Varicose Veins – German New Medicine Testimonial

These-Real Life Testimonials were written by people who apply German New Medicine in their daily lives.

The following is a report regarding Varicose Veins, an experience with “Block on the Leg”

It’s about someone I knew well, and I’ll refer to him as Mr. A.
My testimonial is based on my personal experiences and conversations with my daughter-in-law about Mr. A.

In the early summer of 2012, Mr. A. (approx. 78 years old and right-handed) was involved in a car accident. While driving he hit an elderly cyclist who was in his blind spot. The latter was fatally injured in the accident and died at the scene (DHS).

As far as I could tell, this event was very hard on Mr. A. psychologically. He was deeply troubled by the question of guilt, i.e., whether he was responsible for the cyclist’s death and whether he would be punished by the law if he would be found guilty. Even after a few weeks, when the initial psychological shock had subsided, it was clear that the question of guilt still weighed heavily on Mr. A’s mind.

Anyone with a little empathy could imagine how Mr. A. felt. From an emotional standpoint and also from a legal point of view, the whole thing was hovering in the air. There were people who said, “You’re innocent, he came up on your blind side…” and so on. But Mr. A.’s doubts about guilt or innocence could not be resolved (ca-phase), and he must have felt stuck, as if he could not go on with his life until the court decided his fate.

About a year later at the beginning of August 2013, a court hearing was held with a local inspection. For Mr. A., this meant going back to the accident site and reconstructing the accident. At this hearing, Mr. A. was judicially exonerated of any guilt. Thus, the matter had been brought to a conclusion from a legal point of view. Mr. A was visibly relieved and relaxed after this verdict.

After about four weeks, Mr. A. suddenly experienced severe pain in his right leg. The hospital’s doctor diagnosed a vein occlusion in the lower part of the right thigh and Mr. A. was immediately operated on, as this was an acute emergency (pcl-phase).

From my perspective, this was a self-esteem conflict with the content ‘Block on the leg’, “I am restricted in my freedom!” The organ happening occurred on the right body side since Mr. A. is right-handed and perceives the dead cyclist on his partner side. The Hamer’s focus must have been located in the cerebral medulla on the left side, close to the associated skeletal bone relay.

Until January of this year 2014, Mr. A. had major issues with wound healing, the operated area did not want to heal. In mid-January, a pharmacy saleswoman recommended that he take a zinc compound. The wound then healed relatively quickly, or rather, it then closed up. Till today, Mr. A. still has pain in the area. Theoretically, this should be completed within a few months (ca-phase is approx. one year, pcl-phase is also approx. one year) – Summer 2012 accident – Court decision August 2013 – September 2013 pain in right leg begins – pcl-phase should theoretically end summer 2014.

I would like to thank you for your informative seminars, the informative homepage, and especially the published testimonials, including your comments, and I thank Dr. Hamer for this knowledge of German New Medicine and his textbooks. I especially value the recorded case studies.
Thank you.
Regards Andreas.

Note by GHK Academy

If the wound is not healing, SYNDROME may be involved.

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