macho. She mounted the goats, with all the hoopla that goes with it, moaning, tongue out, guarding. It looked pretty funny how she was there crawling around on the goats with her udder dangling. Any macho guy that came along to cover was manfully put in his place. But she was never aggressive per se, and she was always fat, healthy, and very well-fed. All of a sudden, she had a tick on her hanging ear; she had never had one before. Then another one, and then more and more. I knew already with the second, and there was something wrong. She slowly became thinner, actually not really thinner, somewhat older. She suddenly looked old, like an old goat. The spine stuck out now, the milk dried up. The ticks on the ear did not go away either, there were no masses but quite a few, and that was abnormal. But she ate and was also out with the others during the day, she was just quieter, and one morning she was lying dead in the barn.

And another thing: When we bought 20 hectares of neighboring land, the owner had a small dairy farm. His worker said to us. You won’t have much fun there. The land is infested with ticks. And he was surprised the following time that our cows there had no tick infestation.

So, that was a sermon.

Best regards from the neighboring country

Note by Helmut Pilhar

Impressive animal observations. The topic of parasites has been coming up more frequently lately. Dr. Hamer explained, parasites only come when the body calls them – much like microbes. However, parasites will descend on victims like a pack of wolves on a healthy flock of sheep, such as scabies. There would be a lot to explore there. Should the Deep State finally fall and the Germanische Heilkunde hold its triumphal procession worldwide, the Germanische has quite a few doctoral theses to award …

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